There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 459: where is she

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 459 Where is she

Although Xie Yunjin suspected that he was not the child of the Xie family, he really never thought about cutting off the relationship with the Xie family immediately, nor did he think about going to his biological parents immediately, not to mention who his biological parents were, just talk about what happened back then. There must be something hidden behind it. If he didn\'t find out the truth of the year, he would never return to his biological parents.

If his parents don\'t want him for some reason, does he still need to go back?

After thinking for a while, Xie Yunjin looked at Xie Erzhu and said, "I haven\'t thought about leaving the Xie family for a while, but I have to find out if I am the child of the Xie family. If I am not the child of the Xie family, there is no need to endure it all the time. Those brothers and sisters, there is no need to listen to Dad\'s nonsense all day long, breaking bones and connecting tendons."

Xie Erzhu nodded sadly after listening to Xie Yunjin\'s words.

He knew that the third brother was tired of the eldest brother and the fourth brother, and they were indeed too annoying. It was obvious that the third brother was kicked out of the house at first, but now because the third brother is healed, he shamelessly sticks up. He, he would probably be bored with these relatives.

Xie Erzhu was silent for a while and said, "Third brother, go check it out, second brother supports you."

Xie Yunjin reached out and held Xie Erzhu\'s hand, and thanked Xie Erzhu respectfully: "Thank you second brother."

Xie Erzhu laughed: "What are you and I polite?"

After he said that, he tried hard to think about what happened in the past, and this thought really made him think of something useful.

"Third brother, do you think the daughter born by the mother would be sent to the town by grandma?"

Xie Yunjin listened to Xie Erzhu\'s words, and quickly asked, "Did the second brother remember something?"

Xie Erzhu thought for a moment and said quickly: "You should know that our father is not in good health. He rarely goes out. Every time he goes out, his milk is not at ease and insists on going with him."

"In my memory, I have been to the town three times. One of them was to go to Mr. Chen, and I asked Mr. Chen to come and tell Dad that you are good at studying. I don\'t know what he went to town for, he was already in very bad shape by then."

Xie Erzhu himself is an old and hard-working man, but this time he was shrewd again.

As he thought about it, he said, "You think, my father has never done anything wrong in his life, the only thing he has done is probably to send out the daughter born by his mother. When he is not healthy, he must not worry about that girl , want to see if she is doing well?"

Xie Yunjin listened to Xie Erzhu\'s words and felt that his words made sense, but he looked at Xie Erzhu strangely.

"Second brother, why do you always know about the fact that Grandpa goes to town?"

"Because every time I go to town, I will bring something to eat and secretly stuff it for me, so I can eat it with you, so I remember it. The second time he went to town with his milk, I secretly followed him. In the past, my grandparents found out, they didn\'t blame me, they took me to Mr. Chen\'s house, that\'s when I found out that Mr. Chen came to the door and told Dad that you are talented in reading, because the grandfather came forward to ask Mr. Chen for help, but the grandfather He won\'t let me tell you about it."

Xie Yunjin listened to Xie Erzhu\'s words, and subconsciously turned around to look at Lu Jiao who was on the side, Lu Jiao said thoughtfully. …

"It\'s very likely that the person who was taken away by the milk was actually sent to town by them, and sent to a good family."

Xie Yunjin also agreed with Lu Jiao\'s words, and said slowly, "After Zhou Shaogong has searched around Xiejia Village and confirmed that there is none, let him go to the town to find it."


After Xie Yunjin finished speaking, he looked at Xie Erzhu and said, "Second brother, you know about this, don\'t tell others, okay?"


"I\'ll take my second brother back."

Xie Yunjin got up and sent Xie Erzhu out, and said a lot of words to appease Xie Erzhu on the way, until Xie Erzhu calmed down, he turned around and went back to his room.

In the room, Lu Jiao had simply washed and fell asleep.

Xie Yunjin quickly turned around and went out to wash, and went to bed after washing.

However, because of what he knew tonight, he couldn\'t sleep for a while, so he reached out and took Lu Jiao\'s hand and said.

"Jiaojiao, do you really think I\'m not from the Xie family? If I\'m not from the Xie family, why don\'t my parents want me, and I\'m not the Xie family, why do I look like my grandfather?"

Lu Jiao really couldn\'t think of the joints, so she turned to look at him and said, "Don\'t worry, take your time, I believe the truth will come out one day, don\'t you know now that you\'re not the Xie family? But you If you really find the child born by your mother, what are you going to do? Tell your father about this and leave the Xie family?"

Lu Jiao seriously thought about the plot in the original book, it seemed that until the end, Xie Yunjin was also from Xiejia Village, and there was no other identity of him.

Xie Yunjin thought for a while and said, "If I really find my mother\'s child, I will tell my father about it, and let him restrain Xie Daqiang and them in the future. Don\'t look back. I took the imperial examination, and they won\'t do well in my name. thing."

"If my father restrains them, I should not leave the Xie family in a short time. He is still my father. If I know that Xie Daqiang and the others are doing bad things in my name, I will leave the Xie family immediately."

As soon as Lu Jiao heard it, she understood what Xie Yunjin meant. He didn\'t plan to leave the Xie family, but just used this incident to deter Xie Laogen and prevent those brothers from the Xie family from causing him unnecessary things.

If Xie Yunjin told Xie Laogen about his life experience, Xie Laogen would definitely control his eldest son and second son in order to keep his glory, which would save Xie Yunjin a lot of trouble.

Lu Jiao thought about it and sighed softly.

^0^ One second to remember【】

With a sigh of relief, no accident, Xie Yunjin\'s life experience should be hiding something, otherwise his identity would not have been written in the book.

Xie Yunjin heard Lu Jiao sigh, and couldn\'t help looking at her with concern: "What\'s wrong?"

"I just feel sorry for you."

She said something warmly, which instantly stirred Xie Yunjin\'s thoughts, he turned around and looked at Lu Jiao with dark eyes, and said affectionately.

"The past is over. In the future, I have Jiaojiao to accompany me, so I don\'t feel sad."

Lu Jiao\'s cheeks were scalded by his words, she quickly closed her eyes and muttered, "I\'m sleepy, hurry up to Xie Yunjin looked at her ostrich and couldn\'t help laughing, laughing. The sound is low and dark, like the sound of a cello, which makes people feel uncontrollably happy.

Lu Jiao quickly opened her eyes and glared at him.

Xie Yunjin smiled more happily, but knew that although Lu Jiao was calm and calm on the surface, she was actually very shy inside, so she stopped teasing her to prevent her from irritating.

The two fell asleep hand in hand next to each other.

The next day, Xie Yunjin and Lu Jiao had just woken up, and many people in the village came to invite them to their house for dinner.

"Yun Jin, Yun Jin\'s daughter-in-law, will you come to our house for dinner today?"

"Let\'s go to our house for dinner."

"Our house, let\'s go to our house first today."

I\'m sick, I\'ve been running to the hospital for two days, I can only do so much today

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^