The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 537: Prince, too scheming

When Zhou Shuren woke up, there was no part of his body that was comfortable, his back was sore and his legs were cramping. He knelt down too sincerely last night, his knees hurt so bad, he drank tea on an empty stomach and rinsed his mouth, and he had to follow the emperor to the morning court. It hurts my stomach to be fined to stand in the morning.

Zhou Shuren followed behind a few princes, and when he looked up, he could see the faces of the princes. He was very hungry. Compared with this, he felt a lot better. At least, when he was chatting with the emperor last night, he also ate fruit. And dim sum, anyway, he is not hungry at all.

As for what they talked about last night, Zhou Shuren didn\'t want to recall. Although he didn\'t continue to test, he was talking about high-risk content, and his spirit was always tense.

Zhou Shuren didn\'t have to go to the morning court at first, but the emperor authorized it. It was really high-profile. He followed behind the prince and entered the hall. Even if he stood at the back, he still received attention.

Zhou Shuren didn\'t lift his head, took himself as a background board, and stood calmly.

The ministers in the court have always been well-informed. The true and false five princes have long been spread all over the capital, and they were full of energy to watch the play in the court. I didn\'t expect to see Lord Zhou, and I was a little stimulated.

The emperor sat in his seat and looked at the ministers below. Oh, they all shrank like a quail. This is because he was afraid that the real and fake princes would be angered. It seems that this is no big deal.

Zhou Shuren counted the time silently, and retreated in less than half an hour. Zhou Shuren exhaled, and he can go home today.

Because he stood at the back, in order not to be stopped, Zhou Shuren withdrew first, he didn\'t want to be called to watch.

It\'s a pity that I thought about it very well, and I was caught up without taking two steps. Looking back, the second prince, the long legs of the second prince are really not in vain.

The second prince, Zhang Jingyang, thought to himself, Lord Zhou walked very fast without long legs, "Mr. Zhou is in a hurry?"

Zhou Shuren wanted to scold people in his heart. After this pause, it was okay, and everyone behind came up with a smile on his face, "Ah, Wei Chen is in a hurry to go back to Fucheng. There are a lot of things in Fucheng waiting for Wei Chen, so he is in a hurry to go back to the city."

The second prince paused, "Master Zhou is really busy."

"There are indeed a lot of things in a state prefect."

So there is no need for breakfast or anything.

The second prince choked up in his heart. He really wanted to invite Lord Zhou to a meal. By the way, he told the news. It is said that the father and Lord Zhou had a good chat last night. There is no harm in him, as long as the father and the emperor value, don\'t care about the big and the small, it is worth befriending, "That\'s it, it\'s a pity, I also think that it\'s rare for the adults to return to the capital to invite the adults to have a light meal. "

Zhou Shuren said in his heart, he doesn\'t want to eat a meal and get sick with stomach problems, if he promises the second prince, he must be cheeky to keep up with him, and look at the princes who are following him, Zhou Shuren smiled, "Wei Chen Xie Er Prince, it\'s a pity that you\'re really in a hurry."

The second prince smiled, "There will be opportunities in the future."

Zhou Shuren smiled, "When the time comes, the minister will invite the second prince."

The second prince was satisfied, and Zhou Shuren was not in a hurry to leave. Following the second prince, at least the ministers would not follow.

At the gate of the palace, Zhou Shuren saw Lord Wei. Last night, he told the emperor to leave in the morning, and the emperor had already arranged it.

There was a young man standing beside Master Wei, and the attendant beside him was carrying a package. The son stepped forward and said, "My lord, this is the breakfast prepared by the prince for the lord, and the lord will eat it on the way back to the city."

Zhou Shuren didn\'t ask who the prince was, and let Jin Yan take it, "Thank you for me, the prince."

The son smiled, "Okay."

After Zhou Shuren greeted the princes, he quickly got on the carriage. The swords of the princes can kill people. This capital is really the place where the crouching tiger hides the dragon.

The second prince wanted to scold others. The most treacherous one was the prince, and he was even more annoyed. Several of them did not dare to tell the truth.

The face of the third prince has changed, and the prince is as scheming as ever.

The fourth prince\'s smile froze. He just laughed at the second brother for being impatient, but now he is ruthlessly laughed at by the prince.

The fifth prince gritted his teeth, the benefits belonged to the crown prince, and the crisis belonged to him, so why didn\'t he hate it.

Regardless of the lawsuit at the city gate, Zhou Shuren sat in the carriage and opened the bag. The things in the bag were all prepared, and the food was used. The focus was on two bottles of medicine, one for nourishing the body and one for detoxification.

Zhou Shuren put it away, there is no need for the prince to lie to him with these two bottles of medicine. Of course, he won\'t believe it anymore, so he still has to go back and find someone to take a look. However, the prince\'s heart is indeed careful enough.

Zhou Shuren was still not hungry, so he put on his baggage again and was wading in the carriage. He needed to rest.

Zhou Shuren left, and all the eyes of the capital were focused on the Fifth Prince\'s Mansion, some mocking the Fifth Prince, and some watching the play.

The fifth prince returned to the mansion without any delay. Although the father did not send anyone to follow him back, he also knew that the father knew everything.

Miss Lin got the news long ago, and waited at the door with tears in her eyes, but unfortunately the fifth prince didn\'t even give a look, and went straight into the door.

The last thing the fifth prince wants to see now is Miss Lin, his fiancée. Even if he takes care of him for a day, he is taking care of his foreigner. In addition, Miss Lin\'s presence reminds him how he came back to Beijing, which will only make him hate this fiancée with a low background. .

In the palace, the prince noticed that his father had gone out after he was busy with the task at hand, and he had not brought Eunuch Liu with him.

Eunuch Liu saw the prince looking at him, "The emperor went to the queen\'s bedroom. The emperor said that there is no urgent matter, so don\'t disturb him."

The prince stood up, the father went to comfort the mother? This cognition made the prince\'s heart complicated. When the fifth son came back yesterday, the most uneasy one was his mother.

In Jinzhou City, even if the Zhou Mansion was closed, it still received a lot of visiting posts. Zhulan didn\'t see a single one. Zhulan and the housekeeper went out to answer, and said to Mrs. Song, "I don\'t know if the master is going back."

Mrs. Song also didn\'t know that she was in the Zhou Mansion now, and most of the time she just passed the news, and the internal news would not be shared with her.

Zhulan didn\'t expect Madam Song to return to her, so she hugged her younger son to divert her attention, "Son, call me dad."

The little guy looked around, then blinked and said.

Zhulan smiled, "It\'s good for you not to learn."

This is a habit, looking around to find something to eat. Speaking of which, since the addition of complementary food, the little guy has become greedy, and he can\'t do it without complementary food for a day.

At Zhou Shuren returned to Jinzhou City, but did not go home, but went home directly.

Zhulan received the news early and was waiting at the door. When she saw Zhou Shuren getting off the carriage, her heart was completely put into her stomach, and she stepped forward excitedly and grabbed Zhou Shuren\'s arm, her voice was a little choked, "Just come back, come back. Just fine."

Zhou Shuren supported Zhulan, "Go back to the mansion."

Zhulan, "Yeah."

Zhou Shuren took two steps and said to his son and daughter-in-law who were following behind him, "You all go back, you don\'t have to follow."

Boss Zhou was a little dazed, this scene was too familiar, and I really missed it, "Yes."

Zhou Shuren returned home safely, the tense **** level in the entire Zhou Mansion was loosened, and the rooms left chatting and laughing.

In the main courtyard, Zhulan carefully touched Zhou Shuren, "Aren\'t you hurt?"


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