There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 458: Are you leaving Xie's house?

Remember for a second【】

When Lu Jiao mentioned this topic, Xie Yunjin was silent for a while. After a while, he looked up at Lu Jiao and said, "Didn\'t you suspect that I was not the child of the Xie family?"

As soon as Xie Yun said it, Lu Jiao finally understood why he got Xie Laogen drunk tonight, because he suspected that he was not Xie Laogen\'s son, so he got drunk and found out the truth of the year.

"Did you find out anything?"

"I heard from my father that Granny Wen, who was delivering the baby for my mother, was unable to deliver the baby for my mother because of temporary diarrhea. In the end, my mother delivered the baby for my mother. When my mother delivered the baby for my mother, she brought a small wooden box into it. She told others at the time that there were scissors or something in the box."

"I suspect that the little wooden box was actually me. After my mother delivered the baby for my mother, she put me in and replaced my mother\'s daughter."

After listening to what Xie Yunjin said, Lu Jiao thought about it carefully, and it was quite logical.

So Xie Yunjin is really not the child of the Xie family, he is the child of another family, doesn\'t it mean that he looks a lot like his grandfather?

"Didn\'t you say that you and your grandfather look alike? What\'s the matter?"

Xie Yunjin thought thoughtfully: "This is also the reason why I gave up investigating the truth back then. There must be something hidden in this matter. If I\'m not a child of the Xie family, why do I look like my grandfather? I really can\'t figure out where it came from. The problem, now if I want to prove that I am not the child of the Xie family, the only way is to find the daughter who was sent out."

"My father and my mother are not cruel people. If they replaced the girl, they will definitely feel guilty. According to reason, they should find a good family for the girl."

Xie Yunjin thought of this, and immediately got up and walked out of the room. Lu Jiao was stunned by his actions, and she followed him all the way out.

Xie Yunjin went to the small study outside, took out ink and paper and drew a portrait.

Lu Jiao leaned over to watch, and found that the portrait he painted turned out to be of Xie Laogen and Ruan Shi.

Lu Jiao looked at the portrait and understood that Xie Yunjin was trying to find the girl Xie Laogen Ruan imagined.

In general, children born to parents are very similar to their parents.

The daughters born by Xie Laogen and Ruan\'s must be more or less like them, so Xie Yunjin drew a portrait of the two of them, and called Zhou Shaogong outside to come in and instructed: "In the past few days, you can check the villages near Xiejia Village. , to see if there are any women about my age who look like my father or my mother."

As soon as Xie Yunjin finished his words, Zhou Shaogong didn\'t have time to speak. There was a bang outside the door, and something was broken.

Zhou Shaogong quickly rushed over and opened the door, only to see Xie Erzhu standing outside the door with a pale face.

Xie Erzhu stared blankly at Xie Yunjin, and after a long time he muttered, "Third brother, you, what do you mean by that?"

In fact, Zhou Shaogong heard Xie Erzhu\'s footsteps a long time ago, but this is the inner courtyard of Xie\'s family, he didn\'t care much, but he did not expect Xie Erzhu to hear the truth.

Zhou Shaogong\'s face was slightly remorseful, but Xie Yunjin didn\'t blame him, and waved him to do it.

"You go do this."

Zhou Shaogong turned around and walked out. Inside the room, Xie Yunjin looked at Xie Erzhu and said, "Second brother, come in and sit."

Since the second brother heard what he said, he just happened to tell him about it, and at the same time inquired about his grandfather\'s past from his mouth.

When grandpa died, he was only nine years old, and his memory of grandma had faded a lot, but the second brother was older than him and should remember some things about grandma.

Xie Erzhu walked in woodenly and explained subconsciously: "I thought you drank a lot of wine, so I gave you a bowl of sober soup, didn\'t you think?"

I didn\'t expect to hear Xie Yunjin\'s words. Doesn\'t Xie Yunjin\'s words mean that he believed his mother\'s nonsense?

Xie Erzhu quickly looked up at Xie Yunjin, and said with a sad expression, "Third brother, don\'t believe your mother\'s words, she\'s crazy, talking nonsense all day."

"You are the child of my Xie family and my younger brother. Have you forgotten that you look a lot like my grandfather?"

Xie Yunjin motioned Xie Erzhu to sit down, then looked at him, and said earnestly: "Second brother, even if I am not your biological brother, I will treat you like a biological brother, and I will not forget your kindness to me over the years. of."

Xie Yunjin is usually a quiet person, and there are few times when he is so sincere and emotional.

Xie Erzhu was warmed by what he said, but he still felt that Xie Yunjin was the child of their Xie family.

"Third brother, you are the child of my Xie family. You look a lot like our grandfather. Otherwise, why would your grandfather treat you better than other children?"

In Xie\'s house, because of his poor health, his grandfather has very weak feelings for the children, but his feelings for Xie Yunjin are different from others.

Before, her grandmother wanted to raise her third brother. Isn\'t this kind of love enough to show that the third brother is the child of the Xie family?

Xie Yun looked at Xie Erzhu and saw the sadness in Xie Erzhu\'s eyes.

He reached out and held Xie Erzhu\'s hand: "Second brother, no matter what day we are, we are good brothers."

Xie Erzhu did not speak, but Xie Yunjin said slowly again: "What my mother said before is probably true, I am not the child of the Xie family, the Xie family gave birth to a baby girl, I asked my father before, and he said that it was stable for his mother to deliver the baby. Mother, when my mother had a seizure, she had diarrhea, and it was the mother who delivered the baby.

Xie Erzhu listened to Xie Yunjin\'s words and fell silent, thinking that the third brother he brought up was probably not the child of the Xie family, not his relative.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Brother, he was very sad in his heart, and it took him a long time to open his mouth.

"If you\'re not the child of the Xie family, why do you look like your father, and I know that your father is different to you?"

When Xie Erzhu finished his words, he was stunned for a moment. He thought of one thing, why did the master treat the third brother differently.

The father is frail and sickly, and is usually indifferent to the Xie family\'s children.

Is it really like what the third brother said, he is not the child of the Xie family at all, but the child brought back by the grandfather, so the grandfather treats him differently, and their milk listens to the grandfather the most in their lives, so the milk will personally Move this hand and foot.

Xie Erzhu\'s eyes were red, and Xie Yunjin reached out and held his hand.

"Second brother."

Xie Erzhu suddenly looked up at Xie Yunjin and said with a smile, "Third brother, I know that you are not happy as a Xie family member. Now you are fine if you are not a Xie family member."

Xie Yunjin saw that he was obviously sad, but also happy for him. This is the good second brother who brought him up.

Xie Yun looked at Xie Erzhu with a smile. After the initial sadness, Xie Erzhu was now concerned about another thing.

"Third brother, do you want to tell your father about this? Do you want to find your biological parents and leave the Xie family?"

Like the first assistant wife has space

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^