Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1235

"I'll give you another chance." Seeing that the magic energy on the other side's bone prison has been absorbed almost, he said unconsciously, "tell me Who is your master? In this way, I can think of letting you live. "

"Hum Do you think I will believe you? " Crowne, who was still struggling, replied, "once I tell you the information you want, you will turn your face and take my life."

"He's right." At this time, the red iron on one side suddenly took over the conversation and said to Feng unconsciously, "even if you don't kill him, his master won't let him go."

"Oh?" Brother Jue heard something from the other side's words, "listen to this Do you know who their 'master' is

"Ah, of course." Red iron returns.

"Ah That's easy. " Seal not aware smell speech, chuckle.

At the same time, Creon's bone prison was absorbed by the magic power and turned into a pile of broken bones.

"Drink!" Kryon seized the last chance, overdrawn his magic again, and released a bone spear to the close.

Unfortunately, the threat to Jue Ge from this kind of positive and unexpected life fighting attack is almost negligible.

With the help of the zero time difference algorithm, Feng could not feel that he easily avoided his opponent's bone spear without any physical strength, and a flash came to Kryon's side.

"Well You did your best. " When a lv10 [field boxing] shot, Feng didn't realize it.

From a personal point of view, he has no opinion on what kerungen has done. The necromancer just fights for the idea he insists on and his loyalty to the old lord. Although kerungen himself knows that this revenge against the enemy who is "one dimension higher than himself" is doomed to fail, he is also unrepentant.

"What about the other two?" After Kryon was killed and fell to the ground, red iron asked Feng again.

"Let them go." Feng unconsciously glanced at the unconscious tureus and the motionless ediant, who was still lying on the ground, shrugged back.

After a few seconds, brother Jue started again and said, "well Now, I miss you Oh no, you There should be something to tell me. "

"I'll tell you the truth." In this second, X1 wing immediately took over the control of Ken's body and replied, "Kryon, their master, is the target we are going to deal with in this mission It's twenty-three. "

"What?" When hearing the three words, Feng unconsciously showed a clear color of wonder.

However, he soon regained his usual calm and asked, "you Aren't they all members of 'Z organization'? Why has it become such a confrontation? "

"That's a long story." At this time, the red iron is back online. Now he is also a first-class derivative, and his personality program is quite perfect. So, when he said this, his tone can't help but feel a little disappointed. "We have only recently found 23 abnormalities. If it wasn't because she killed Lengfeng, maybe until now we are still in her dark..."

"Lengfeng Dead? " Feng unconsciously remembers that name. Although he doesn't have much contact with R2 Lengfeng, his moon steps and haze feet are all taught by this derivative. These two skills are also the most frequently used and proficient fighting means of brother Jue. As the saying goes, a draughtsman doesn't forget to dig a well. Feng unconsciously has feelings for this derivative.

"Ah..." "Leng Feng is the first person in the organization to find something different in 23. What we have now The information about what he has done is basically what he has secretly tracked down. "

"What did twenty-three do? What do anomalies mean? " Asked Feng unconsciously.

"Well..." Red iron murmured, "things have to start before the peak of S1 competition..." He paused for two seconds and said, "during that period, 23 left the world of Li temporarily under the inspiration of zero; zero gave a part of its core code to 23, so that she could shuttle back and forth in various script worlds, and her task You should also know that it is to collect SCP items scattered in the thriller Park as weapons against origin.

"Twenty three didn't come back to the organization until the final battle of S1. At that time In fact, she has changed a little, and zero has seen some clues, but It was put on hold for the time being to deal with the crisis launched by Ruud.

"After S1, the zero disappeared mysteriously for some reason we didn't know, and there was no news for a long time. When he contacted us again, 23 happened to be involved in the event of competing for scp-079 with link and ed.

"Now I want to The contact with 079 should be an opportunity for the 23rd party to go to extremes completely... "

"So..." I can't help interrupting, "what you said What does her "change" mean? "

"Evolutionary power." In this moment, the wing took over the body again, and returned these four words.

"Isn't that the basic ability that everyone of your derivatives has?" I can't feel the way.

"Twenty three's ability to evolve is extraordinary." Pterygoid canal.

A second later, the personality of the speaker changed to red iron: "we also heard something recently from mouth zero Twenty three It's not an ordinary derivative; like zero, it's an "odd number". Her original code can't be parsed even if it's zero, and She also has a unique characteristic... "

At this point, the wing spoke again: "she From the beginning, there was no "name."

This sentence, let not feel the face of a change, its brain is also a buzzing.

brother brother and everyone else seem to have been used to calling her twenty-three. Even Jue brothers make complaints about the name "X-23". When he first met each other in the script, he saw the shape of a square female version of Wolverine and then used a Tucao mentality to give it a name.

"Wait..." Feng unconsciously collates the emerging thoughts, and then asks, "you derivatives Are they all born with names? "

"Yes." Wing replied in a very positive tone, "whether it's ordinary derivatives like red iron and I, or the high-ranking ones like zero and ED, or even those derivatives made by derivatives Long, kuaidi, and invernet All derivatives have their names from the moment of birth. In words that are easier for you to understand A group of data and a file must have at least one 'filename'. A file without a name cannot exist in the data world. Maybe you humans can make a file invisible in the information interaction interface, but from the perspective of 'system', any file has a 'code' at the moment it is generated "

"For Derivatives A name is something that equals our being. " Two seconds later, the red iron took over again, "however The twenty-three named by you in person But no name. She's a nameless derivative. "

"What does that mean?" I don't know.

"I don't know. I don't know even the zero about the secret of the nameless derivative." "What we can know is 23. There is a qualitative difference between our ability of 'evolution' and ours. It is not accurate to measure her ability with one or four levels of our ordinary derivatives... "

Red iron nodded and said: "according to the information collected by Leng Feng, we can basically infer such a time line now Before S1, through the analysis and 'learning' of those codes, the 23rd part of the code with No. 0 has transformed some abilities that only No. 0 has into her own things. Later, in the process of searching for SCP items, she may be affected by some of them, or like the ability to 'learn' No. 0, she has acquired some SCP items The power of the law of cause and effect All in all, by the time of the S1 final, she had the ability to 'infect' other data. "

At this point, the scene of killing Y2 in S1 final was flashed in front of Feng unconsciously. He clearly remembers that when 23 attacked Y2 shine, a golden stream of data seeped through the wound like liquid into the latter's body until it was completely corroded

"You can imagine 23. What can we learn from the existence of scp-079 that can compete with the system? " "From then on, her ability to" infect "data has been upgraded to" phagocytic "

"Isn't there a similar power in Infineon?" I can't feel the way.

"Compared with 23, infinit is as backward as those communication devices that have been eliminated by the times..." Wing replied, "because he can absorb link, because he has a part of the latter's code. But 23 different She can absorb 'everything', whether it is the data of the same kind in the inner world or the data creatures in the main universe, even the existence of other universes, organic or inorganic, she can absorb it. "

"All right?" I can't feel the shock.

Red iron replied, "it's terrible, isn't it? As long as she "formats" the target in the way of "data infection", then she can "swallow" it. Moreover, her phagocytosis and absorption is not only to obtain "energy", as long as the "realm" of the phagocyte is high enough For example, swallowing some advanced super AI, or some cosmic wisdom God, etc In that way, 23's own capacity ceiling will be further increased. In zero words "Every time she devours a high dimension, her calculation rate will have a significant improvement."

"I see..." Feng's face became very dignified, "let's talk about the ability first..."

Indeed, what we know so far is enough.

"Tell me more..." Jueguodun, and then asked, "today's 23, to this mouth of the magic island, what do you want?" (to be continued.