Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1234

Ivan's attack was impeccable both in speed and suddenness. He didn't realize anything until the sound of breaking wind sounded.

At this time, it's too late for brother Jue to react.

Even if he doesn't feel God anymore, he can't make a comprehensive response to such a planned and super high-speed attack without knowing that the other party has a "fourth person".

So, there's nothing he can do about it.

If there is no accident, the next second, brother Jue will be cut in the back of his head by the other side's hand and turned into white light on the spot.

However, the accident finally happened.

Just between the lightning and flint, another figure with a faster speed than Ivan rushed into the open space. He was able to grab Ivan's body and grasp the latter's wrist.

"Well -" Ivan can't speak. When he was caught by his opponent, he just snorted.

Then he looked up and saw that the man who stopped him was a middle-aged man dressed as an ordinary sailor, with a bent body and a scabby face.

"Trough!" A second later, Feng unconsciously turned his head around, and his response was very fast. When the two words in his mouth popped out, he took the power of turning around and made a side kick.

Bang -

this knot was firmly kicked on Ivan's chest, and made a sound like that of attacking the city wooden door.

At the moment of Ivan's move, the pirate who called himself "Ken" continued to hold the former's wrist with great tact, so Ivan can't alleviate the impact by "flying backward". He can only stand in the same place and completely eat the strength of the attack.

"Poof --"

even if you can't feel that under normal circumstances, your body skills can't compare with those of the world's elite boss, but they are also level 51 players with fighting expertise s, which is enough to kick Ivan to spit blood.

"Ha ha You are still the same... " After watching brother Jue's kick, Ken showed a smile, "I don't know how to fight at all..."

When he said that, Ivan had already let go of his hand, and Ivan was still in a "rigid" state because of the foot just now. He was unable to escape, but he staggered back a few steps.

"Let me show you..." Ken said that he had stepped forward to Ivan, and the hunchback had no effect on his quick and powerful movements What is kicking skill! "

The voice is uncertain, and the red light appears.

It's also a side kick, Ken's foot With a large swing, the angle between the two legs has been more than one hundred and two. On this premise, the body axis is still upright and stable.

Compared with the side kick barely raised to the horizontal position, Ken's foot is sharp like a blade and fierce like crazy haze. Although the body is bent and the image is wretched, the kick is much more beautiful than brother Jue's.

Snap -

between fingers, the whirling kick with red light hit the head accurately.

Then Ivan no longer has a head.

And his headless body fell to its knees, fell on its knees and twitched Until the end, no more movement.

"It's you..." At the time of Ken's feet, Feng unconsciously moved his attention away from Ivan. After looking at Ken for a few seconds, he said, "Oh Now, what should I call you? Is it K1 red iron or... "

"It's not exactly you." Unexpectedly, before brother Jue finished, "Ken" made another voice in his mouth, and interrupted, "I should say" you. "

"Oh?" Feng didn't realize that he soon realized the change of the other party. He reviewed the other party with a data perspective, and then he said, "well Do two derivatives share the same body In addition, it's a defective body that belongs to NPC... "

"That's a long story." Red iron seems to have taken over the right to speak again. He speaks faster and in a more direct way. "Let's get rid of those guys first."

When he had finished speaking, he turned his head and turned his eyes to the distant crowns and others.

At this time, Kryon's breath is breathless, and touraeus also uses the holy light to restore himself to a good state, only idiant Still not free from the side effects of "frenzy" and collapsed on the ground From a certain point of view, his move is quite similar to "fighting evil".

"Cut There seems to be another troublemaker. " Tureus spat, glanced at crone, and said, "I say Are you ok? "

"I......" Kryon's cold eyes flashed a fire like look I just die We have to drag the seal no...... "

"You think too much!" Feng didn't feel a light drink. Before the other party finished speaking, he stepped over with a month's acceleration and put Bell's daily knife in Kryon's spiritual cover.

At the same time, with a sound of bone proliferation and bursting, a phone booth like "bone cell" just covered a person's whole body.

"I thought you'd make a sudden move..." He was a man who had studied the enemy before. Although he could not predict the enemy's opportunities everywhere in the war, he still had the necessary precautions.

He and Ivan belong to the type of "put yourself in the position of the weak and try to challenge the blind". This type is very common in players, but in the unique NPC and derivatives, they fight with players with this mentality Very seldom.

Most of the high-level existence that fengbujue met before was fighting with Jue Ge with a mentality of "I am stronger than this alien traveler". However, after the events of the gods at dusk, the situation is different Now, it is unlikely that anyone in the main universe who can recognize the high position of juega will make such a low-level mistake as "belittle the enemy". Therefore, it's hard to carry out such a routine as "bear child's lower whip leg + the blade that must break the defense and the head" in the future (of course, the blade that must break the defense has also broken).

"I had expected It's impossible to dodge or block with your body skills. You can only defend with spells. " When Feng didn't realize that he said this, his other hand also took out the sky Gang earth evil box, and began to absorb the magic power on the other side's "bone prison" with this object.

Seeing this, Crowne realized later Feng didn't realize that the attack was only a feint attack. His hand holding the knife didn't exert any force at all, so he wasn't stabbed by the sharp bone stab.

"Drink -" on the other hand, toureus was also very good at judging the situation. When he saw that gokryon was in a short stalemate, he immediately took advantage of the situation and went to the back of the blind with a huge sword.

"Too slow!" How could the red iron make touraeus do what he wanted? He once again killed like lightning, and the sword body he was sweeping against was an upward spring leg.

Then he heard a bang.

The track of the huge sword's swing changed suddenly under this kick, and it became an upward trend, just scratching the back of the head Cut an empty space.

"The one who gets in the way..." When toureus waved his sword in the air, he didn't panic. He turned back to raise his hand and directly used his hand to cast a skill "hand of judgment" towards the red iron.

A stream of golden energy containing the power of Holy Light spewed out at the same time, and the front went to the red iron.

"All said..." However, the voice of the red iron immediately appeared behind toureus, "you..."

By the time the word came out, the red iron had caught toureus by the shoulders.


When the word came out, the red iron threw Tereus away.


By the time the word came out, tureus had fallen quickly and was held in front of him by the red iron.


At the end of the word, the red iron has used its knees to make a standard "waist lock" on the spine of this picture.

"Poof - poof!" when touraeus shot blood, his face was completely unbelievable.

As a NPC with flying ability, he thought he could get out of the control of the other party in the gap of being "thrown", but the decision of "chain throwing" stopped his attempt.

After this blow, it can be basically declared that touraeus was KO.

On the other side, the attack and defense between Feng unconsciously and Creon It has reached the critical point. (to be continued.