There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 628: coquettish

When it came to the influence of Empress Zhaoyi in the palace, Uncle Ning was weak, and he looked at Xie Yunjin through gritted teeth and said, "Okay, we will reconcile in private, our family can give 20,000 taels of silver bills, but the letter of commitment will not work. If it is calculated by others, it will also be calculated on the head of our Ning family."

Xie Yunjin said indifferently: "No matter who has calculated this official\'s head, this official will check it out. If it wasn\'t for the Ning family, this official would not make it difficult for the Ning family, but if the Ning family instigated someone to figure it out, they would eventually be punished. This officer found out that this matter will not be good, and again, this letter of commitment is to ensure that the Ning family will not ask me to thank the family for trouble."

"Uncle Ning doesn\'t need to write, we won\'t reconcile if we don\'t write, just let the magistrate judge."

Uncle Ning saw Xie Yunjin\'s firm face, and agreed with gritted teeth: "Okay, just do as Xie Tongzhi said."

Lin Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly urged Uncle Ning to let someone go back and get the silver note, while he wrote a letter of commitment.

Xie Yunjin\'s purpose today is to get this letter of commitment. With this letter of commitment, at least the Ning family will not dare to do anything in a short period of time, then they will live much more peacefully, especially the four students studying in Xifeng Garden. A little guy, there will be no danger.

Lu Jiao next to Xie Yunjin glanced at Xie Yunjin and guessed that Xie Yunjin came here on purpose, but seeing the injury on his arm, Lu Jiao\'s face was very bad.

She ignored others, looked at Xie Yunjin and said angrily, "Come here, I\'ll wrap it up for you."

Xie Yunjin knew that Lu Jiao had medicine on her body.

Seeing Lu Jiao\'s annoyed look, he immediately showed a pleasing smile.

Lu Jiao took him to the side of the lobby with a stern face, pulled him to sit down, and gave him medicine.

The Ning family quickly sent 20,000 taels of silver notes. Their family was originally a merchant, so the family was not short of money.

But 20,000 taels is still distressing. Uncle Ning felt distressed as if a piece of flesh had fallen off his body. , signed.

Xie Yunjin accepted the bank note and the letter of commitment, and then turned to look at Uncle Ning and said, "Uncle Ning will still take care of his son in the future, don\'t get distracted, find someone else to do something, as long as this official finds out, it will not be good. Give it a break."

Uncle Ning was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and he was speechless for a long time.

Xie Yunjin ignored him, turned around and greeted Lin Zhifu: "Lord Zhifu, Xiaguan will go back first."

Lin Zhifu waved his hand with a gentle face: "Go back, you won\'t have to go to the yamen tomorrow, and take good care of your wounds in the house."

"Thank you, Lord Prefect."

Xie Yunjin led Lu Jiao and the others to turn around and leave. Behind him, the prefect of Lin looked at Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao\'s back thoughtfully. It seemed that the Xie family needed to win over. They had the power of the eldest princess behind them. But useful.

Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao didn\'t know what Lin Zhifu was thinking, after they got into the carriage.

Lu Jiao immediately asked, "Did you hurt your arm on purpose?"

Xie Yunjin graciously handed the bank note and the letter of commitment to Lu Jiao: "Jiaojiao, don\'t be angry, I\'m here to prevent future troubles, now the four little guys are studying in Xifeng Garden, if the Ning family makes up their minds If we hit them, they are likely to be in danger. I designed them like this, and they dare not attack us again, and the four little guys will be safe."

Lu Jiao looked at him with a sneer and said, "The four will be back tomorrow. They don\'t know how sad they will be when they see you hurt."

As soon as Lu Jiao said that, Xie Yunjin had a headache and reached out to hug Lu Jiao\'s arm: "Jiaojiao, I forgot about this."

Lu Jiao pushed him: "Sit down."

Xie Yunjin didn\'t let go, hugged her tightly, and continued to cheat: "You\'re not angry anymore, I\'ll let go if you\'re not."

Lu Jiao was amused by him, and rolled her eyes angrily: "I really should let others see how idiot Tongzhi is acting."

Xie Yunjin saw Lu Jiao smile, and laughed too: "My shameless appearance will only be shown in front of Madam, and no one else will be able to see it."

Lu Jiao stared at him and warned, "Don\'t do this again in the future."

"I see, I promise not to do this."

Lu Jiao didn\'t believe him, but she still felt distressed when she thought about his injury, and reached out to touch his wound: "Does it hurt?"

Xie Yunjin immediately rejected: "It doesn\'t hurt. Compared with the broken leg at the beginning, this little injury is nothing at all."

The four little guys came back the next day and saw that Xie Yunjin was injured, it was a sad thing.

"Dad, why are you hurt again? Who hurt you?"

Erbao waved his fist angrily and said, "Tell me, I\'ll take care of him for you, I\'m doing a good job now."

"Dad, I decided to study medicine with my mother. When I learn it, I will give you medicine to protect yourself. If those people come to beat you again, you will preempt others and give them medicine."

Xiao Sibao looked at Xie Yunjin with red eyes and said, "Daddy, Sibao will grow up quickly. When I grow up, I will earn a lot of money to hire a lot of people for you and protect you."

Xie Yunjin looked at the sadness of his sons, and was very reluctant, and quickly comforted the four little guys: "Actually, Dad was injured because he had a conflict with others when he was dealing with Don\'t look at being injured, in fact There are only a few small wounds, it\'s your mother who cares for me, so you bandage me like this."

After Xie Yunjin finished speaking, she immediately gave Lu Jiao a wink. Lu Jiao didn\'t want to pay attention to him and let him suffer, but seeing the sadness of the four little ones, she quickly said, "Don\'t worry, your father is not seriously injured, Look at his face, isn\'t it a little bad?"

Xie Yunjin\'s injury this time was much lighter than before, so his face was not that pale. Si Xiao only looked at his face, it was indeed not as ugly as usual, so he finally felt relieved.

Lu Jiao changed the topic and asked them, "Have you been used to being in Xifeng Garden these days? Have you missed your father and mother?"

Speaking of this, the four little ones forgot to be sad, and the four little guys scrambled to say.

"I didn\'t think about it the first day, but the next day, I couldn\'t sleep well at night."

"I want to eat the beggar chicken made by my mother. There is no beggar chicken at my husband\'s house."

"I dreamed that I went home and was very happy, but the next day I opened my eyes and was still at my husband\'s house."

Little Four Treasures stretched out her arms and put her arms around Lu Jiao\'s neck and said, "Mother, I secretly tell you a little secret. I missed you, but I cried, but hiding under the quilt and crying, don\'t tell them."

Lu Jiao patted his head amusingly, and said softly, "Okay, mother won\'t tell you."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at the four little guys and said, "Today, my mother made a table of your favorite dishes. Let\'s go, let\'s go eat delicious food."

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