The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 112 - 109

With Rhash seeing how powerful he was, he gained more confidence in the upcoming battle with Salamander

From what it looks like, Rhash would be able to finish the battle with number 1 and number 2 earlier than he had expected and without them in the picture, he could help Reif fight Salamander

"Let\'s go, don\'t let your guard down" Rhash said seriously after burning number 3\'s body into ashes

The two stood on top of the magic formation in the ground and Rhash injected some mana into it

After a while, the formation glowed with a dim red light and in the next second, both Rhash and Reif cannot be seen anymore. The two of them vanishes and was transported into another space

When the two can finally see things again, they instantly see countless tombstone around them

The aura of death grew stronger as if just staying in this place for a long time would harm a living creature\'s life force and kill them

"The Tomb of Death" Rhash muttered and Reif stood in front of him as he can feel that this place is more dangerous than the play they were in just seconds ago

"Don\'t worry about me, I can still handle this" Rhash said as he steps forward

The place around them looks like a wide graveyard. Only tombstones could be seen from it. Not even a single grass could be seen

Even the skies were very dark, only a dark fog can be seen above. If normal people were to enter this place, they would instantly lose their vision

"Come out, I know that you are here, Number 2!" Rhash shouted while blood fire burned in his fists

It burned the dark mist around that cleared the surrounding a bit, the effect was insubstantial

Well, it doesn\'t matter if Rhash\'s eyes can\'t see anything around him. His other senses were still there and he can rely on them

After some time, an eerie-looking person materialized more than ten meters away from Rhash and Reif

This person was the very definition of creepy. He was wearing a black robe with a hood but it wasn\'t able to completely hide his appearance

His face looks as if it was only made from bones and skins. There was almost no flesh in it

Even the exposed hands were so bony that people would wonder how a person like this could still survive

"Seeing that the two of you are here means that you killed my brother" Number 2\'s hoarse voice rang around

People would instantly think that this man\'s throat was parched and badly needed some moisture

"We did and you are next if you don\'t let us meet Salamander" Rhash replied even though he was more than 99% sure that number 2 wouldn\'t let us pass this place without killing him first

Well, they wouldn\'t lose anything if Rhash tried his luck so why not, right?

Unfortunately, just as Rhash expected, number 2 really wouldn\'t back down as he tapped the ground with the staff in his hand

"For killing my brother and daring to meet our master, I\'ll sentence you with death! Don\'t think that I am only as strong as my brother!" Number 2\'s voice rang around again

When his long staff hits the ground, a strong tremor immediately appeared and the tombs were disturbed

Soon, hands with rotting flesh crawled out from the tombs, looking really disgusting

Fortunately, Rhash already has a lot of experience and even if these creatures are utterly disgusting, that wouldn\'t stop him from killing them

Rhash immediately puts his hands together and a ray of blood fire was shot by him

The blood fire flew in a straight line, wanting to burn number 2 to death

Unfortunately, number 2\'s body seems to have turned ethereal and the blood fire merely pass through his body as if he wasn\'t even there in the first place

"Tsk, that ability is really annoying" Rhash said while clicking his tongue together

Number 2 heard his words and the man unconsciously raised his brows. What does Rhash meant by that? Does this intruder actually know him? That should be possible though!

The man decided to ignore Rhash\'s words first as he ordered the thousands of zombies around to go and attack the intruder

Rhash jumped in the air and he ignored the zombies as the one controlling them is still the most important

His body was shot like an arrow as he approached number 2 but when Rhash got close to his enemy, the man just burst into black fog before materializing far away from him

Rhash failed again and the zombies attacked him. Without a choice, Rhash dealt with the zombies close to him first as it\'s hard to move with them around

One punch and kick after another was sent by Rhash toward the zombies. A single attack alone would cause the zombies\' head to burst like a watermelon

Rotten blood and flesh splashed around, dying the ground with filth as the zombies died from Rhash\'s hands

Unfortunately, Rhash knew that killing these zombies are not going to help the situation

When he killed around a few tens of them, the fallen zombies regenerated and they attacked him again

This place has too thick of the aura of the dead. With a simple trick from number 3, the fallen zombies would simply be revived infinitely. There is literally no end to them as long as the controller is not killed

In annoyance, Rhash slammed his palms into the ground, and waves and waves of blood fire burst around

His magic covered a wide area and he burned hundreds of zombies in one go as if they were just paper

As soon as Rhash did that, his body moved like a phantom again as he approached the zombies\' controller

In return, number 2 turned his body into black fog and materialized far away from Rhash again

If that wasn\'t enough, number 2 even raised his long staff, and around ten of the zombies glowed with a red light

Those zombies strength increases and they attacked Rhash from all direction

The zombies aren\'t really there to claw Rhash to death. They have other uses

As soon as they were close enough to Rhash, they immediately exploded

The explosion was simply disgusting as the zombies\' flesh splattered around

Reif clenched his fist while watching this scene. He wants to help his big brother but he knows that Rhash wouldn\'t let him

When in bed, Rhash would be submissive. However, in matters that involve their safety, that man is stubborn and hard-headed

Even if it hurts him, he wouldn\'t let Reif help him and ruin the plan

Reif doesn\'t like feeling this helpless and he could only watch in the side bitterly

Although he is sure that his big brother would not fall with just something like that, he still genuinely love Rhash and he doesn\'t want to see him fight and be in danger

As expected, Rhash\'s figure came out from the explosion unscathed. He is not as familiar with number 2\'s power as compared to number 1

After all, his dreams were not omnipotent. It doesn\'t include all the details and mostly only the plot that causes Reif to be hurt

Even then, Rhash is still not to be underestimated. He was trying to save as much \'fuel\' as possible but seems like he has to use more to defeat his enemy

Rhash\'s whole bloody was instantly covered with an intense bloody aura that disturbed his surroundings

His aura was so intense it looks as if the space itself was trembling

With a red flash, Rhash attacked number 2 again. This time, he wasn\'t able to turn himself into dark fog again

The only thing that number 2 could do was to block with the help of his long staff

However, that is far from enough as the impact from Rhash\'s fist threw him away

Number 2 collided with several zombies at once, turning their bodies into a meat space before he managed to stabilize himself

He just managed to do that when Rhash already appeared around him and number 2 immediately rolled to dodge

That causes Rhash\'s fist to only punch the ground and it directly broke into smaller pieces

It even sent a strong tremor in the surroundings and the zombies nearby were blown away

"Such power!" Number 2\'s pupils constricted and he took a scroll the same as the one that number 3 has before

Seeing that, Rhash instantly moved to prevent number 2 from calling reinforcements

Things would be beneficial for Rhash and Reif if they were to battle the enemies one by one

Once the enemies ganged up against them, the difficulty would rise. Thus, Rhash has to prevent Number 2 from calling for help

Unfortunately, a wall made from zombies was used by number 2 to stall for time. Even just a single second was enough to rip the scroll and call for help