The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 55 - Red Strings I: A New Bond

Saying embarrassing words in front of other people, doesn\'t he ever get flustered with himself? There are instances, Emelia would admire Elliot for being too bold. But this time, it was too much. She decided to keep him waiting by not answering him. She just stared at his golden eyes and did not look away.

Her plan was to let Elliot realize how embarrassing he could be. But then Elliot doesn\'t get embarrassed as much as others do. He didn\'t mind wearing his nightwear going out, but his image as an emperor is important.​​

But then Elliot raised his brow, knowing her plans, he asked, "What? Perhaps the Princess left me hanging intentionally?" He chuckled, leaving her confused. It\'s not like she\'s a mind reader or what.

Elliot placed his hand on her head, stroking her platinum blonde hair till the tip. As he was about to speak, he got cut off when Alan called for him. Just when things are going well between them. When Elliot looked at Alan, he looked serious. He is always serious, but he has another way of saying it\'s important.

Emelia watches Elliot as he walked towards Alan, who then whispered to him. Just a glance at Elliot, Emelia saw a shocked expression from him. His eyes grew wide for a second, then it turned back to normal.

Elliot and Alan exchanged a few glances at one another. As much as Elliot didn\'t want to leave Emelia, he didn\'t have a choice. The news Alan had shared is important after all. Though they had caught Argus once, this time, they can\'t let him escape.

"I have to go. Though Princess, this conversation doesn\'t end," Elliot waved his goodbyes, but then Emelia stopped him. She pulled his shirt down, which is something she wouldn\'t normally do. But this was the only way for Elliot to allow her request. Emelia knew it would be a selfish request, but Argus is an important person to her.

"Argus…let him become my personal knight," Elliot shook his head and turned his back, saying, "I cannot allow that. You may choose any knight in this empire except for him. Plus, don\'t you have Ayfara?" Emelia knew she had Ayfara, but then she still is not her official knight. Not to mention Ayfara had already pledged the oath of a knight.

Oath of a knight or most commonly called, "Oath of Featly." Once a knight pledges the oath, they will forever serve their master and cannot serve other lords. If the oath is broken, a hefty punishment will be bestowed on the knight. Only the master of the knight can dismiss them from being their personal knight.

"She\'s under your orders. If you\'re thinking of breaking it, isn\'t it going to bring shame to her? Is that what you want?" Elliot recognizes what the "it" Emelia was talking about. Not only that, but Emelia was right. It would bring shame onto Ayfara. After all, breaking a knight\'s oath isn\'t a simple matter.

But then Elliot didn\'t like it. He refused once more, but then Emelia stopped him once again. She bit her lip then said, "Argus…was one of the few who didn\'t discriminate me. He respected me as a woman." The discrimination in the Redodel Empire was big, especially towards women.

Since Emelia was a woman, not to mention the former Princess of the Redodel Empire. She received the harshest comments from the people. Imagine a princess being receiving harsh comments because of the lack of power.

Of course, Elliot knew about this matter. The difference between the two empires is the Vivan Empire disliked discrimination. Though a few still discriminate against women, it has become a law in the Vivan Empire as part of human rights. Whoever breaks the law deserves punishment.

Emelia continued, "I\'m sure he has no intentions of hurting me or betraying me. That is why please allow this. I beg you... Emelia clenched onto her dress.

The room turned silent after Emelia\'s selfish request. Elliot didn\'t like it. The fact Emelia was standing up for someone, especially since it was a guy. Any knight would do but not Argus is what he wanted to repeat. The desperation in her eyes lured him into agreeing.

"This is the last time I\'m making exceptions," Elliot turned his back, looking at the door to hide his frustration. He didn\'t want Emelia to see it, "This is the last request I\'m taking from you. There will be no next time."

And just like that. The night with a sudden invasion came to an end. Though for Emelia, had a sleepless night and reflected on her own actions. Before she knew it, the sun was already rising. And she looks at the hue coming from the sun, slowly bringing light into the world.

The time reflected on her own actions. She couldn\'t understand the regret she felt, not because of her selfish request but because of the expression Elliot made.

"Good morning Princess, what kind of tea do you want to drink this morning?" Vanessa asked as soon as she entered Emelia\'s room after seeing her awake. "Honey tea…if it\'s possible," Emelia averted her eyes. After all, she wasn\'t used to asking for what she wanted. Vanessa nodded her head, smiling, and poured honey into the warm tea.

As she was reflecting on her own actions, she started to notice. How needy she was. She only wears plain-looking dresses, she likes sweet things and doesn\'t like being in a crowd.

"That\'s right. Today is the day, is it?" Vanessa gave Emelia her cup of tea. While Emelia smiles as she smells the sweet aroma of the honey tea. Before replying, she took a sip, "I cannot forever reject her." After all there was one more thing she wanted to know. It\'s not about her parents but this time about Elliot.

On the outside, Elliot may be a trickster, but then he never told anything about himself. Emelia wanted to know a few of his secrets, and her only way to get information was from someone who has ears and eyes in all places. That person was none other than Melissa Quila, the daughter of a famous newspaper industry.

They had met once in an unusual way, but Emelia thought it would be nice to meet a few people who she can trust in the future. As they say, it\'s better to keep the loyal than the corrupted.

At first, Vanessa thought Emelia would get fed up and threaten the Lady of the Quila family. But as days pass, she sees a bit of change from Emelia. She\'s slowly opening her wounded heart. But it\'s still not fully unlocked yet. That is the key to her frozen heart. It\'s still not there.

"I hope you would get along with her. Lady Melissa is a wonderful lady after all," Vanessa said as she grabs a comb from the makeup table and gently brushes Emelia\'s hair. Emelia recalls her first meeting with Melissa and couldn\'t help but laugh. Vanessa looked at the mirror and asked, "What\'s so funny, Princess?"

Emelia shook her head, "It\'s nothing. I just recalled a past memory of mine." That\'s right, as days pass, Emelia laughs and smiles in front of Vanessa. Whenever Emelia laughs or smiles in front of Vanessa, all she could feel was happiness. It\'s as if she\'s become a special person to her heart. Though her laugh and smile aren\'t for everyone.

"I hope you have fun. It would be great if the Princess finds new friends asides from me," Vanessa hums while Emelia frowns as she didn\'t know they were friends. "Friends? We\'re friends?" Emelia looked at Vanessa through the mirror. Vanessa frowned as she asked, "Are we not?"

You could see Vanessa looked nervous as she twirled her fingers in a circle. Emelia shook her head, "We are!" Emelia exclaimed out loud. A bit too loud that some servants who were by the door heard it. Back to her normal tone, she repeated, "We are…I just thought we weren\'t."

Vanessa got startled with her first answer and smiled at her response. She didn\'t know what she was doing, but she patted Emelia\'s head which she had not intended to do so. It was just a habit.

"Ah! I didn\'t mean to do something rude to the Princess…it\'s just a habit since I took care of my other two siblings," Vanessa placed her hand behind her back, and slowly her cheeks burned up. Though Emelia didn\'t mind at all. If it\'s Vanessa, then it\'s alright. Her hands were warm and comforting like a certain person.

Emelia recalls this morning what Elliot did to her. Their fingers inter winded with each other, and not only that, she could hear his deep voice echoing in her ears. Why is he appearing in her head? She shook those thoughts away and answer Vanessa, "It\'s alright. I don\'t mind at all."

Trust is just like a red string. There can be new strings, broken strings, and strings that are broken that could be tied again. For Emelia, a new string to her heart had a bond. To her, this is what she calls a bit of happiness.