The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 117 - 114

While Reif was busy dealing with Salamander, Rhash naturally didn\'t become idle as there is still another enemy that might interfere

An intense bloody aura enveloped Rhash\'s body as his figure flickered. It took less than a second before he arrived at the back of one of number 1\'s clones

His merciless claw rip apart the clone into smaller pieces, dying the ground with flesh and blood

His attack resulted in the other clones turning their focus on him

"All intruders must die!" The voice of number 1 rang around as all the clones put all their attention on Rhash

They ganged up on him as countless swords materialized. The swords cut through the air, their speed faster than even a bullet

In return, Rhash\'s eyes flashed with light as his body moved in a way impossible for normal humans

He either dodge or knock away the swords that were fired at him. His physical strength was by no means weak as one banging sound after another appeared every time he attacks

"It won\'t be us that would die if you don\'t want to surrender the shard of death to us!" Rhash rebuked as his speed exploded

In his hand, a pole made from solidified blood appeared and he uses it to smash around ten clones at once

These clones might be numerous but individually, they are not that strong if it was at Rhash\'s level that they were fighting with

"Come, I\'ll kill you all!" Rhash announced darkly as flames engulfed the blood pole

All swords that attack him were knocked away. Rhash even spreads his blood fire as it burned the clones that made contact with it

After seeing that Rhash is not an enemy that could be defeated by numbers alone, the clones of number 1 retreated and gathered in a single location

Rhash raised his brows at that. He don\'t even give number 1 enough time to do whatever he was planning to do as he charged at them at a fast speed

In return, number 1 sent a steady stream of swords towards Rhash. They might be able to kill him but it was more than enough to hinder his movements for quite some time

While that is happening, the clones start to merge with each other. In fact, number 1\'s clones weren\'t clones at all

He merely divided himself into several thousand, each with strength that has more than the power to destroy a whole mountain

At normal times, a single clone alone was more than enough to kill the majority of the enemies

However, since the enemies were at Rhash\'s level, the clones look nothing in front of him

In the end, number 1 was forced to recall all of his clones to merge into a single yet far stronger entity

When all the clones successfully merged, there wasn\'t that much difference in number 1\'s appearance but his aura rose to another level

He was completely different from before. The power coursing through his body was so powerful he feels as if he was brimming with power

His power was definitely much stronger even if all of his clones earlier condensed their power. The rise in his strength was not a simple one plus one!

This causes Rhash to raise his guard even more as he charged forwards towards his enemy

His burning blood pole was smashed heavily by him but number 1 simply materializes a single sword to block

Number 1 did that so easily as if Rhash is just a little kid. He doesn\'t look as if he received much force even though Rhash\'s strongest area was his physical prowess

Seeing that, Rhash knew that this would not be an easy battle. He rotated the blood pole in his hands as he searched for a weak point from his enemy

This time, number 1 is not in a passive state anymore. It was his turn to counterattack as he skillfully wielded his sword

His swordsmanship was so weird and he managed to leave some shallow cuts in Rhash\'s body

There were times when Rhash thought that he successfully blocked his enemy\'s sword with his blood pole just to end up getting a scratch in the next second

"Die!" Number 1 shouted as lightning arcs flowed in his sword. Its sharp sound rang in the air and his sword\'s speed exploded

Rhash\'s eyes trembled as he immediately dodged in the side but even then, the sword still hit him on his shoulder

Rhash should have the advantage as his weapon was longer but it was him that is receiving injuries

This result made him angry. His current enemy is just a lackey of Salamander yet he was already pushed in this position? What more if he and Reif were to battle the entire Church?

This is a result that Rhash cannot accept. He can\'t swallow this and his aura exploded

Rhash entered a frenzied state as he returned his blood pole into liquid blood

The blood floated around Rhash before they burst into flames. The lifeforce and vitality the floating blood contained was burned and the fire burned strongly

The resulted fire took up a large space as Rhash skillfully wielded it. He had the fire move to swallow his enemy but number 1 was cutting through the waves of fire with his sword

The man was moving around the battlefield skillfully and while Rhash was busy sending the blood fire towards him, number 1 suddenly appeared behind him

"You think you can sneak attack me?!" Rhash asked angrily as he quickly turned his body

His fist was already raised and he gave number 1 a punch filled with power and anger

Unfortunately, number 1 managed to use his sword to block a blow that would at least seriously injure him

But even then, the resulting force still managed to throw his body away. He was shaken by the punch\'s force and his internal energy was in a disarray

Rhash didn\'t let the chance escape his grasp as he opened his mouth. He blew one ball of blood fire after another. In just a matter of a few seconds, he already sent tens of them

Number 1 did his best to regain his balance in the air as he slash and slash the fireballs with his sword. However, it was not that easy

He couldn\'t help but be continously like thrown away from the impact

It resulted in him being thrown near his master that was also in the losing end in his battle with Reif

The pair of master and servant stood side by side while staring at their enemies

"How could this be!" Salamander roared angrily. He cannot believe that these two peasants managed to push them into this state

"Hand over the shard of death" Reif demanded with a dark look on his face. In his palm was a ball of a concentrated destructive ball

If things continue to be like this, Rhash would be able to kill number 1 sooner or later

That was thanks to Rhash\'s power and also the fact that the heavy gravitational pull was also affecting the enemies

It hindered their movements and also made it hard to control their mana

The combination of his own strength and Rhash\'s gravity magic made it easier for Rhash to defeat number 1

As long as he joined hands with Reif, Salamander would surely go down faster than he should be

"Arrogant bastard!" Salamander raged and the whole space trembled. The aura of the dead grew stronger than before and they flowed towards his body or more like Salamander\'s spirit

His physical body has long rotted away by the time and only in this place could his spirit trick death

Only in this place could Salamander display such a powerful strength

Rhash moved to Reif\'s side as their enemy seems to be growing stronger. As a result, Reif saw the cuts in his big brother\'s body

Rhash didn\'t even notice that the sword cuts that Number 1 gave him were not healing at a normal rate

Those injuries although light still cause Reif to see red and his whole body releases a cold and dangerous aura

"Originally, I was planning to fight you longer to tamper my body. But now... I don\'t have such plans anymore" Reif said darkly as the gravitational pressure grew stronger than ever

The only thing holding him back from being at his peak from all versions of himself was his physical body

Fighting an enemy at Salamander\'s level could help increase his body quality but after seeing the injuries in his big brother, Reif changes his mind

Rhash is his reverse scale. The only person that no one in this world could touch

"H-how could this be?!" Salamander shouted in shock. The gravitational pressure affects him much weaker than how it affects number 1

But now, after Reif\'s outburst, he feels as if a whole mountain was being pushed down from his shoulder

Even the space seems to be shaken by this level of pressure!