The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 54 - Kidnapping?

Deep in sleep, Emelia and Elliot were not bothered by a single sound. Sleeping soundly as two men stood by the offices\' balcony, and to their surprise, they see Emelia sleeping peacefully with Elliot, which was unforgivable, the sight of them being together. When Emelia was his, to begin with.

A light browned hair man looked at the other man, which was Argus, and nodded his head. They both entered the office, being cautious, especially of Elliot. Their mission for today was to get Emelia out of this palace. They cannot be together. Henry, wouldn\'t want that to happen. His cold expression reached Argus, who wasn\'t fond of it.​​

To think the gentle like man is different from what he had thought. He is no gentleman. He\'s a ruthless person. A brutal person whose plans could kill thousands of people. Argus wonders why he had stuck by his side. Was it because he had the same goal? The goal to bring Emelia out of this hell?

As the light brown-haired man approaches to touch Emelia\'s hair, he was grabbed by the wrist. He groaned when his arm twisted then was pushed down onto the ground, "If you\'re here to kidnap her. You could have done it in a better job," Argus held tight onto his knife but then when Elliot looked at him. His body froze, unable to move.

The gaze of Elliot piercing into his intimidated Argus. His gaze looked familiar. Not only that it\'s as if he was protecting Emelia from being harmed or whatsoever. As they exchanged glances, the light browned haired man called Henry to help him.

"You useless knight," The light brown-haired man said as he struggled to look up at Argus, "What are you doing? Help me," He told Argus, but Elliot stopped him when he saw a sharp object pointing on the neck of the other man.

"Your Grace!" Argus called and grit his teeth. When Argus called the man your grace, his brow raised. That means the other man was Henry. The heir of the dukedom not only that but the man who sent him a threat letter.

"Oh? So this man is Henry. Our first meeting isn\'t that nice, is it?" Elliot chuckled as he brought the sharp object, pressing onto his skin, "I will kill you here," Elliot raised his hand up but then hesitated when he saw a bit of movement from Emelia.

What luck do they have. Distracted, Argus charged towards Elliot but missed by a strand of hair. When Argus thought he had the chance, he dashed towards Elliot but then was on the stomach.

Argus landed on the ground and hit his back on the corner of a drawer. He tried standing back up, but then Elliot pushed him down using his foot. The pain in his stomach was immense. What made it worse was the pain in his back. He could feel his old wound opening up again.

"You really are useless," Henry growled and used this chance to escape thru the balcony. When Henry said those words, Emelia was already wide awake.

"What\'s going on here?" She stood up from the hard ground and sees Elliot stepping onto Argus. Emelia couldn\'t help but gasped as she saw Argus. That means she really saw Henry by the balcony earlier.

Emelia tried standing up straight, but her legs were still asleep. She somehow managed to stand up, but then her legs felt weak. Emelia asked, "Is that really you, Argus?" Argus looked at Emelia and hid his face away from her. He didn\'t want to show Emelia his pathetic side. The person who he had admired for the longest time.

"Your Imperial Majesty, are you alright?" Air asked, storming into the office after hearing a loud crash. When Air saw Argus he called for the palace guards to come in. "Is the princess alright?" Air asked to see Emelia, who kept looking in Argus\' direction.

"We\'ll talk more about this later," Elliot unbuttoned a button of his top. Air, the worried servant, and a friend saw a scratch on his face, called for a doctor, but then Elliot stopped him.

"It\'s alright. The weapons aren\'t poisoned," He wiped the blood from his face as he looked in Emelia\'s direction.

Emelia placed her hands onto her chest and could feel her heart beating at a fast speed. Elliot shocked Emelia when he grabbed her hands to intertwine their fingers right in front of the people. Argus frowned when he saw their hands together. He wanted to say a word, but then the palace guard pushed his head onto the ground.

Argus felt he didn\'t deserve this kind of treatment. First, his so-called leader betrayed him. Second, every precious thing he had disappeared. He was a failure as a proud knight. He could see his death bed waiting for him to be slept on. If only another chance was given to him—a last chance to serve his one true master.

The two palace guards forced Argus to stand up and walk. Walk to prison and never to be found again.

"Will you now release my hand?" Emelia asked Elliot, who looked at his hand then looked back at her. He shook his head, not wanting to let go of it. "Then you leave me without a choice," Emelia pressed her heel onto his foot and watches Elliot suffer in pain. The heel always wins.

"Is always violence the answer?" Elliot asked as he used a wall to balance himself as he tries relieving the staggering pain on his toes. Always? It wasn\'t always it was her first time doing something like this to him.

"Always? though it\'s my first time?" Emelia crossed her arms, knowing a debate was going to spark between them. Elliot was enjoying his time, although the air surrounding them was supposed to be intense. Elliot argued, "First? Haven\'t you heard words hurt more than actions do? Thinking about it, my heart already has a hole because of you—those harsh words. Just thinking about it, my heartaches."

"What are you, a child who yearns for someone\'s attention?" Emelia asked a question Elliot had been anticipating for. When Emelia saw a smirk on his face, she had a bad feeling about it. She didn\'t want to hear it since it was going to make her feel weird.

"I only act like a kid in front of you. And you\'re right. I wanted to have your attention. "