Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1163

Dr. epilepsy, his real name is Perez epilepsy, male, blaster.

Blaster has a very high level of science and technology, and Dr. Perez epilepsy is the youngest winner of the "annual blasting Award" on the planet.

Unfortunately, the idea of this talented scientist is too radical, which makes him opposed and excluded by all walks of life in the exploding star society.

Over time, Perez epilepsy became more paranoid, and his research project gradually lost control

In the end, he led to a major accident in an illegal and secret experiment, which not only caused a large number of civilian casualties, but also blew himself up seriously.

Perez epilepsy has 94% of his skin burned; some of his internal organs have lost their functions and can only be replaced by instruments; in addition, he has lost a whole arm

However, these did not make him feel remorse, let alone let him give up.

After six months (Earth time), extreme pain and a series of operations and treatments, berez epilepsy's body basically recovered its ability to act independently; then He escaped from the hospital.

After that, about half a year later (also earth time), a man who called himself "Dr. epilepsy" appeared.

He has a semi human and semi mechanized body, and is in charge of a regiment composed of his own deadly machinery. His style of action is cunning, purposeful, and the means of crime are cruel.

Soon, he became the number one criminal on the demolition star and was blacklisted by Yu Lian


In just over a minute, they have found the place of Dr. epilepsy.

At this time, Dr. epilepsy was in front of a computer, looking at the data rolling on the screen, and did not notice someone approaching.

However, he also slowed down his pace at a distance of about 100 meters from each other.

"That's the guy..." Brother Jue is also the first time to see Dr. epilepsy, but he has seen each other's three-dimensional images in the database, so he can recognize them.

"Well, that's right." This part lowered the voice to connect, "basically consistent with the appearance in the data." He should finish this sentence and ask again, "that Do you have any plans? "

"Yes." I can't feel the way back.

"What is it?" This part connects.

"That's it..." When brother Jue replied, he was already moving.

Next second, I saw a purple figure passing like a wind, passing through a lot of equipment around Dr. epilepsy, and directly appeared on his side.

Then there were "stab", "bang" and "poof".

When the Department came back and looked around, Dr. epilepsy had been face down and pinned on the ground by the poker man. Moreover, the doctor's mechanical left arm Now it has been disconnected from the body, falling five meters away.

"Look..." Two seconds later, Feng also turned to the film, "sometimes the simpler the plan, the more effective it will be."

"You..." At this time, Dr. dieldu, who was clamped down in dieldu, just responded, and he immediately said, "you Who is it? "

"I'm poker man." Feng didn't realize that Toad was still monitoring himself, so he tried his best to act like a hero. "The one who is coming to you It's Park man. " He said in half a second, "Dr. Perez epilepsy, I'm sorry to inform you that you're under arrest."

"Hum I say who It's from Yu Lian...... " After hearing this, Dr. epilepsy sneered, "I haven't heard of the names of you two, but In terms of "the combat power that can subdue me in an instant" and "the courage to step on the warm star" At least you "Poker man" is not a man of leisure. In my opinion Are you a star class hero

"So what?" Brother Jue said.

By the time he answered, the Department had already run to the side of the two.

Just at this time, Dr. epilepsy's corner of the mouth aroused a smile: "ha ha Yes, then That's what I want! "

The voice falls and changes.

When Dr. epilepsy finished this sentence, a light purple gas suddenly spewed out from his two ribs.

When hearing the movement of gas release, both of them immediately stopped breathing.

"No use." However, Dr. epilepsy soon brought them bad news: "this gas can penetrate directly into the body through the pores on the skin..."

He was not bluffing, for before he had finished the whole sentence, both Feng and his department had fallen to the ground.

"Is there In this way... " This part of the face dew pain, side fall on the ground, the mouth is not willing to read the way.

The situation of Feng unconsciously was a little better. Although he collapsed, he still managed to maintain the posture of "sitting down".

"It seems We are in your trap. " Brother Jue looked at the enemy in front of him and tried to hold back the burning feeling in his body, which was enough to make people get rid of their strength. He used words to test.

"Ah..." Dr. epilepsy said with a smile, "your brain seems to be good Poker man. "

As he spoke, he slowly stood up Obviously, he was not affected by the gas himself.

"You are right, this is the trap..." After a few steps, Dr. epilepsy went to his mechanical arm, which was torn by Jue Ge Sheng, and picked it up from the ground. "A few cosmic weeks ago, I was deliberately searched by your universal union's detection satellite to expose my whereabouts to you."

"I have to admit You have a good hand. " "You know what you're doing when you're on a warm ocean star It's bound to cause unease for Yu Lian. It's impossible for the League to sit back and at least send someone to confirm the situation. However, due to the particularity of warm star, it's unrealistic to send a large number of teams To sum up, it's not hard to speculate that the number of heroes who finally come to arrest you will not exceed three, and under such a limit The hero who comes here will surely be stronger, so as to ensure that you will be subdued. And that's what you're happy to see. "

"Hum..." Dr. epilepsy is a cold hum again, "very accurate analysis, Mr. poker man. Regrettably... It's after the horse. " By the time he uttered this taunt, he had succeeded in reconnecting his broken hand.

"It's better to know later than to be confused Isn't it? " Seal does not feel a wry smile, answer way.

"OK Smart boy. " Dr. epilepsy replied, "I know that you are procrastinating, but your kind of 'Countermeasures' made in the' already in a disadvantageous situation ', and my' plan 'which' has considered all kinds of possibilities and has all the Countermeasures' It can't be compared. "

After that, Dr. epilepsy activated two mechanical arms. After confirming that the arm functions normally, he went to the computer again.

With his hands moving fast on the console, all the "devices" around the three disappeared

"This is..." This part is shocked by the trend, "virtual projection?"

"Ha ha..." Dr. epilepsy smirked twice proudly, "the arrangement of these images is just to make my" standing here "seem less inconsistent." He spread out his hands and looked at brother Jue and his department with disdainful eyes, saying, "I won't bring down the real equipment when I'm" acting as bait " In case of accidental damage by you reckless men, it would be embarrassing. "

At this point, he raised his left hand and made a ring of fingers.

With the sound, a dramatic scene appeared Only the clouds on the top of his head slowly opened, revealing a huge star gap; not long ago, a light curtain flashed through the "gap", exposing a huge metal object.

"Is this guy's spaceship..." A second later, the Department said aloud.

"But..." Even if the spacecraft has optical camouflage, it can only escape the optical scanning How does it avoid the space and acoustic radar on our spacecraft? "

"Ha! Ridiculous! " Hearing this, Dr. epileptic laughed, "many people in your universe think that toad and foil man are the first in the universe to open hardware..."

"Oh?" "Listen to your tone, your skill in this field, is the first one?" Feng said

"I'm not sure if it's the first one, but I'm sure my skills are not below those two." Surprisingly, although the tone of Dr. epilepsy is crazy, the response is quite modest. Generally speaking, a mad / evil scientist like him should have a unique and exclusive attitude in academic field. But at present, Dr. epilepsy's positioning and evaluation of himself and his opponents All of them can keep objective, which is enough to show that they are not worthy of the name - they are not "mad" at all.

Kuang - Chih -

just as Chueh Ge was talking to Dr. epilepsy, the latter's spaceship had come down.

After a sound of landing and air pressure conversion, the cabin door of the spaceship opened, and then Another Dr. epilepsy came out of the spaceship.

"Eh?" At that time, our department was stupid. He fell to the ground and looked directly at the second doctor. He didn't know what to say.

"Unexpectedly Are even 'people' fake... " I suddenly realized the truth and said, "it's really water tight..."

"This level of preparation is natural." The doctor from the spaceship looked at brother Jue and said, "I said I've "considered all the possibilities, and I've got all the countermeasures." As he said this, he raised his finger to the "self" beside him, and said, "this" Avatar "contains not only" poison gas ", but also four radioactive cosmic minerals, sixteen special elements, a sound generator, and If necessary, they can explode themselves. "

"In short No matter what race or type of hero you are coming to today, you have prepared a way to attack his weakness, haven't you? " Feng doesn't feel like following each other's wishes.

"It is." Dr. epilepsy replied.

By the way When the doctor's real body came down from the spaceship, the "Avatar" who had been communicating with brother Jue before stopped talking, just stood by like a wood.

"But Have you considered... " What if the hero who came here today didn't plan to catch you alive? In case that the other party enters its range, it will not hesitate to release lethal