Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1266

He Yangxin was shocked by the stagnant force from his wrist.

When was the last time someone blocked his sword He can't remember clearly.

He never thought that someone in the Wulin of the Central Plains could do this.

"Come Who? He Yangxin did not know the young female swordsman in front of him. Even though he had already memorized all kinds of information about the Jianghu provided by the imperial court, he could not think of any records about him.

"Li Ruoyu." If yu's answer is also very simple, he gave a name, not a sect or a nickname.

He yangxinci's reaction was not slow, and he soon thought of The other side may be the so-called "alien" just like Zhitian loves them.

"May I ask you What swordsmanship is it? " He Yangxin asked again.

If rain face expressionless will double swords a point, he Yangxin times blunt sword bounced back, the latter is also a few steps back.

Next second, if the rain turns the golden sword in his right hand for half a minute: "magic flow sword..."

After saying that, she raised the invisible raw water sword of her left hand slightly: " The mark of the wind. "

"Good..." When he Yangxin saw the two swords, his eyes showed a dignified color, "I will use my 'Divine sword flow' to learn your skills..."

Just as he is ready to start with ten success forces.

"Wait!" Suddenly, another voice sounded.

Just listen to this cry, many people on the scene can conclude that this person has no internal power.

However, his influence is not lost to any famous person in the Jianghu.

"Mr. He Yang, don't rush to start." Wang said, and walked out of an alley on the street.

Cheng Wei is right beside him, and Hijacking a man with a sword.

That's a woman who looks about 30 years old. She's very beautiful, but she's not perfect. Even if she's ten years younger, she won't be more beautiful than Ruoyu or xuhuaishang in reality.

Her name is he yangjingzi, which is the name of "jinghuashuiyue" "Flower".

"For the safety of your adopted daughter..." "I think we should talk about it first," Wang said as he walked

Seeing Jingzi, he yangxinci had roughly guessed what had happened, and his face became more gloomy.

"Lord Wang It's not human. " He Yangxin stared at Wang Qiong and said coldly, "Jingzi's" soul searching skill "is a unique skill created by my dead wife All over the world, as long as it is a normal man, it can not be unaffected. The mental skill that can ignore the effect of this magic skill, my wife only passed it to me; I And only a few of my disciples. " He paused, "and villa Master Wang As a man, not only is he not controlled by divine skill, but also there is a way to turn Jingzi's martial arts away. This... "

"Ha ha..." "I know, you must be very curious Why can I do such a thing. " He took a few steps forward with his hands on his back. "It's very simple Because I have also practiced a unique mental skill, which can not only help me not to be influenced by all the Kungfu and drugs that confuse my mind, but also help me to see clearly where the cover door of those Kungfu practitioners lies. "

He yangxinci's eyebrow angle slightly raised, and asked, "do you know martial arts?"

This matter There is no information given to him by the court.

"Martial arts There are also many kinds. " "I don't know about your fighting and killing skills," said Wang. "I just practiced some martial arts to cultivate my body and mind and prolong my life." He paused for half a second and said, "let's say The mental skill I just mentioned was created by a master of internal medicine more than 100 years ago. It's called "Yuan mental skill". It's not hard to practice. Once it's done, you don't need to practice it again. The effect of mental skill is as natural as breathing, and you don't need any internal power to urge it. "

"Absurd..." He Yangxin listened to this for the first time, but he didn't seem to believe it? Even if there is What is the significance of creating this kind of martial arts? "

"Ha!" Wang Qiong, with a dry smile, said, "the martial arts of the central plains are extensive and profound "Wu" does not have to be force, it can also be "Tao", it can also contain "Virtue"; it is the so-called "The benevolent is invincible". You think that meaningless Kung Fu is really the best martial arts. Enter the Tao with martial arts and cultivate the heart with Taoism Such martial arts are the conquerors of your martial arts who pursue "killing" and "control"

"Hum..." This is the second time he yangci's values have been denied in a short time. His anger can be imagined, "OK You will try to use your "best martial arts" which can only practice your mind Live under my sword! "

When he said this, his body was full of murderous Qi.

"Wait..." Now, Wang Qiong is really surprised, "your apprentice is still......"

"Hahahaha..." He Yangxin laughed and said, "if you are happy Just kill her! She's useless. "

As soon as this speech comes out, Wang Qiong and others don't need to be surprised, but he yangjingzi is completely shocked.

Buzzing -

it's too late. It's fast then. He Yangxin's laughter hasn't stopped. The sword has moved.

Fortunately, the man standing on the first line facing his blunt sword is the calmest one among all the people present.

"It's said by God that the sword flow, Juhe and water cut off!"

"Wind passing, leaving a mark."

The two sides each take extreme moves. They walk together with two blades. They bring infinite sword power. They are as fast as shooting stars.

Bang -

and then there was a big bang, a violent wave.

The invisible impact made the ground where they stood suddenly sink, and the buildings on both sides of the street were also shaken to pieces.

Feng Meiyu, who was standing behind Ruoyu, was quick to respond. At that critical moment, she had used her lightness skills, turned back and left, and brought Wang Qiong, who was too late to make any moves.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Wei cast a grateful look at her, and at the same time, he dragged Jingzi to jump out of the terror killing array created by he Yangxin and Li Ruoyu.

At this time, Ruoyu, who is in the center of the battlefield, said in his heart, "go on like this It will lose. "

Although only received two swords from each other, it was enough for Ruoyu to make a certain judgment on the strength of he yangxinci.

The first sword, if rain uses "moves" to fight against a "chop attack" that contains 10% of the opponent's strength, the two sides can fight a draw.

Later, he yangci was forced to retreat by Ruoyu with a sword. It's just that he opened the distance for the sake of prudence, which doesn't mean he had to retreat.

The second sword, he Yangxin used "moves" for the second time. If it rained, he used "moves" to fight against it. As a result, it seems to be the same, but in fact If rain in mind is clear, under the same conditions, two people fight five more moves at most, they will fall into the wind.

If yu didn't think about it for a long time, because after the second sword, he yangxinci also made the same judgment as her, so He Yang decisively made the most correct choice - taking advantage of the power to cut and recruit the chain.


At the same time, another section of main street.

If the rain and he Yangxin confrontation, tired dream also see in the eyes.

So At last, he did.

At first, tired dream appeared to lead the two men of the Warring States to relax their vigilance and wait for the opportunity to win.

However, after hearing the name of PI Laoshi, the two men immediately took a cautious defensive position, which made both sides fall into a deadlock.

Now, if the rain appears, it makes things more urgent. If she takes away the sword dance grass record, things will become more complicated.

And tired dream is not a person who likes to deal with complex situations. He would rather suffer a little loss and let things be solved on a simple track

"Drink!" With a sharp drink, the battle will begin.

In a moment of angry eye to eye confrontation, both sides are ready to kill each other.

In this case, speed and skill are not very important. Absolute strength Is the most effective starting point.

But see, tired dream also is a move to "destroy mountains and split peaks", its long gun sweep, Haoli is clear, ferocious gun momentum, galloping from.

Sasaki's "sick sword" series moves are mostly characterized by Yin, softness and sophistication. In the face of such killing moves, you can only avoid their sharp points and use body method to dodge them.

Zhitian love is different. Her personality is blood and pride. As one of the "talents" recognized by mengjingchan, she is not inferior to tired dream in terms of fighting talent and hard power of characters.

If it were not for fear of getting old and wet, she would have gone up and had a dream of tiredness.

At this moment, Zhitian love, who has already made great efforts, almost unconsciously decides to fight back

At that moment, when her body was heavy and her feet were full of energy, the whole person would be like a beast out of the cage. She would march in and out of the cage and rush to meet the other party's skills.

Shinning -

after a breath, Zhitian AI's move of "breaking through the snow" cut a gap from the battle air array of "destroying mountains and peaks" in tired dreams.

The tactics of breaking "surface" with "line" is not the result of Zhitian AI's thinking. She just used this tactic subconsciously This is talent.

"Use instinct to accomplish what others need to think to accomplish" - it doesn't sound like a very complicated definition, but on closer thought, it's a ruthless gap.

Tired dream does not have that kind of ability, he is also very clear He may never reach the level that genius can easily enter.

But it doesn't matter, even if Zhitian love's talent and strength are above him, it doesn't mean that he will lose.

"Come on!" Looking at the weaver field love of breaking moves and deceiving the body, tired dream is still excited, but the heart is still calm as ice.

At the exit of the speech, he took advantage of the situation to return to the gun and make a sharp move. With a flash of his gun tip, three cold stars appeared.

Zhitian loves to step on the dangerous road, but it has not reached the point where nothing can be done. In the face of that sharp move, instead of slowing down the forward speed, she took advantage of the situation to get up, let her body whirl in the air, changed "cut" to "stab", and went to the center of the gun shadow.

Each of them will not give way to each other.

The sword came and the gun went. It touched a little bit of stars, which excited the fierce sound.

After the counter move, they both hung up the lottery and suffered slight injuries of different degrees. However, they both killed each other and came back in a flash

Sasaki saw the situation, but also to take advantage of the gap, for weaving field love to plunder the array to kill