Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1281

Although Batman's relationship with the police is not strained in this universe, he is still unlikely to stay in Arkham's main control room and watch the surveillance video for an hour or two with Gordon.

Therefore, he chose to download those videos, and at the same time, he used the fast forward method to take a brief look at the images left by juegao on the screen.

Not surprisingly, when the picture of gesturing to the surveillance probe passed, Batman asked Gordon to put the video back and play it slowly Finally, the camera is fixed on brother Jue's smile.

"What does he mean?" Gordon looked at the screen and said, "does that sign mean birds Or eagle? What is he suggesting? "

"That is Bats... " Batman responded in a deep voice, and unplugged his device from the computer interface (you can think he has a bat USB flash drive). It seems that the download has been completed, "he did this to the camera, which means he wanted to invite me to the game."

"Wait..." Gordon paused and asked, "how does he know you're going to see this video?"

"I'll see it sooner or later." Batman replied, "because you're still here..."

Gordon thought about the meaning of this, and a moment later, he came back.

Jack's gesture is very common in the "hand shadow" game. It usually represents a bird or an eagle, which anyone can think of. Gordon's blurt out speculation is based on this factor. Further to think, "hand shadow" itself is a game that uses light and shadow, projection source and projection source to create illusion images.

If you think about it, you will understand Jack is not so much hinting at bat as at bat light.

If Batman doesn't come to akham at the moment and watch the video with Gordon, it won't change anything, because at least Gordon will see the video, and will watch it repeatedly and analyze it It's only a matter of time before Gordon can guess the real meaning of the gesture. Once he understood, he would go to the top of the police station to turn on the bat lights and inform Batman.

That is to say, the "Jack" had already thought about it when he was gesturing towards the camera "This message is for Gordon"; as a rule, the video should have been seen by the police first.

Of course, he has also taken into account the current situation of "being seen directly by Batman". In terms of results, it makes no difference. In terms of process, it also simplifies things Because Batman must be able to understand it right away.

"What the hell does this guy want to do..." Gordon's expression became dignified, and his experience and intuition told him This time I met a different and rather difficult criminal.

However, when Gordon asked the question and turned around, Batman, who had been standing behind him, was no longer in sight.

Gordon was left alone in the room, as if he were talking to himself.

"Hoo..." Two seconds later, Gordon contracted his neck and helplessly shouted, "make complaints about your debut." It's even more annoying for you to leave... "


At the same time, in a sewer on the outskirts of Gotham.

Feng can't feel that he is holding the oxygen pipe in his mouth, and is moving forward at a speed similar to jogging.

As he left the asylum, he and Kevin got into the same car and drove away consciously in front of the escapees who had just been released.

Brother Jue has calculated Those fugitives will be caught in less than half a day, and when they are arrested, they will be asked "how did the people who let you go escape". At that time, at least the vast majority of prisoners will answer "drive away" in unison. If their mind is clear enough and their memory is good enough, they may even say the color of the car or even the license plate number.

In this way, the direction of police investigation will be led to the idea of "suspect driving away".

But in fact Ten minutes after the car left the lunatic asylum, he got off in the middle of a road without a monitoring probe; before getting off, he gave Kevin the order to "continue driving in the direction of the metropolis (there are signs on the road)".

And Jue Ge himself uses the floating ability of "treading on emptiness" to run in the opposite direction without leaving any footprints. In less than ten minutes, he found the spot he saw on the road sign not long ago - a swamp, as he expected There is a drain with a diameter of more than two meters.

"In a short time The police should have found the car. " Jue Ge is not idle in running. His current running speed is also carefully calculated. If he moves at such a speed, he will not cause too much physical loss, and he will have time to respond to some unexpected situation. In addition, he can also allocate a considerable part of his energy to think about it. "Kevin's existence time is 45 minutes, and the time limit has been set before I and he split up After about half, I asked him to drive at a speed of more than 60 kilometers an hour under the premise of ensuring safe driving. Considering that there are almost no traffic lights on the roads in the countryside When Kevin disappeared from the car, it was at least 20 kilometers away.

"Take into account the speed of the police response, the time it takes to arrest prisoners and ask for information, and the time it takes them to get the traffic department's surveillance and then send someone to catch up Even if their efficiency is worse than I expected, at least ten minutes later, they should find the empty car

"Because Kevin suddenly turns white and disappears, no one will step on the brake, so the car will gradually slow down and slide for a long distance when no one controls the steering wheel and loosens the accelerator. There may be many situations in this process For example, the car bumps into a pole or a big tree on the side of the road due to a slow deviation, or happens to bump into a reverse car, or even slide into a river

"From this, many new hypotheses can be derived, such as the car is found and driven away by a passing tramp, or someone sees the abandoned car on the roadside and calls the police But in any case, the police will know sooner or later that I'm not in that car.

"At this time, they will shift their thinking from" driving away "and start to think about other possibilities As for how long it will take them to realize that I plan to go to the city through the sewer It's hard to say that they can think for a while just because there's no sign of the driver escaping from the empty car.

"Well In this way, when they think of investigating the sewer, I have already entered the city...... "

Thinking about this, Feng could not help thinking about it: "however, there is an extreme situation - if Batman arrived at the scene and participated in the investigation at the first time" Does he have a chance to catch up with me? "

Brother Jue's worries are reasonable. After all, in this universe, Batman Or Bruce Wayne's wife is working as a consultant in Arkham.

Even if the hypothesis that Batman is monitoring his wife's daily activities is ruled out, with Batman's urination, at least he will monitor Gotham police's communications, right? Then when he learned through the police's communication network that there was an accident in the lunatic asylum, he was bound to rush to the scene at the first time, both public and private, to confirm whether his wife was safe.

In fact, Batman did He arrived in Arkham earlier than the police, but when he turned on the heat detection system for his eyes, swung out his hook, and stormed into the main building of the lunatic asylum in a dazzle But found that this place has long been empty.

At this time, the siren sounded and the police arrived at the scene one after another. Seeing this, Batman first hid and observed in the dark.

Before long, the staff in the basement came out by themselves, because there were several monitoring probes connected to the shelter. When the police arrived, they opened the entrance and went back to the ground.

Later, as mentioned above, Batman stood by in the dark for a while, waiting for the police to finish the preliminary information collection work.

Judging from the actual plot trend, Batman did not intervene in tracking down at an earlier time point as Juerge estimated. He did not follow the route of the car all the way to find Juerge's alighting point. Let's be honest Even if he really stood at the alighting point, he could not see any sign of the car stopping here, or that brother Jue got off and ran in the opposite direction.

Because I didn't realize that there was no such trace left.

"The greatest detective in the world" also needs a basis to make further reasoning. Only the open false detective can do the kind of thing that "does not need to rely on logical order to directly tell the whole truth and then take evidence to prove it".

"Well?" Just as Feng was thinking, suddenly, something came into his sight and made his steps stagnate.

"What the hell?" The next second, he stopped by a wall and gazed at the different color of the wall in front of him.

In this dark sewer, even if ordinary people hold a searchlight, I'm afraid it's hard to find this abnormality. However, Feng can't help but rely on a flashlight (which he has in his luggage) to capture this detail

Dong Dong -

Chueh Ge tapped the wall with the end of the flashlight. He immediately realized that the wall with different colors was made of a kind of material that he couldn't identify at all. In a sewer composed of cement and bricks, the wall seemed more suspicious.

"Well The edge is irregular, and there is a crack in the place where it is connected with the surrounding wall, and... " Feng unconsciously carefully observed the wall and began to deduce in his heart, "this material has penetrated and filled these gaps..." Within two seconds, he understood, "that is to say There was no such wall here, but someone sealed it with a chemical mixture that can expand and solidify rapidly... "

A smile appeared on brother Jue's face: "then the problem comes What is hidden behind the wall? "