There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 629: marriage plan

"Shoufu\'s wife has room (!

After the family had dinner, the four little dogs and Lu Jiao were in the room to talk to Xie Yunjin in the afternoon. The two adults asked about the four little dogs in Xifeng Garden, and found that Mr. Liu had strict requirements on their studies, but They were very concerned about life. After Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao heard it, they finally felt relieved.

The two adults looked at Si Xiaozhi and said, "We told my husband before that you will study the Four Books and Five Classics with your husband in Xifeng Garden in the next three days, and come back two days to study things other than the Four Books and Five Classics with your parents, such as studying medicine. , Sanbao said before that he wanted to study medicine, but after thinking about it, I think it\'s better that you all learn medicine from your mother."

As soon as Lu Jiao spoke, the four little animals turned around and stared at her. San Bao was very happy, while Da Bao raised his eyebrows: "Mother, why do we have to study medicine?"

"Study medicine is not for you to save patients and heal people, but to let you know some medical principles, so that you can take precautions when encountering medical matters in the future."

The reason why Lu Jiao let all the four little animals study medicine with her is because the Four Treasures, the four treasures are the sons of King Yan, and they may return to King Yan in the future. A place like the Prince Yan\'s Mansion is not so easy to survive, so learning Medical precautions are necessary.

The Three Treasures and Four Treasures have all been learned. It is better for everyone to learn it together. Lu Jiao felt that it would be beneficial to learn some medicine.

She looked at Dabao and Erbao and said, "For example, Dabao, if you encounter someone prescribing medicine or something in the future, you will find out that you have an abnormality after learning medicine, and you won\'t be recruited. Erbao doesn\'t say that he wants to be Is it a general? As a general, only by studying medicine can you know the tricks of destroying people. The three treasures wanted to study medicine. What kind of bad thoughts, so when we study medicine, we are not afraid that they will secretly have bad ideas."

The four little ones agree with Lu Jiao\'s words, just like their parents are always in danger, and every time their mother sees it through, it is necessary to study medicine.

Lu Jiao added: "Apart from the Three Treasures, the three of you only need to learn a little bit, you don\'t need to see a doctor for others, you just need to identify various medicinal materials, their medicinal properties, what flavors these medicinal materials have, and what are their harmful effects, you just need to know this. already."

The Big Treasure, the Second Treasure and the Four Treasures immediately nodded and said, "Mother, we know."

Lu Jiao nodded with satisfaction and said, "Then your arrangement is to study at your husband\'s house for three days and come back for two days. On the first day, you will learn to identify various medicinal herbs with your mother, and on the second day, you will learn what you are interested in. , Dabao likes to read, and continues to study the next day, Erbao likes to practice martial arts, and the next day, and Sanbao likes to study medicine, so he continues to study medicine with his mother. "

In addition, Lu Jiao decided to tell Si Bao more about historical records and biographies of famous people, so that he could grow up little by little.

The four little guys listened to Lu Jiao\'s arrangement and responded in unison, "I see, mother."

Lu Jiao smiled and looked at Xie Yunjin who was on the side and asked, "Master Xie, you think this arrangement is okay."

Xie Yunjin immediately looked at Lu Jiao with a smile and said, "Madam\'s arrangement is appropriate, what about me?"

Lu Jiao smiled and said, "Just lie down on the bed."

The four little ones turned around and looked at the old father on the bed and said, "Dad, you should recuperate in the bed."

Xie Yunjin\'s face was bitter. He suffered a slight injury to his arm, and was forcibly pressed on the bed by Lu Jiao to recover. He was certain that this was revenge, absolutely.

The news that Xie Yunjin was assassinated by an assassin quickly spread, and officials in the Ningzhou government office all came to offer condolences to Mrs.

Lu Jiao was in charge of receiving these Mrs. Lin, as well as Mrs. Wang and others who came with her.

"I\'m bothering you ladies to come over to offer condolences. In fact, he wasn\'t seriously injured, but I\'m asking you ladies and gentlemen to worry about it."

Mrs. Lin immediately smiled gently: "Mrs. Tongzhi doesn\'t have to be too polite."

After Mrs. Lin finished speaking, she looked at Lu Jiao and said, "We are too polite. From now on, we will all be colleagues of the same yamen as officials, not to mention that we are like sisters, but we should be friendly. You will call me Sister Lin, and I will call you. How is Jiaojiao?"

Lu Jiao\'s eyes darkened, and she guessed in her heart that Mrs. Lin wanted to do something else, but she kept calm and answered freely, "Then I\'ll be welcome, Sister Lin, please."

A group of people entered the inner courtyard of Xie\'s house all the way.

Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Wang and others looked at the Xie family\'s mansion, and praised while looking at it: "Your family is really rich. I heard that Jiaojiao\'s three major workshops are particularly profitable. It seems that you are right."

Lu Jiao smiled and said, "It\'s alright, the money earned by the three major workshops is not for us, and there are other uses."

When she said this, other people had an idea. Lu Jiao\'s words made it clear that there were people behind the three major workshops, and the money she earned was going to be given to the people behind.

Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Wang and others couldn\'t help but guess, who is the person behind their family, the eldest princess or someone else?

In short, this Xie Tongzhi family is not so easy to deal with.

Mrs. Lin thought that the smile on her face became more and more real, she reached out and pulled Lu Jiao, and the two walked all the way to the main hall of Xie\'s inner courtyard.

After the group sat down, Mrs. Lin called a young girl over.

"Xiuxiu, come here to meet your Aunt Lu."

Lu Jiao looked over subconsciously, and saw a little girl who was following Mrs. Lin before. The little girl was wearing a long dress with flowers and a gauze made of Qingyun gauze. She had a small face that was white and delicate. However, Lu Jiao could see at a glance that this little girl was a little arrogant, her brows had a hint of disapproval, she pouted slightly after listening to Mrs. Lin\'s words, and seemed a little reluctant, but she was forced by Mrs. Lin\'s majesty. , or came out and saluted Lu Jiao.

"I\'ve seen Aunt Lu."

Lu Jiao raised her hand to motion for her to get up, and then praised: "This little girl looks good, is she?"

Mrs. Lin smiled and said, "This is my granddaughter, Lin Xiuya, who is very naughty."

Lu Jiao boasted with a smile, "Looks very well-behaved."

Mrs. Lin listened to Lu Jiao\'s words, her face became more and more enthusiastic, she reached out and beckoned Lin Xiuya over, pulled her into her arms and said, "That is, be more obedient outside, and she is called a troublemaker at home, but she has been with me since childhood. Growing really won my heart."

After listening to Mrs. Lin\'s words, Lu Jiao frowned slightly. She hated such a mother-in-law the most. She obviously wanted to take the child from her daughter-in-law and raised it by her side, but she didn\'t know why her daughter-in-law was sad in the dark. Woolen cloth.

But this is a family matter, Lu Jiao didn\'t say anything, just nodded slightly in agreement.

After Mrs. Lin complimented her granddaughter, she looked up at Lu Jiao and asked, "By the way, what about the four little guys in your family, why didn\'t you see it?"

Lu Jiao didn\'t take Lin Xiuya brought by Mrs. Lin to heart at first, but now hearing Mrs. Lin ask about the four little ones, she suddenly understood, and then laughed, Mrs. prefect was not planning to marry their family, right? , then she really thinks too much.

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