The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 67 - The Journey V: Borders

The cool wind blew in an incredible strength towards their direction as they watch the sun breaking into a new day. Emelia pulled her hood down with one eye closing as she looks at the unfavorable scenery.

Worn-out flags laying on the mudded ground, wounded soldiers groaning in pain, and the sounds of the never-ending swords, clashing onto one another.​​

After their departures from the Ivy Village, they continued on without a single rest after receiving news of their boards being pushed back.

There wasn\'t time for them to spare, which is why despite feeling exhausted and more. They had to keep pushing since they had the responsibility to bring peace back.

"We\'ve finally arrived," Said Elliot removing his hood as he uses one hand to cover his eyes from the sunlight. He looked at Emelia and pursed his lips, "Are you ready?".

Emelia looks back at the battlefield then back at him, "Who do you think am I? Don\'t underestimate me." The corners of her lips slightly raised.

"But you\'re afraid, aren\'t you?" Elliot asked Emelia, which she didn\'t answer, and instead pulled her hood lower. Her heart was wavering. Not because of the soldiers dying in front of her eyes but the thought of reaching the tower and seeing that man again. Elliot tapped Emelia\'s shoulder, "What\'s wrong?"

Emelia shook her head, "Let\'s get to the base. We need to visit the Archduke, am I right?" Emelia turned her back, waiting for Elliot to lead the way since she has no clue where their base is. "It\'s alright to be afraid. Who in the world isn\'t afraid of something?" Asked Elliot, wearing his hood as he turns his back, a smile formed on his lips.

Before Emelia realizes it, they had reached in front of the camp. She could hear soldiers calling for the medics to treat the wounded and soldiers calling for reinforcements. So this is where it starts. After a few more days, they will reach the tower.

Alan walked up to the two soldiers who were guarding the camp entrance and showed them his badge. He whispered into their ears, "His Imperial Majesty is present along with the princess." They didn\'t bother inspecting their clothes and had let them in without any problems.

They went straight to the main tent where he was having a meeting with the other generals. Being Elliot, he stormed right into their meeting, leaving them all speechless. The generals kneeled onto the ground, greeting Elliot while Yves bows his head.

"Cousin, what are you doing here? At least send me a message before coming here," Said Yves, singling the generals to leave the tent. Yves then notices a few more heads behind Elliot, "Who is he? I mean, I know the other three, but... " He points his fingers towards Emelia and Argus.

"That\'s the Princess\'s personal knight, Argus," Answered Elliot. Personal knight? Since when did the Princess get a personal knight? Yves had thought Emelia didn\'t want one since she had Ayfara. But at the same time, it made sense since who wouldn\'t want their own personal knight?

"I must have been rude, Princess," Bowed Yves but was stopped by Emelia, "Don\'t need to bow. Also, stop calling me Princess. I\'m not even one anymore." As much Yves wanted to listen to her, Elliot wouldn\'t allow him to call Emelia by her name.

"As much as I want. I cannot," Said Yves as he looks at Elliot, blaming him, "Anyway, what are you doing here?" Asked Yves asking the rest to take their seat.

"We\'re going to get the original crown back," Answered Elliot, pouring himself a cup of water. The original crown? Yves questioned himself, then realizes what it was, looking at Emelia immediately.

"I almost forgot the Princess knew where it is. Perhaps if the Princess brings the original crown back, what are you going to do with it?" Asked Yves while the others were curious about her answer too.

Emelia removed her hood, "Break it as if it never existed." That was her original plan from the beginning. She has no intentions of building the Redodel Empire back when it\'s on the brink of falling. Not to mention many nobles are wanting the original crown. When they have the minds of corruption.

Even if the people would call her a traitor or go far to kill her. She didn\'t care at all. This is what she wanted. No one can change a mind of a corrupted person. They are nothing but full of greed. They don\'t deserve to be called humans.

"I don\'t want to question, but Why? Asked Yves, even if he knew Emelia didn\'t want to lead the empire as much, she didn\'t want to become an empress, "Is it because you\'re afraid to become corrupted like those noble?"

"Rather afraid I hate corruption. I hate it when they show off their sparkling pieces of jewelry and throws them after wearing them once. I hate it when they don\'t respect each other. Don\'t you think it\'s too much?" Emelie asked Yves back, "You don\'t know what kind of people the Redodels are. They are corrupted to the core. Just like me."

"But you are talking about the rich noblemen. Think about the innocent smiles. They are suffering more than those corrupted nobles. Plus, you can punish them after," Answered Yves while crossing his arms.

Why? Emelia couldn\'t understand why these people are pushing her to save the empire that made her like this. It\'s unforgivable. But what Yves said was right. What about those who don\'t deserve pain? What about those who are suffering more than she is? Really life is unfair.

"Think about this carefully, Princess. Because you\'re not the only one who is suffering from this world," Said Yves, who stood up wearing his cape, "Speaking of responsibilities. I need to go. I can\'t let the other generals wait for me." He bowed his head before leaving the tent.

The world is such a cruel place. Emelia wanted to run away from her responsibilities. First, she didn\'t die because of Elliot. Second, she is being pressured by the people around her to build the Redodel Empire back.

Build up? Rather she wanted to see the castle burn. Burn until no traces of the palace are left. But the people who haven\'t done anything wrong. What do they deserve to have this kind of life? They are people who wish to live a happy life.

"Yves, is not forcing it to you. He simply wants to tell you there are people who don\'t deserve this life full of sorrow. Punish those who are the cause of their sorrow," Said Elliot, looking at Emelia, who kept her head low.

"Please leave her alone," Argus interrupted and stood in between them. Elliot looked at Argus, whose lips formed a straight line. Elliot looked away in anger, filling the room in silence.

"He\'s not wrong. I\'m just running away from my duties and will keep running," Emelia broke the cold silence in the room, "You may call me a coward, but I have a reason to it. Give me more time to think about this. But for now, we should focus on getting the original crown back."

Elliot nodded his head, "I agree. Let\'s take this day to take a rest. Be in this tent tomorrow morning before the sunrise."

The night had fallen, yet the sounds of people calling for medics and reinforcements still didn\'t stop. Emelia couldn\'t fall asleep because of the loud noises. But what had she expected? They are near the battlefield but not as near the border walls.

Emelia hugged her knees together while looking up the skies to see the stars illuminating, calling for her to reach. She envied the stars that could stay up in the skies. But at the same time, the stars are the ones seeing the cruel things done in this world.

When Emelia said she was running away from her duties as a princess, she wasn\'t lying. She didn\'t want to serve an empire that was rotten. But not everyone is. The people who don\'t deserve a horrible life are suffering right now. It\'s because they didn\'t have a proper leader.

They will only listen if the original crown has an owner and the crown cannot fall onto Henry\'s hands. Things will turn worse if it does.

When Emelia heard Henry\'s story from Argus, she wasn\'t surprised at all. But she felt disgusted. Emelie recalled Argus saying, "Sir Henry has a great obsession about you. I heard him muttering once about his own fantasies about Him and the Princess, having children not just one but thousands. Each one of them will look like Emelia, " She shuddered, remembering Henry\'s disgusting fantasies about her.

Argus continues, "Not just that, but he has hundreds of portraits of you. I found them by accident as I was cleaning his room."

Emelia let out a laugh, feeling pathetic of Henry. That man is no gentleman but a perverted man. Emelia recalls that time when Henry tried touching her. Until now, she clearly remembered leaving Henry bedridden for a week after punching him in a place she shouldn\'t have.

"Well…he deserves it," She muttered, closing her eyes.