Third Master Jiang's Absolute Darling

Chapter 405: I'm pregnant

Chapter 405 I'm Pregnant

"Little fool." Lin Lu said softly, "Mom has something to do. I'm leaving."

The point is that she and Jiang Feng are divorced, and it is impossible to stay here for too long.

not very convenient.

Nini looked at her helplessly and said: "Okay."

Jiang Feng walked in from the outside, and his second brother, who usually loves to laugh and is very enthusiastic, looks particularly restrained today. He said: "Nini misses you, so you can eat a meal with her!"

Lin Lu shook her head, "Next time."

She said, put down Nini, said goodbye to everyone, and went out.

Jiang Feng followed her out, and Nini secretly followed her as soon as she saw her mother left, standing at the door, looking out secretly.

After seeing this scene, Gu Xiang's tears were about to come out, she understood this feeling too well, walked to the door and gently touched her head.

Seeing that Lin Lu hadn't left yet, Jiang Feng and her were at the door.

Jiang Feng asked, "How have you been recently?"

Lin Lu nodded, "Yeah. By the way, I'm going abroad next month."

Jiang Feng looked at her in surprise, "So fast."

"The visa has been issued." Lin Lu said, "Don't always pay attention to work in the future. Look at Nini more."

"You know Nini can't bear you." Jiang Feng looked at her, "Lin Lu, you should come back to see the kids more."

Lin Lu said, "I also want to come back to see her, but time is really tight. I am going abroad this time and may not come back temporarily in the future."

"..." Hearing this, Jiang Feng was a little shocked, "Nini is only so old, can you rest assured?"

"She was born in the Jiang family, and she will not suffer for the rest of her life, will she? Even without you, your family will take good care of her."

"But she needs her mother."

"She is very sensible."

"This is not the reason you left her."

"Second brother." Lin Lu interrupted him. When she was with Jiang Feng, she always called him second brother because they had a good relationship since they were young.

Jiang Feng said irritably, "Don't call me that."

Lin Lu smiled and looked at him with a gentle voice, "I'm pregnant. Brother Qi's family is over there. We plan to go there to spend the holidays together. Nini will always grow up, and I believe that you will A good father."

Jiang Feng looked at the woman in front of him, and the heart-piercing feeling surged up again.

Everyone knew that they were childhood sweethearts, but it was only now that he realized that in her heart, he might really be missing.

If it hadn't been for those years when Zhong Qi was abroad, she might not have married herself at all, and they would never have Nini.

Listening to her at this moment, he knew that she wanted to give up her heart.

He just couldn't be a man who couldn't afford it.

Looking at her, she said helplessly: "Well, I wish you happiness."

"Then I'll go back." After Lin Lu finished speaking, she walked directly to the door. A car was parked at the door. She turned on the co-pilot and sat in.

When she opened the door, Jiang Feng saw the person inside, it was Zhong Qi, the man who snatched her from him.


Gu Xiang took Nini back to the sofa, Nini stopped talking, and buried her head in her arms, like an abandoned little cat.

Gu Xiang looked at her and touched her head gently.

Cheng Jing looked at Gu Xiang curiously, and asked in a low voice, "What did they say?"

Sister-in-law is very concerned about the content of the conversation between the two people.

Gu Xiang said: "Second sister-in-law said that she is going abroad. Also, she is pregnant."

"..." When hearing this, Cheng Jing's face was worried.

(End of this chapter)