Third Master Jiang's Absolute Darling

Chapter 404: Coming for a while and leaving

Chapter 404 is here for a while and will leave

In this family, both the eldest-in-law and the second-in-law are from famous families.

Today is Grandpa's birthday. Although Lin Lu has divorced her second brother now, she still comes every year on Grandpa's birthday.

Lin Lu led Nini over and sat next to Cheng Jing. Jiang Yuze saw her and said, "Second aunt."

Lin Lu laughed, "Junjun has grown taller again."

She looks good when she smiles, with two dimples on her cheeks.

Gu Xiang also saw her for the first time.

I found that these two sister-in-laws are both very pretty.

To be honest, I knew that Nini's parents were not together before, and Gu Xiang actually had no good feelings for this second wife who had never met.

But after seeing me, I realized that I didn't hate her at all.

Maybe this is the privilege of good-looking people.

Lin Lu greeted Cheng Jing with her eyes on Gu Xiang and asked, "Is this Gu Xiang?"

Gu Xiang said: "Second sister-in-law is good."

Lin Lu smiled and said to Gu Xiang: "When I came to see Nini last time, I heard her talk about you and said her little aunt is so pretty."

Gu Xiang glanced at Nini, the child's eyes, and it was the best to see everything.

"Nini's mouth is too sweet."

Lin Lu looked down, looked at Nini, and gently touched her face, "Why is your face dry? Didn't your dad put cream on you? How cold is it now? Remember to put on the cream. "

"Oh." Nini replied: "Okay."

Although she is sensible, occasionally she is lazy, and every time she is told by her mother.

But she is very smart, every time she is told, she will try not to make the same mistake again, which is why Nini is so mature and sensible.

Gu Xiang sat aside, looking at this second wife, not knowing why, but instantly thought of his mother.

Li Jiayin is also very good-looking, no worse than Lin Lu when she was young... In her heart when she was a child, her mother was the most perfect existence in the world.

At that time, she might be like Nini now! I only have expectations for my mother, no complaints.

Lin Lu said to Cheng Jing: "There is something wrong today, it was temporarily delayed, so I was late, what about Grandpa?"

Cheng Jing said: "Grandpa is going to rest, do you want to go upstairs to see him?"

"Then don't bother him." Lin Lu took the gift over and put it on the table, "This is a gift for Grandpa. You will help me give it to him later."

Cheng Jing responded, "Okay."

Lin Lu laughed.

Not long after she sat down, the phone rang. She picked up the phone, put Nini aside, and said, "I'll answer the phone."

Then went to the bathroom.

It didn't take long for her to answer the phone, and soon returned from the bathroom.

"Mom." As soon as Nini saw her, she ran back and took her hand.

Every time her mother came to see her, she was the happiest.

Lin Lu glanced at Nini and laughed. She walked over and said to Cheng Jing: "Sister-in-law, I'm going back. Please send me the things, please."

Cheng Jing asked: "Leave so soon? It's dinner time soon. Let's have something to eat."

"No need," Lin Lu said, "I still have something to do, so I have to go back early."

She entered the door and stayed there for only twenty minutes.

Nini was disappointed when she heard that she was leaving so soon. She looked at Lin Lu, her big eyes filled with reluctance, "Mom, stay for dinner! I want you to eat with me."

(End of this chapter)