The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 66 - The Journey IV: Portrait

"Miss! Play with us," A child begged Emelia as he tucked her cloak down, not letting go, "Let\'s play, please?" The child begged once more. But Emelia had to turn the child down. She thinks the children would find her boring. Not only that, she didn\'t know how to play the game.

"You kids! Don\'t bother her," A woman called, scaring the children off to play their own games. The woman was chubby and had a piece of cloth tied around her forehead, assuming her hair was getting in her way while washing the laundry, "You okay young lady? Sorry, the kids bothered you. Those kids never learn at all."​​

Emelia smiled, "It\'s alright. It\'s good to see them energetic." What matters is seeing the children happy. The woman placed her hands around Emelia\'s shoulder, "Do you know how to cook? For some reason, we\'re having a celebration tonight."

Emelia shrugs the woman\'s hand off her shoulder, "I\'m sorry. I\'ll have to reject." The woman let out a nervous laugh, thinking Emelia is way too sensitive, shrugging her arm off.

"It\'s not. I don\'t like it. You know it\'s weird if a stranger did it to you, " Emelia explained herself, clearing the woman\'s misunderstanding.

The woman shook her head, "No, I should be apologizing instead. It\'s just a habit of mine. The name\'s Lea. What\'s yours?" She offered a hand, which Emelia found unusual. Usually, a girl wouldn\'t offer a handshake.

But this made Emelia interested in Lea. She seems like a nice person. "Emelia, it\'s nice to meet you," She accepted Lea\'s handshake.

"We\'re about to start. Come, let\'s help the others with cutting," Lea pulled Emelia along with her, which Emelia found troublesome. Emelia didn\'t know how to cook. Rather, she has a weird sense of taste. Emelia stopped Lea with all her might. She needed to tell Lea that she didn\'t know how to cook. Bringing her would make the food into disaster.

"Lea…I don\'t know how to cook," Told Emelia as she lowered her head and held her wrist, "I\'m sorry. I don\'t know how to cook or chop vegetables. I\'m just going to be a burden…"

"I don\'t care. Isn\'t this why you\'re coming with me to learn?" Lea flashed her a smile and pulled Emelia to where the others were.

Was it her, or is it because she was too focused on their mission that she forgot to relax? Who cares, Emelia said in her mind, slightly smiling. When she arrived where the others were, she felt embarrassed being taught how to cook at first. But the villagers were kind enough to teach her. They even told her she had a talent for chopping vegetables and burning the vegetable.

"T-this is burnt, is it?" Emelia asked another lady who laughed at her while nodding her head. Well, what did she expect from herself cooking? The lady rubbed Emelia\'s back, "Don\'t worry, you\'ll get the hang of it. It\'s just that I expected it to be undercook, but instead, it\'s burnt to crisp." Lea walked to where Emelia was and laughed along with the lady.

"You\'re a genius," Complimented Lea while couldn\'t do anything and laugh along about herself. She never knew cooking would be this fun. Baking sounds like a good thing. Maybe she should start baking sweets?

"You ladies look like you\'re enjoying," Said Elliot, which made the other ladies gasp from this handsomeness. His light brown hair, which is a wig, and golden eyes were a perfect combination. Not to mention the other ladies started to eye for the other two men who stood behind Elliot.

A girl stepped up and asked Elliot, "Do you perhaps have a lover?" She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Elliot looks at Emelia then back at the girl, "I don\'t, but there is one I want to be with."

The ladies squealed while Emelia had to suffer from their squeals. Emelia turned her back, continues to do what she was doing.

"Is she with you right now? Asked the girl while Elliot watches Emelia\'s back. He shushes the girl, pressing his finger on her lips. "She\'s here right now. Right in front of my eyes." He looks at Emelia, then back at the girl who gasps when she realizes it was Emelia. The girl shuts her mouth while covering her mouth.

"That makes so much sense now," The girl said, nodding her head, "Good luck!" The girl said, running away while the other ladies still questioned who it was.

Emelia turns her back and pulls Elliot away from the crowd. When they were alone, Emelia pointed her fingers at him, "What are you trying to do?" She asked, feeling embarrassed about his actions. He didn\'t need to say that in front of many people.

"I never said it was you," Answered Elliot, who smirked when he saw Emelia\'s face burning up, "I\'m just kidding. Why can\'t I?"

Emelia turns her back, unable to look at him in the eyes, "Stop saying embarrassing words. It\'s weird."

"But I don\'t want to?" Elliot answers without hesitating, "I can do whatever I want. Since I\'m Elliot. Plus, your reactions are adorable. How can I stop?"

"They aren\'t adorable. I\'m going to call you a creep if you don\'t stop," Threatened Emelia, which Elliot didn\'t take at all, "It\'s weird." Emelia turns back to look at him but still couldn\'t meet his eyes.

"Slowly get used to it. I\'m still enjoying the show," He places his hand on her head and ruffles her hair. But Emelia slapped his hand away, saying, "Don\'t touch me, you creep." Though she didn\'t mean it that way.

"What a woman, don\'t you think. Tanya?" Elliot looks at Tanya, who had been sitting on the roof. She jumped off the roof while holding her drawing pad and nodded her head when she landed.

Elliot bent his knees to match Tanya\'s height, "What\'s this?" He asked when Tanya gave him a portrait. It was a drawing of Elliot and Emelia during their conversation earlier, "Thank you, Tanya," He laughed softly.