The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 111 - 108

The reason why number 3 was the weakest in terms of strength was that his power wasn\'t focused on brute power. The thing he was best at was concealing himself

In terms of sneaking and hiding ability, number 3 was the most superior of all. In fact, he could also evade Rhash\'s senses

Others could only effectively hide from enemies when their enemies don\'t know that they are present

However, number 3 is completely different. He could even effectively hide in the middle of a battle! That\'s how powerful his concealment power was!

"As expected" Rhash mumbled to himself. Although he can directly sense where his enemy was, that doesn\'t mean that he could not do anything

Rhash\'s battle prowess was formidable but so was his wits! His wits were the thing that he relied on the years that Nath and the church constantly hunt him while Reif was still unconscious

With a sneer, Rhash moved again and his target was still the same. It was still the magic formation in the ground

He clenches his fist that still has the hard gauntlet made from solidified blood and he was about to slam it on the formation when a pair of daggers blocked him again

Even if number 3 could completely hide his presence, there was still something that he must protect and that is the magic formation!

That formation would enable Rhash to meet Salamander and number 3\'s mission was to prevent that from happening. Even if it meant sacrificing his life, it doesn\'t matter. The only thing that matters is that he could stop anyone from accessing that magic formation

For that cause, number 3 was prepared to die. It was more beneficial for him to hide in the dark and launch sneak attacks but because he has something to protect that he couldn\'t even move, his hands were tied

He is a loyal dog and no one could have access to the magic formation!

With that in mind, number 3 opened his mouth and fired a single needle towards Rhash

Because of how dark this place was, his needle is not something that most people would be able to block or dodge especially in their current situation

Those that were unlucky to find this place in Mesha City mostly died because of the needle in his mouth

After all, most people use their hands to attack. Not many would use their mouth!

Unfortunately for number 3, Rhash\'s battle sense is not easily overcome. Not to mention, he also is clear of a lot of abilities that number 3 has!

This needle attack is something that is not unknown by Rhash and he easily dodged it

Number 3\'s eyes trembled after his attack failed. Rhash\'s physical strength was stronger than his and the former starts overpowering him in their clash

The man\'s eyes trembled hard from the force being exerted towards him and number 3 could only use an AoE magic that he could release even if his hands were tied

A green mist was released by the pores in number 3\'s body. This mist if inhaled would dissolve one\'s internal organs and even if they hold their breath, as long as the mist made contact with their bodies, it would still start corroding them

It was no different from an acidic and corrosive mist that would melt everything that it came into contact with

Because of that, Rhash was forced to jump away to dodge that mist. Although his healing capabilities can only be described as impressive and the mist wouldn\'t be fatal, he still couldn\'t let himself be injured this early

There are still enemies he and Reif need to face soon. Number 3 can be considered as only the appetizer and Rhash couldn\'t afford to be injured by a mere appetizer

As such, Rhash moved away even if he only needs a little bit more time before he could overpower Number 3

"Not bad" Rhash commented darkly and as usual, number 3 didn\'t answer

Instead, the man created five clones of himself and they all attacked Rhash from different angles

Rhash faced those five clones fearlessly. His figure seems to have vanished because of how fast he was and when he reappeared, he was already behind one of the clones

Rhash threw a powerful punch at the clone and the clone instantly exploded into the same green mist earlier

Number 3 thought that Rhash would be caught off guard by that but he was mistaken

As if Rhash already knew what will happen, he immediately moved away as soon as he finished punching number 3\'s clone

"This guy... does he know me?" Number 3 can\'t help but think of that. Rhash gave him a feeling as if this man could read him and that he knew the magic he uses

Even then, number 3 still had the remaining 4 clones continue their assault. The result however was far from being desirable

Rhash seems to have transformed into a bloody phantom as his body moved at an unparalleled speed

His physical power has always been his strongest point and after drinking a lot of Reif\'s \'upgraded blood, his physique has improved to another level again

Normal human\'s eyes might not even be able to catch a shadow of Rhash due to has fast his movements were

The remaining 4 clones instantly exploded into green corrosive mist and as if number 3 gained his chance,  he waved his hand, and the mist all charged at a single direct

They all went to where Rhash was, intending to swallow him alive

However, Number 3 received the feeling as if his movements could be read again. As soon as Rhash finished all the clones, he immediately opened his mouth

A stream of bloody fiery breath was released by Rhash through his mouth and the fire burned the corrosive mists

Number 3\'s eyes constricted. His moves were read again. This is by no means a coincidence!

Rhash is aware of his abilities!

Number 3\'s danger sensed warned him again. He planned on continue probing his enemy and if he really can\'t defeat them, he\'ll ask his brothers to kill him

With that in mind, number 3 created more than twenty clones at once and all of them attacked Rhash

The flash of the clone\'s daggers created multiple arcs in space. They continuously tried to slash Rhash to death. And as soon as the clones were destroyed, they would all turn into blood mist but Rhash simply burned down the mist to prevent them from hurting him

Since the clones weren\'t enough, number 3 uses another move. He threw countless daggers towards Rhash that easily fended by punching all of them

The daggers were knocked away by Rhash\'s powerful punch and when the daggers landed on the ground, number 3 immediately slammed his palms down

From the daggers, inscriptions appeared, and soon, countless sharp tendrils of darkness has appeared

All the sharp tendrils immediately focus on attacking Rhash but for the nth time, Rhash read number 3\'s movements again

After all, in his dreams, Reif had a desperate battle against number 3. At that time, Rhash is already quite powerful

His rapid power improvement has surprised even Salamander that wants to use him

As a result, Salamander sent number 3 to capture Reif and the two had an epic battle. That battle caused a lot of casualties

At that time, Reif is already being criticized by the church and defaming him. After numerous people has died because of his clash with number 3, the people were completely enraged and the want to kill him

Without a choice, Reif could only flee from Mesha City and darker days have dawned upon his life

Because of that, Rhash is perfectly aware of most abilities that number 3 has. It was almost impossible for this man to use tricks to catch him off guard since he knows what magic this man could use

Seeing that even his daggers failed to kill Rhash, number 3 judged that these enemies are not someone he could fight on his own

He immediately took out a stroll that would help him to inform his brothers that he is in danger but in the next second, his eyes trembled

The next thing that number 3 knows was that Rhash was already in front of him. Not just that, the bloody demon even cut off his hand and took the scroll in his hands

"Don\'t be too shocked. I was merely testing my strength on you. It doesn\'t mean that I fought you seriously earlier" Rhash said coldly

Although he knows that he was much stronger than he was previously, he doesn\'t know to what extent. He also doesn\'t have the chance to know as Reif is always dragging him on countless trips all around the world

Rhash was merely using number 3 to test his strength and to his surprise, he was far more powerful than he had originally thought. It was to the point that he was in disbelief