Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1265

Fang Jin is not a good man.

Like most people in the world, he cannot be defined as "good" or "bad".

He has done good and done evil.

He once had great ideals and aspirations, but eventually also drift, unconsciously in order to fame and wealth and rush.

Man is a complex creature. Everyone has his own position, goal and way of life.

But everyone They all have their own bottom line.

Today, he yangzhiyan Or he Yangxin and others have touched the bottom line of Fangxu.

It's true that Fang is a member of the public clan. He's a running dog of the government. But in addition, he's also a martial artist and apprentice of Dao Huang and Meng Qing He is also a member of the Central Plains Wulin.

People in the Jianghu can fight and fight for their own, and all kinds of intrigues instigated by the imperial court to control the Jianghu can be accepted by these parties. He can even choose sides and stand in the line for his own interests.

Because he knows No one can achieve the goal of "unifying the Jianghu for generations", and the Jianghu can't really disappear from the world.

Wulin alliance leader, peerless expert, even one day emperor In front of the word "Jianghu", you can only win for a while at most.

Their victory, like their own life, will eventually dissipate with time.

There will always be a new era, new disputes coming

Just because of the saying that everyone knows - where there are people, there is the Jianghu.

But this time, it's different.

In the past, those fights, no matter how fierce they were, were also "internal battles". But this time The imperial court wanted to unify the Central Plains Wulin by such an Japanese school as "the divine sword flow", which was not as tolerable as Fang could.

Even if it is only a "temporary victory", the fact that the Wulin of the Central Plains was once dominated by a Japanese sect with only a few people will be turned into an established "fact".

Maybe those who live in the Imperial Palace and the Zhumen of the deep house There won't be any special feeling about this, but for the other side's martial arts practitioners, who have been in the Jianghu since they were born in poverty, there is no room for compromise.

Of course Considering that everyone's bottom line is different, maybe some people can accept it, such as Tu Ji, which is really worthy of the name of "shamelessness".

"Alliance leader, I'll leave the surrounding alert to the crazy tiger gang. You can deal with those four ungrateful guys at ease..."

On the main street, the three players are still in a standoff in the distance, but Tu Ji doesn't seem to pay much attention to tired dreams. In contrast, he is more worried about the three famous swordsmen and fengmeiyu.

"Tu Ji! You have no face, no skin! " On the other side, when he saw Tu Ji's face, Qiu Baqi was so angry that his eyes were red. He didn't care about he Yangxin's time at all. He just shouted angrily and chased Tu Ji, "I'll kill you first today!"

At the end of the speech, Qiu Baqi was already showing himself fiercely, and his sword swept out of the wind.

"Funny..." He Yangxin saw this for the second time, raised his hand and stopped at the track of the other party's assault, "I'm here Will it be up to you to decide who dies and who lives? "

At the same time, Xie Xiuwen and Meng he moved.

They I don't know why I want to fight

Because in their hearts, they have been defeated.

The scholar swordsmen and the Zizhu scholars are both over the age of Huajia. With their age and experience, there is definitely no young people's mentality that "even if I know I'm far inferior to you, I can tell who will win if I don't fight.".

He yangxinci's move to kill Ma Dayun and Tang Ling has killed both Xie and Meng.

But They did it after all.

Maybe they are thinking: even if they can't win, they can at least be in this move Save Qiu Baqi's life.

Maybe, they just want to sacrifice their lives to help Qiu Baqi kill Tu Ji.

It's also possible that their ideas are similar to Fang Rather than let them live in a Jianghu dominated by the Japanese, it's better to fight to death and die.

No one knows what they think, as I said Even they don't know.

Of course, none of that matters.

Some things, don't think too clearly; people live a life, just want to be worthy of heart.

For a swordsman, death is not terrible. What's terrible is that when he should do it But I didn't even have the courage to wield that sword.

Hum -

a second later, the strange sound of blunt sword rings again.

It also means He yangxinci, another move.

"Divine sword flow, righteousness, double swallow return!"

This time, he Yangxin used to use his sword at the same time. From his eyes and tone of voice, this is the most serious shot he has ever made.

Xie Xiuwen's Xiejia swordsmanship and Meng he's Zizhu thirteen swordsmanship are the first-class swordsmanship in the Wulin of the Central Plains today. Their combined profound internal power of more than 100 years is also an undoubted hard power.

Even though he Yangxin 's martial arts are much higher than anyone present, he has to take all his attention to deal with the joint attack of the two top martial arts forces in the Central Plains.

But when he saw that, he would stand on his whole body, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. His posture was as stable as a song mountain.

However, the blunt sword in his hand was as light as the ear of wheat at this moment.

Ping Ping -

two quick sounds, like lightning.

Two quick shadows turn into swords.

The skill of strong extreme realm and the sword skill of wonderful to the top are interlaced in the cold wind.

And the winner, only one

"Cough Er... " When Meng he threw up his blood and fell to the ground, his eyes did not go to see he Yangxin, but looked to Xie Xiuwen, who had fallen to the ground step by step.

They are two old rivals.

As two of the best swordsmen of the same generation, they are often compared by others; for decades, the two have also fought three times, but they have all won.

Unexpectedly, at this time, here On this despairing occasion, they were divided.

The two men attacked the same opponent at the same time. Finally, Xie Xiuwen was cut off half of his neck, while Meng he dodged and cut his throat.

Although there is little difference from the result, for them Such a difference is enough.

Before the gas cut off, the eyes of the two people met and buried thousands of words in silence.

There is no regret in life, but nothing in death.

With this awareness, two more peerless swordsmen fell into a pool of blood.

At the same time, Qiu Baqi's sword has stabbed Tu Ji's heart.


"Ha ha..." Tu Ji's insidious laughter was like the death knell in Qiu Baqi's ear, "what a Tianzong sword This sword technique is really unavoidable... "

"You Unexpectedly... " At this time, Qiu Baqi was gushing blood.

It turns out that when he stabbed Tu Ji, he was also hit in the heart by the other side's "crazy tiger eats heart". The internal injury caused by this palm is undoubtedly devastating

"What a pity Although your sword technique is high, your brain is not very good. " Tu Ji sneered, "don't you think about it? With my martial arts, how can I stand where I am when I know you want to fight with me? " As he said that, he also lowered his head and looked at his "wound". There Even a drop of blood didn't flow, "ha ha This "golden silk armour" is priceless, which can block all kinds of sharp weapons in the world. At the beginning, I bought it with two gorgeous concubines and a whole vehicle of precious calligraphy and paintings. Now it seems It's worth it. "


Just at the time of Tu Ji's triumph, there was another change.

I've been looking for Feng Meiyu from the mobile phone club. Suddenly, she flashed out and killed Qiu Baqi. She clapped her hand on the back of the latter.

At that first moment, Tu Ji thought that Feng Meiyu, like herself, had decided to turn around and join he yangxinci.

But what he didn't expect was

After a rest, the tip of Qiu Baqi's sword All of a sudden, he made a sharp advance again, punctured the golden silk treasure armour, and pierced Tu Ji's heart.

"Er "Ah!" Tu Ji screams in dismay, but it's too late for him to step back now

"Great Xia Qiu, I'm offended." When Feng Meiyu collected his palm, he said.

But the fallen Qiu Baqi, with a relieved smile on his face, coughs up blood and laughs, "ha ha ha Where is it Thank you very much... "

His last word "help" didn't come out, so he was cut off.

For a man whose heart has been shattered, it is a miracle that he can hold on to his posture until Feng Meiyu's palm passes through.

"No I can't die I... " Looking at TU Ji on the ground, he was not as calm as Qiu Baqi. Until the moment before he died, he looked extremely painful and almost hysterical.

He looks like a puppet controlled by desire (anti harmony), watching his lines being torn off and struggling for the last time.

But his end, or a death.

"Hum I have to praise you. " A moment later, he Yangxin glanced at TU Ji's body with garbage like eyes, then turned to Feng Meiyu and said, "even a dog I can kill it in front of me He seemed a little annoyed, "so Fengmen master, you should have the corresponding consciousness, right

"Ah..." Feng Meiyu smiled a little wistfully, "to be honest I thought that I was the same person as Tu Ji. I was as ambitious as him, and I didn't put the so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality into my heart. All the things I did were for myself. I should have led Bai Mei sect to join you without hesitation. But... I can't do that. "

Feng Meiyu said, turning to he yangxinci without fear: "when I saw Tu Ji's death, I finally understood the difference between me and him..." She paused, the face full of flesh because of morbid obesity, with a smile, "he is a dog, I am a man."

In the middle of speaking, she has been lucky and ready to make a desperate fight.

"He Yangxin, your martial arts are really high. Maybe you are invincible. But remember Not everyone will give in to force and interests. We in the Jianghu also have an inviolable boundary. We will never let you cross the boundary! "

"Soga Naruhodo... "