Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1162

After chatting with the tin foil man, Feng unconsciously wandered around on the planet of the headquarters of universal alliance.

It's at least a few hours before we finish the test. This time To accept the task and deal with the crisis It must be too late.

Therefore, Chueh Ge decided to use these hours to learn more about the local conditions and customs in the universe, as well as the information and history of universal alliance itself.

Ordinary people may find this kind of "learning" very troublesome, but they like to absorb such messy knowledge - maybe it's a kind of occupational disease.

To make a long story short

After about two hours of wandering around the artificial planet, brother Jue went back to the hero's dormitory.

Then he sat down in front of the computer and began to look up the written materials.

In the next hour or so, in addition to a lot of "common sense" in the universe, Chueh Ge also checked a lot of information about the "Supreme Council of the universal Federation" and the records of some major events in the past of the alliance.

I don't know about Feng at the moment. The information he saw and wrote down in this period of time will soon be of great use


Dingdong -

after a few more minutes, the doorbell of the dormitory rings again when I look at the materials unconsciously.

Brother Jue took a look at the time and estimated that it was after the completion of the test that he found it again. So he conveniently closed the interface he was looking at, went to the door and opened the door.

"Ah It's you. " After seeing this part, Feng couldn't help saying something.

"Ha ha I've kept you waiting, poker man. " "I'm a star level hero now, park man," the film said

"Why don't I be surprised that you've got the title that sounds like lo..." Seal didn't feel immediately vomited a slot.

The Department still hasn't got got to the slot point, and replied: "in fact, I wanted to be called" the war god of the park ", but I didn't pass the examination They say the name sounds like a gangster in public places, not heroic. " He said, but also a helpless expression, spread out.

"They are quite accurate..." Feng didn't feel that he was staring and muttering softly.

Because he spoke very lightly, the department didn't hear him clearly, and asked, "ah? What do you say? "

"Ah Nothing. " Feng unconsciously raised his voice and said, "I'm thinking that since you have officially become a hero, then As a senior, I will take you to do several tasks. As a "novice guide", there should be no problem, right

"Oh?" Hearing this, I was overjoyed. "Mr. poker man, you promised me to be your assistant?"

"No." Feng unconsciously said the word "no" decisively, then paused for two seconds, and then said, "I said, just take you to do some tasks and guide the new people."

"OK You can say anything. " The enthusiasm of this department has not been affected. In his opinion It doesn't matter whether you submit the application for assistant relationship, as long as you can learn a few moves from poker man. "

That's it The two agreed to immediately start the search task through the hero self-help terminal.

In a short time, a C-level crisis has entered the eyes of the blind


Warm ocean star, the third largest planet in Tianwei galaxy, is also the closest planet to star B in Tianwei.

Its star age is about one billion years, in a stable period.

Warm star has a day length of 40 cosmic weeks, three times of gravity, including atmosphere, no satellite, and a land and sea area of 1:1.4 From these data alone, the planet's environment is suitable for many races of cosmonauts.

But the population of this planet is Fatal Frame.

The reason for this is that there is a very unique natural phenomenon on this planet, the level gravitational vortex (hereinafter referred to as induced vortex).

Volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis If the natural disasters familiar to the earth people are compared with the induced rotation, they can only be regarded as drizzle.

The effect of induced spin is not the local damage to a certain area of the planet, but the undifferentiated influence on the whole planet and its surrounding space-time.

When the huge and uncontrollable gravitational field becomes active, it will bend the surrounding space-time structure, leading to a series of unpredictable effects

For example, the planet itself stops rotation or even reverse rotation within a certain period of time, the physical structure of some substances causes self disintegration at the molecular level, the thinking and * * of some highly intelligent creatures seriously collapse, and so on.

These It's just a known consequence; because there are very few intelligent lives survived from the induced gyration, and most of them have varying degrees of physiological and psychological variation Therefore, people's cognition of pronation only stays in the stage of long-distance observation.

Of course, it has also been proposed that the law of this natural phenomenon can be further studied through the method of "logging in warm ocean stars for recording experiments during the interval of induced rotation".

So what's the result?

The people who made the proposal, the team they led, including the data they collected It's all over now.

There is no doubt that they are all led to devour

Although in most cases, the generation of induced rotation will be separated by at least 300 cosmic cycles, sometimes when the wind blows up, a wave will occur in two cosmic cycles. Once this phenomenon bursts It's impossible for a creature in its sphere of action to escape.

That's why This is a very livable planet, but it is always empty. No race or individual dare to live here.

In fact, let alone colonization, no one dares to linger or even approach.

Today, however, there is a space shuttle belonging to universal union Resolutely drove into the atmosphere of the planet.

[Search completed. ]

[optical camouflage has been activated. ]

switch to automatic mode 6. ]

[it is expected to land three kilometers from the target. ]

[the gravity and pressure in the cabin are synchronized with the current planet. ]

[start of countdown to landing, 30, 29, 28 ]

"ah This spaceship is really convenient. I feel like a fool can drive it... " Before Feng could hear the voice prompt, his hands left the ship's console and leaned against the back of the driver's seat and said, "if I knew Galaxy level heroes could apply for this kind of" small assault boat "freely, I would not go to pick up the task before. I would go straight to pick up a ship It's great to find some tasks that you can do alone. "

At this time, brother Jue's attitude seems relaxed, but The Department with him was already in a state of pale face and sweating.

"Pounce Mr. poker man... " The tone of my voice is also hesitant and trembling, "we Is it really necessary to board 6? "

"What do you mean?" Asked Feng unconsciously in turn.

"I mean, of course, to wait and see outside the scope of the spin..." I'm going to go back and say, "anyway..."

"Anyway, as long as the lead comes, the wanted man hiding on this planet will be dead Is that right? " I didn't realize that I had to wait for this part to finish, so I put in the second half of the sentence.

"Yes!" I will return.

"Ah..." Feng chuckled, "according to your logic, our task is meaningless..." He paused for half a second, and then said, "if the act of" landing six warm stars "is equivalent to" definitely going to die ", wouldn't it be more convenient for the intelligence department to directly mark the name off the wanted list when receiving the news of" Dr. epilepsy landing six warm stars "

"If it was me, it would be crossed out!" "It's strange to send someone to warm ocean star to carry out the capture task," the Ministry said loudly

"No, I don't think it's strange, and I think this operation is very necessary. " I can't help but answer in a calm voice.

Just as he said that, their small assault boat had landed.

Before the ship stopped, Chueh Ge untied his seat belt and stood up from his seat: "OK, let's go."

"Here..." The film hesitated for two seconds and sighed, "Alas All right. "

Until now, he has no way back; after all, there is only one spaceship. No matter how afraid our department is of death, it is impossible to leave Jue Ge alone and sail away. What he thinks now is Finish the task quickly so that you can escape the planet before the next spin.

"I know you have questions about the need for this mission." After they got off the spaceship, they could not feel leading the way in front of them.

"Yes If you are in such a job that you are likely to lose your life, can you have no doubt... " I will return.

"So let me tell you now why I said it was' very necessary '." I can't feel the way.

"Well I wish to hear the details. " This department should be responsible.

Then, after a few seconds of pause, Feng began to say, "first, have you read the information about Dr. epilepsy?"

"Ah I saw it on the spaceship just now. " I will return.

"What kind of criminal do you think he is?" I don't know.

"Evil, cunning, knowledgeable, highly intelligent..." While recalling the original words in the materials, I repeat them.

"OK..." Feng didn't realize he was finished, but he interrupted, "just a few words..." He paused for another half a second, and then said, "well Do you think such a person would not know the risk of stepping on the warm star? "

The moment I heard this question, my face suddenly changed: "Hmmm Yes, he must know. "

"Now that he knows, why does he come?" Asked Feng unconsciously.

"Er..." The department didn't respond immediately. It will take more time to consider this issue with his wisdom.

"Let me tell you..." Chueh Ge didn't plan to wait for him, so he gave the answer directly three seconds later, "it's nothing more than the following possibilities - one is that he wants to commit suicide; the other is that his mind or memory is in trouble; the third is that in order to achieve a certain purpose, he is willing to commit a risk and put all his eggs in one basket..."

"Oh..." Ben nodded. "So What is the current situation? "

"How do I know." Feng unconsciously replied in a natural tone.

"Ha? It turns out that you don't know something, too? " This question is really wonderful.

"Nonsense." I'm not a fairy