There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 842: like

Xiao Zhen looked at her with cold eyes, his face was indescribably hideous. At this moment, he no longer had the high spirits he used to be, confident and calm, and his whole person seemed gloomy and paranoid.

Lin Jing regretted for the 100th time and chose Xiao Zhen after her rebirth.

But she couldn\'t show it, who made herself become this person\'s concubine.

"My lord, don\'t do this, okay? Let\'s find a way again, shall we? Duke Ming is only the prince, not the emperor of Da Zhou. We still have a chance."

Xiao Zhen gritted his teeth and roared, "Is there any other way, we have thought of everything we can think of."

They have been dealing with Xiao Wenyu all the time, but this person seems to be his nemesis, no matter how he tries to deal with him, he will not die.

Ah, ah, Xiao Zhen thought of this and was about to collapse.

Lin Jing suddenly said: "My lord, I think we used the wrong method in the past. What\'s the use of us dealing with Xiao Wenyu, we should deal with it?"

Lin Jing suddenly stopped talking and looked at Xiao Zhen timidly, but Xiao Zhen understood the meaning of her words, it was useless to deal with Xiao Wenyu, they should deal with Xiao Yu.

Thinking of Xiao Yu\'s preference for Xiao Wenyu, at this moment, Xiao Zhen hated Xiao Wenyu in his heart, and could not wait to make plans for Xiao Yu immediately.

However, as the emperor of Da Zhou, Xiao Yu was not so calculating.

Xiao Zhen frowned, unable to think of a good idea for a while.

Thanks to the Xie family, Lu Jiao\'s body has recovered a lot, and she can walk on the ground.

She called Dabao Erbao over and handed over the things she had prepared to the two brothers before.

"This is the private property given to you by your parents. Before the Four Treasures entered the palace, I gave him his share. This is yours. Your children are all the same."

Dabao and Erbao glanced down and were startled, but they didn\'t expect that Mother would give them so much money as soon as she made a move.

The two brothers quickly got up and handed the things to Lu Jiao\'s hands: "Mother, what do you do with the money for us, we\'ll be your own family."

Lu Jiao laughed: "This is a private house for you, and I will take care of this home. My parents don\'t separate the family. From now on, everything you will use will be public and private, and what your mother will give you will be for private use, you little husband and wife. If you want to use it, you can take it from your own money, and be free."

"Okay, just put away what my mother gave me. Your mother and I don\'t lack the money."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she handed the things to Dabao and Erbao. The two children glanced at each other, and finally handed the things in their hands to Hu Lingxue and Zhao Yuluo.

Hu Lingxue was a little worried, and quickly glanced at her mother-in-law. Zhao Yuluo didn\'t think much about it at all, she just reached out to take it, and happily thanked Lu Jiao, "Thank you mother."

Lu Jiao smiled with satisfaction, Hu Lingxue felt extremely happy when she saw Lu Jiao\'s smile.

Mother, she is really good.

Lu Jiao looked at Da Bao and Hu Lingxue and said, "You all pack up and go to Qiuxian to take up your post."

Hu Lingxue said quickly: "Mother, you are injured. As the daughter-in-law of Xie\'s family, I should stay and take care of you. When you are well, I will go to Qiuxian County."

Hu Lingxue really wanted to stay, and had discussed it with Dabao before.

But Lu Jiao refused directly: "It\'s not that there is no one at home anymore. Let your little husband and wife be separated. Besides, Dabao needs someone to take care of him. As long as you take good care of Dabao, I will be happy as a mother."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she looked at Dabao and Hu Lingxue and said, "Mother knows what you mean, but Mama doesn\'t want your little husband and wife to be separated. All right, go and pack up and leave for Qiuxian County."

"It\'s only a temporary separation at the moment. When Dabao has served in Qiu County for three years, he will almost return to Beijing, and then the family affairs will be handed over to Ling Xue."

After Dabao and Hu Lingxue looked at each other, they both knelt down: "Then let mother work hard for another three years."

"Well, I know you are all good kids, go ahead and go."

Lu Jiao smiled and waved, Dabao and Hu Lingxue kowtowed again, then got up and went back to their yard to pack up.

After Dabao and Hu Lingxue left, Lu Jiao looked at Erbao and said, "You also set off for the border, go there and buy a yard to tidy up, and when it\'s tidy up, have someone send a letter back, and I\'ll have someone deliver. Yuluo go over."

Erbao giggled: "Mother, don\'t worry, I\'ll buy a yard in the past, and when it\'s ready, I\'ll go back to Beijing to pick up Yuluo in person. It\'s time for the wedding of the Four Treasures, so I\'ll be back before his big wedding."

Lu Jiao thought about it and agreed, "Alright."

Right now, the Twelve Nomadic tribes have just been pushed back three hundred miles, and they will not harass the people on the border again in a short time, so it is better for Erbao to return to Beijing to pick up Yuluo, so you can rest assured.

The most critical time is when the Four Treasures get married. As a brother, it is not good for the Second Treasure not to participate.

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Yuluo and said, "Yuluo, go and help Erbao pack up."

Zhao Yuluo was blessed and answered briskly, "Mother, I know, I\'m going to help Erbao pack up."

Zhao Yuluo entered Xie\'s house and was still as happy as ever, because Xie\'s house was a place she was familiar with and there were people she liked here, so her life had hardly changed, and she was happy every day.

She felt that she had been persistent for so many years and finally got a good result, and she would be very happy for the rest of her life.

After Dabao Erbao and his wife left, Lu Jiao glanced at Longfeng Fei and let them both play by themselves.

Longfengtai glanced at Lu Jiao and knew that her mother had something to tell the third brother, and the two brothers and sisters left on their own.

In the room, Lu Jiao looked at Sanbao and asked with concern: "Sanbao, your brother and brother are married, but you are not engaged yet. Mother is a little worried. What kind of girl do you like, mother will keep an eye on you."

San Bao hesitated for a moment, looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Mother, I actually have a girl I like, is that it?"

San Bao couldn\'t go on, Lu Jiao sat up happily and looked at him immediately and said, "Who? From which family, my mother sent someone to propose marriage for you."

Sanbao looked at Lu Jiao, but did not speak for a while.

Lu Jiao restrained her expression and said, "The other party doesn\'t like you?"

Sanbao immediately shook his head and said, "That\'s not true, she likes me, right?"

Lu Jiao frowned: "Her parents are not very good? Or is he actually a man?"

Sanbao thought he had heard it wrong, but seeing the seriousness on his mother\'s face, he gritted his teeth and said quickly: "Mother, she is a woman, but her family is only her father and her, her father is a coward, and she is also with her father. I have learned to work, and now I am working in the Ningzhou government office."

Lu Jiao was stunned for a moment. She didn\'t expect that the woman that Sanbao liked was actually a swindler. To be honest, she didn\'t care about this, but she was surprised.

Sanbao\'s heart is so generous.

Seeing that Lu Jiao didn\'t speak, Sanbao suddenly raised his heart. Seeing that his mother was not very happy, he felt uncomfortable, but he still said, "If my mother doesn\'t agree, I don\'t have to marry her."

Lu Jiao raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "What nonsense, my mother doesn\'t dislike it, and there is no distinction between high and low occupations, but the daughter-in-law we marry can\'t be an unknown person, no matter what kind of background she has or what kind of occupation she has, but She has to be sensible, she must not be too narrow-minded, she must not be too small, and her heart is smaller than a needle."