There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 841: go crazy

After listening to Xiao Yu\'s words, the queen couldn\'t say a word. Xiao Yu didn\'t want to see her again, and ordered Donglin to bring the queen back to Kunning Palace.

When the people left, Xiao Yu leaned on the dragon chair in a state of depression.

He knew that his body was getting worse and worse.

Growing up in the palace, he was poisoned, pushed into ice water, and injured many times. The loss was too great.

Now he just wants to hold on for a few more years, to assist the prince in the upper position, so that he can stand alone.

Just as Xiao Yu was thinking, Donglin outside the hall came in and reported, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is here."

When Xiao Yu heard Xiao Wenyu, thinking of the father\'s love and mother\'s love his son received, he suddenly felt fortunate that he grew up in the Xie family, so that he could grow up to be bright and upright now. If he grew up in the palace, he would be as gloomy and eccentric as him.

"Let him in."

Xiao Wenyu walked in from outside the hall and asked Xiao Yu to be safe. Seeing Xiao Yu\'s extremely ugly face, Xiao Wenyu was immediately worried: "Father, your face is so ugly, my son asked the imperial doctor to come and show it to you. see?"

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Wenyu\'s anxiety, and the gloomy heart finally dissipated.

Look, this is the difference between people. The queen mother and the queen are here, and they are arguing with him without noticing that he is in bad spirits, but Xiao Wenyu can pay attention to these at first glance.

Obviously he didn\'t grow up by his side, but he knew that he cared and cherished him, and Xiao Yu also knew that this didn\'t mean that Xiao Wenyu loved him much, but that he was such a person.

"No need, Father is fine."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, Xiao Wenyu suddenly thought that Xiao Yu was probably angry with the Queen Mother Zhao.

He immediately said distressedly: "My son is tired of harming the father and the emperor."

Xiao Yu looked at him and said with a smile: "It\'s none of your business, by the way, from now on, you are the Prince of the East Palace, you don\'t need to live in the King\'s Palace anymore, you can live in the East Palace, and your prince will control the guards, you choose the person yourself. , if you are undecided, let Master Xie help you."

The person in the world who does not want the prince to be hurt the most is Xie Yunjin.

They are the ones who really help the prince.

In the past, Xiao Yu was worried about what Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao would plot, but after Lu Jiao rescued Xiao Wenyu, he suddenly wanted to understand something.

No matter how capable Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao are, they are also upstarts in the DPRK.

They can\'t influence the court situation of Da Zhou at all. What can influence the court officials of Da Zhou is the family with foundation, military power and connections like Zhao Guogong\'s mansion.

Therefore, he should reuse the upstarts in the DPRK and China to compete with the family, instead of worrying about what the upstarts in the DPRK and China like Xie Yunjin are plotting.

Xiao Yu thought through this layer, and no longer stopped Xiao Wenyu from approaching Xie Yunjin.

Xiao Wenyu, the Prince of the East Palace, still needs help, and Xie Yunjin is the best candidate.

When Xiao Wenyu heard Xiao Yu\'s words, she immediately gave the order happily: "My son will take orders."

Xiao Yu felt a little sour when Xiao Wenyu said that Xie Yunjin was happy. He didn\'t want to look at it anymore, and immediately waved: "Get out of here."

Xiao Wenyu ordered to retreat, but immediately ordered someone to go to the imperial hospital to ask the imperial doctor Qi to check Xiao Yu\'s pulse to see if he was in any serious condition.

When Xiao Yu saw Qi Yuyi appear, he knew that Xiao Wenyu had ordered someone to invite him, and his heart warmed a little.

this child!

Sincerely the palace, sincere Wang Xiaozhen first did not know that Xiao Yu summoned the world to confer Xiao Wenyu the crown prince.

For a while, after he was injured, he has been recuperating in the house, because he was in a bad mood, and he usually did not go out of the yard.

But seeing that he was in good health, he went out for a walk in the yard.

As he walked, he thought about how to persuade his father to let him do things in the court.

I don\'t want to think that in the back garden, there are two gardeners who take care of the garden, talking in a low voice. They don\'t know that King Jin is walking not far from the back garden, so they talk while doing things.

"I originally thought that our prince would become the prince of Da Zhou, but I didn\'t expect that Prince Ming would become the prince of Da Zhou."

"Your Majesty doesn\'t know about this yet. If he did, he would definitely be angry."

"There\'s nothing you can do if you\'re angry. Your Majesty has already summoned the world, and now King Ming is a proper Crown Prince."

"Yes, now the lord knows that there is nothing he can do."

Xiao Zhen only felt that his brain was buzzing and his eyes were black. He gritted his teeth and walked over to drink and asked, "What did you say earlier?"

The two gardeners didn\'t expect Xiao Zhen to come out suddenly, and looking at his appearance, they clearly heard their words.

The gardener was so frightened that he threw himself out and begged for mercy: "Damn the little ones, please spare the little ones."

Xiao Zhen asked, "You said earlier that Your Majesty summoned the world to confer Prince Ming the Crown Prince of Da Zhou? Is there really such a thing?"

Tai Jiang didn\'t dare to say anything, and immediately nodded his head like garlic: "Yes, lord, now everyone knows that Duke Ming is already the crown prince of Da Zhou, and I heard that there are courtiers in the court who objected, and asked His Majesty to make the lord the crown prince. , Your Majesty asked those courtiers if they wanted to take the emperor\'s orders, but no one dared to speak."

Xiao Zhen\'s body softened and fell to the ground, and the **** who followed behind immediately supported him.

Xiao Zhen looked at the **** fiercely: "Why, why didn\'t you tell this king?"

The **** Xiao Luzi said in a panic, "It was the princess who saw that the prince was injured, and ordered us not to report the matter to the prince."

Xiao Zhen gritted his teeth and roared, "Is she not telling you to say it? Are you all dead?"

Xiao Zhen raised his hand and slapped Xiao Luzi, who did not dare to say a word.

Xiao Zhen completely lost his mind, and angrily rushed over to kick Xiao Luzi. Many people around the garden heard the movement here and gathered around. Seeing Xiao Zhen beating Xiao Luzi frantically, no one dared to speak.

When Princess Jin heard the report, she brought someone over, and seeing Xiao Luzi being beaten in anger, she quickly said, "My lord, don\'t beat him, if you beat him again, you will be killed."

Wang Ye\'s reputation is bad enough, and if he kills people, his reputation will be even worse.

Unexpectedly, when Princess Jin opened her mouth, Xiao Zhen turned to look at her and said fiercely, "Why are people hiding from me, why?"

Princess Jin said helplessly: "Your Majesty\'s decree has been issued, even if you know what you can do except get angry, so the concubine will order not to let people hear it."

Xiao Zhen didn\'t take the princess\'s love, he shouted angrily: "This is my king\'s business, it should be decided by this king, not you. In the palace, this king has the final say, you What is it."

Wang Fei Hua Xue\'s face suddenly became embarrassed. She couldn\'t help thinking about what happened to Xiao Zhen and Lin Jing on the day of her big wedding. The events that day made her humiliated. Later, she worked hard to build her mentality for a long time~www.novelhall. com~ just accepted this fact, and now Xiao Zhen embarrassed her again.

Hua Xue suddenly felt that there was a reason for the emperor to appoint King Ming to be the crown prince of Da Zhou. Her husband was indeed not enough to be the crown prince of Da Zhou.

"Yes, the concubine understands, and will not care about the affairs of the palace in the future. The affairs of the palace will all be decided by the prince."

Hua Xue turned around and left without looking at Xiao Zhen again.

Xiao Zhen glared at her back angrily. At this time, Lin Jing came over from behind and reached out to support Xiao Zhen: "My lord. Go back."

When Xiao Zhen heard Lin Jing\'s voice, he turned to look at Lin Jing with an ugly face: "Why didn\'t you tell this king about it."

Lin Jing sighed and said, "The lord is not in good health, and the concubine didn\'t want to bother the lord too much, so I didn\'t say anything."

In fact, it was Lin Jing who felt desperate after knowing this, and didn\'t even want to look at Xiao Zhen, let alone tell Xiao Zhen about it, of course she wouldn\'t say it.

(End of this chapter)