The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 538: letter

Zhou Shuren knew that Zhulan was frightened, and hugged Zhulan, "No, it\'s useless to get hurt at all, and we arrived in the capital safely."

Zhulan\'s eyes were red, "That\'s good, that\'s good, don\'t hold me, I\'ve prepared hot water, you can take a bubble bath to relieve fatigue."

Zhou Shuren hugged Zhulan tightly, "Hold for a while."

Don\'t look at how calm he is, it\'s really scary when he really solves it.

Zhulan smelled the familiar smell on Zhou Shuren\'s body, and her heart was quiet.

After half an hour, Zhou Shuren took a bath and felt a lot more comfortable. The meals prepared by Zhulan were also served on the table, and Zhou Shuren personally poured chicken soup, "I received the news from you in the morning, I will let the kitchen stew. Here, ginseng chicken soup, hurry up and drink tonic."

Zhou Shuren took the bowl and it wasn\'t very hot. After blowing it for a while, he drank it into his stomach, "Don\'t be too busy."

Zhulan stared at Zhou Shuren\'s face, which was obviously very ordinary, but she just couldn\'t see enough, "Is the solution of the real and fake fifth princes smooth?"

Zhou Shuren sneered, "Everyone understands in their hearts, of course it went well, surprisingly well."

Zhulan asked, "Miss Yao Er was not involved, right?"

In the morning, Su Xuan did not miss the second Miss Yao. She had a good impression of the second Miss Yao, and hoped that she would not be implicated.

Zhou Shuren poured himself another bowl of soup and said, "Except for the counterfeiting at the Fifth Prince\'s Mansion, no one has been implicated, but even if there is no implication, Second Yao\'s life will not be easy."

Zhulan sighed, "Yeah."

Yao Houfu, Yao Yao looked at the concubine with an expressionless face. The concubine Yao Xin was fourteen years old, and now she has become the most promising young lady in the Houfu. From the marriage of the fifth prince to today\'s real and false fifth prince, she This daughter-in-law\'s status in the manor has plummeted. If it weren\'t for the mother who is the mistress of the house, it is estimated that the servants would dare to bully her.

Thinking of the girl and the mother-in-law, adversity sees the truth and it takes a long time to see the hearts of the people. It only took two days. Except for the mother-in-law who grew up with her and the two girls who grew up together, everyone else has an outside heart.

Yao Xin was very relieved, and what about her daughter, "Sister has been in the room for the past two days, don\'t you know?"

Yao Yao said indifferently, "What do you know?"

Yao Xin hooked herself, "Ah, it seems that my sister really doesn\'t know that my aunt will manage the house from tomorrow until my mother recovers."

Yao Yao\'s heart sank, her mother quarreled with her father because she was angry, and then fell ill. As for the management of the mansion, oh, father\'s meaning.

Should she count the money in her hand, the days will not be better recently, "Oh."

Yao Xin\'s face changed, obviously the elder sister was abolished.

Yao Yao waited for the concubine to leave, but she was relieved. The real prince is back, and the hardest pass has been passed. It\'s good.

The next day, Zhu Lan woke up very early, opened her eyes and looked at Zhou Shuren without blinking. When Zhou Shuren woke up, Zhu Lan smiled, "Wake up."

Zhou Shuren turned his body sideways, "It looks like you\'ve been up for a while."

Zhulan put her arms around Zhou Shuren\'s neck, "It\'s nice to see you when you open your eyes."

Zhou Shuren, "Me too."

"Ah, ah."

Zhulan and Zhou Shuren followed the sound and saw that the youngest son woke up, pulled the quilt and sat up, the chubby little guy tilted his head curiously, very cute.

Zhulan hugged her son and tucked it into the quilt. The temperature in the room was low in the morning. "You are not afraid of catching a cold. You take off the quilt every morning."

Zhou Shuren looked at his daughter-in-law and son with a warm heart, but unfortunately after a few seconds of warmth, Zhou Shuren\'s face darkened, "Stinky boy, you wet the bed again."

Zhulan burst out laughing, this boy has urethral Zhou Shuren three times out of ten and kissed his son, "Little man."

Zhou Shuren originally wanted his wife and children to lie down on the hot kang head for a while, but now he doesn\'t need it, he can only get up, get angry, his son is not big and doesn\'t understand anything.

In the yamen, Zhou Shuren felt envious, jealous and hateful eyes as soon as he entered the yamen. He knew in his heart that he knew the news of his stay in the palace, and the news of these people was really well-informed.

Master Wang stepped forward, "Master Zhou, have a drink together in the evening?"

Zhou Shuren refused, "No, I want to go home with my son."

Mr. Wang pouted in his heart, what to accompany his son is obviously to accompany his wife, but the relationship between Mr. Zhou and his wife is also very good. Thinking that every time he goes to his aunt\'s room, Tao Shi will mention Mr. Zhou and his wife in a sour tone, he feels I am particularly guilty.

Zhou Shuren saw that Mr. Wang was standing motionless in front of the table, "Is there anything else?"

Master Wang was silent, "Master, I want to ask you a question."

Zhou Shuren thought it would not be a good question, "You ask."

Master Wang lowered his voice, "Master, have you really never thought about taking a concubine? Haven\'t you thought about it?"

He was curious for a long time. He and the lady have a good relationship, and they don\'t have a concubine.

Zhou Shuren, "Master Wang, what Zhou values ​​is the soul, not the skin, and Zhou\'s heart is very small, so he can only pretend to be a lady. Master Wang, only sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity, but you don\'t understand! "

After speaking, Zhou Shuren patted Lord Wang on the shoulder, think about it.

Mr. Wang was stunned, and changed his sincerity to his sincerity. When he thought of what the lady said when she first got married, she said that she would like to stay together. Although her relationship is good now, it has always been separated. , in the end, the one who got stuck was himself.

In Zhou Mansion, there were three desserts in front of Zhulan. In the eyes of Li\'s expectation, they picked up and tasted them one by one. The desserts were filled with fruit puree.

Seeing that Mother had tasted it, Mrs. Li asked nervously, "Mother, how does it taste."

Zhulan took a sip of hot water and swallowed the snack in her mouth, pointing to the apple-flavored snack, "Apart from this one, the other two are fine."

The apple taste is so weird.

Li Shi was confused, and she also felt that apples were unpalatable, "Then I\'ll think about it Zhulan pointed it out deliberately, and swallowed the words in her mouth, let Li Shi think about it by herself. , Zhulan looked at the muttering Mrs. Li, she really missed it. Mrs. Li hadn\'t been so motivated for a long time. This time, Mrs. Li wanted to stay in the kitchen all the time in order to buy more recipes.

Zhulan bent her eyes, deep in the backyard of the house, the Li family was still more vivid, "Slowly think about it and don\'t worry."

So than scratching the hair, look at the hair is messy.

Li muttered in his mouth, and then clapped his hands. The two chubby hands clapped together very loudly, which startled Zhulan, and Li jumped up, "Mother, I know, I know."

Then he ran away in a hurry.

Zhulan and Madam Song looked at each other, and they both laughed.

After a while, Mrs. Dong came with a letter in her hand, "Mother, the letter from my eldest sister."

Zhulan was puzzled, "A letter from your eldest sister to me?"
