The Villain is Happy Being a Father

Chapter 53: Shadow Emperor (12)

This time, the program group invited a total of five pairs of fathers and sons/fathers and daughters. After the new movie, Xie Yi and his son got off the bus, the audience had already arrived at four guests.

After a few guests chilled each other, it was almost time to see the appointment time. Qian Qian looked around and said that the director still has a pair of guests?

The program group had previously told the daddy of five families to take the children to participate, so who is such a big card, time has come yet?

Zhang Daxi was busy communicating with the photographer, and he said that he would wait and see, and he didn\'t know where the Emperor lived, but from the place where Yang Bingbing took the children out to play, it should not be too far.

A few children don\'t have the patience of an adult. They often take out the good things they bring and sit and play, or carefully try to know each other. When the other party is willing to share it with their toys or snacks, it is good. Friend.

I heard that there is still a child who has not arrived. The six-year-old son of Xie Ying’s family said: "You said she would be a boy or a girl?"

There are already three boys in the audience. There is only one girl who is five years old. It is the daughter of the famous comic actor Zhao Shunyen. It inherits the appearance of Dad. The five senses are not exquisite, but they have an unusual sense of combination. A pair of small eyes are black and slick, wearing a small yellow dress.

She is a little shy and shy, saying that she hopes to come to a sister or sister. The girl always wants to have a league with her own country. Now she is a girl, and the five-year-old Xiaoyuanyuan is a little panicked.

Xie Zhen’s son, Xie An’an, is six years old. He is a steady little brother. He is the biggest child in the room. He said comfortably: “It’s okay, whether it’s a boy or a girl, it’s with us!”

Seeing Xiaoyuanyuan is still a little afraid of life, he added, "I will not bully you."

When he said that he had just finished speaking, he was beaten. The old card was the son of Emperor Mo Qi, who was only four years old. Mo Qi was already in his forties, and he had such a baby son, so that a young man was spoiled. It is an uncompromising little bully.

The little bully spoke without hesitation, and made a face to Zhao Yuanyuan, laughing at her courage, and letting go of the most hateful girl, the girl is too cozy to cry, it is not fun!

Zhao Yuanyuan made a cry of wow, and climbed up to go to Dad’s side, crying to ask his father to hug and screaming to go home. “Brother, brother bullying!”

Xie Anan: "..."

The parents of the bear child Mo Qi quickly came out to apologize and grabbed his son and asked him to apologize. "Screaming your sister, you may be getting bigger and bigger!"

Mo Yang felt that he had not said anything wrong. He looked at his side with a stern neck and didn\'t look at him.

Mo Qi: "..."

Broken bear children can\'t teach!

This kind of noisy time has passed for more than half an hour. Which time is not valuable? I have never seen such a big name absent. After repeated questioning, the director group said that the last guest could not come, and decided to randomly take a pair of passers-by to attend.

Everyone:? ? ? ?

Is it so rash?

The director said cheerfully: "It’s boring to watch big stars, come up with new ideas, choose random stimulation, and surprises?

Everyone: "..."

You are the director, you have the final say!

Today\'s amusement park has been cleared. No outsiders will come in. The director called the assistant director and two photographers to wait at the entrance of the amusement park. Later, when they meet the requirements of the father or son, they can invite them to participate in the program.

How can ordinary people have the opportunity to go to TV? Although the deputy director did not know what the director was playing, he felt that it was not difficult. He only prayed for the best to come to the father or son of the high value, so that the audience would buy it!

When the time went to nine o\'clock, a taxi was parked at the entrance of the amusement park. First, a long leg with black leather shoes was exposed, and then a long and straight body, with a well-defined and handsome face, he bent. Waist picked up a child in a pink dress from the car about three years old.

The deputy director’s eyes are bright! Quickly called the photographer to prepare, ready to wait for the father and daughter to come and invite them to participate in the show!

According to the deputy director\'s point of view, although the father and the daughter did not reveal the whole face, but the light looks at the appearance of the body, the intuition is definitely good, there is a play!

After the sound got out of the car, I didn’t know what to do. The uncle didn’t tell her what to do afterwards.

After wishing to pay for the car, I held the ball with one hand and went to the ticket office at the entrance of the amusement park.

The deputy director excitedly asked the photographer to be ready. At this moment, the deputy director’s heart and the director Zhang Daxi reached a strange tacit understanding and tried to win the father and daughter!

On the other side, inside the amusement park.

The director\'s screenwriters gathered in a group, sitting in front of the computer and watching the real-time pictures from the assistant director.

Xie Yan brows and picks up, saying that luck is good. "This is a bit of a look at the aunt and the father."

The director is proud of himself, but I wish you a dream! Can you look bad? ! He did not miss his choice of people!

Mo Qi is thoughtful, "How do you think this person is a bit familiar?"

The gang was holding his father\'s neck, and some of them looked at the uncle in front of him. Is this uncle and the uncle who promised to give her a TV package to eat and raise her father?

The deputy director smiled and explained: "This gentleman, this is the case. Today, the playground allows us to pack the program, but you can rest assured that you can play with your child for free, no money!"

Looking at the father and daughter temperament is not like a person who is very short of money, he said a congratulation, "Because the guests invited by us lacked a pair, the program group decided to temporarily take a pair of passers-by fathers or fathers and daughters to participate, You just came over and were drawn, is it fate?"

"Reassure, the program group also gives the fees, and everything follows the treatment of the stars..."

The camera dutifully patted the pair of "lucky" fathers and daughters, wishing a lonely eyebrow and burying the child\'s face in his chest. "Sorry, we are not interested in participating in the show."

After talking about holding the child, I turned and left.

I have been to a few passers-by before. It’s not that the aunt and grandmother are playing with their grandchildren. It’s that the passers-by’s father and son are too embarrassed. It’s not the material of the show at first glance. It’s hard to find the right one. I know I must leave someone behind!

"Don\'t go, kid, do you want to play on TV?"

When the group heard this, they knew that it was the same as the former uncle. She pulled the father’s clothes and twisted it. "Dad, the sound, the sound and the sound want to go in and play..."

Seeing my father frowning, she stretched out her little fat hand and touched her father\'s eyebrows. "Don\'t be upset!" The scorpion sighed and sighed painfully: "Forget it, Dad doesn\'t like it, he won\'t go. The sound is ok."

Dingzi\'s favorite is Dad. Naturally, I don\'t want to see my father\'s unhappy. I immediately abandoned my previous thoughts. I can\'t do anything with the bottle. I can\'t do it on TV. Then she thinks about other ways.

Who knows the man\'s footsteps, turned around and pulled off the mask on his face. "Do you direct Zhang Daxi? Tell him to come and talk to me."

Deputy director:"……"

I wish that when I met the deputy director just now, I was keenly aware that it was not right. He was not a dull person. On the contrary, his IQ was terrible. He immediately thought of Zhang Daxi, who had been entangled in him before, and the mismatch of these two days.

Let’s take a look at what it’s like before, and I’m eager to come to this amusement park. I even know the name clearly. It’s just right here, it’s just being “randomly extracted” by the so-called program group. Coincidental thing?

Zhang Daxi’s phone followed, and the guests beside him said that they had been stunned by the film’s face, and they haven’t returned to it for a long time.

The deputy director answered the phone with a stupid voice. There was a loud voice on the other side: "There is no such thing as a movie in the air, and it is a coincidence that the filmmakers have a fate with our program group!"

The deputy director’s mouth was pumping, and even he didn’t believe in such a coincidence. Can the director not be so good? !

I wish you were not angry with others, and he was angry that the program team used the children to achieve their goals, which made him always have a few minutes of warm eyebrows.

The gang did not see his father angry, extended his fat claws and held his chin, and took the lead in confession. "Dad is sorry..."

The sound was a little lost and very embarrassing. She said with a red eye: "The sound is not deliberately deceiving Dad, but Dad does not like to watch TV..."

The young caddy\'s ability to express is not very good. He only tells his favorite father all his thoughts. "The sound doesn\'t want to see Dad making money so hard, thinking, trying to make a lot of money to earn a good father." ”

The photographer who was on the side did not turn off the camera. This paragraph was also recorded and transmitted to the computer in the program group in the amusement park in real time.

The few star dads who have just been stunned have already returned to God, and then look at the three-year-old girl who is very similar to him who is holding her hand.

Mo Qi shook his head and smiled: "I wish the silence is unfortunate for a while, but there is such a little baby, not necessarily a blessing."

Xie Tao raised his hands and feet to agree, he has always envied the other people\'s home to have a small cotton jacket, I did not expect to wish the shadow of the emperor this even more!

"If my family stupid boy is so intimate, how long can my hair be!"

After the corps finished the sentence, he took out a small change from his small bag, full of change, ten pieces and five pieces, and more of a piece of five hair.

She clung tightly, handed her money to her father and smiled brilliantly. "Dad doesn\'t have to worry, it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t go to TV. The sound will make money to raise you."

"The sound is wrong, you shouldn\'t be squatting, and you are cheating with your uncle. Dad is not angry. Just listen to the kiss!"

When she finished, she found a small head and kissed her father\'s chin. After the kiss, she laughed and stole the little milk bear. The sound was very happy. "Uncle system, I feel so happy now, don\'t lie. It feels so good!"

I wish you to look at the sweet little face of the child in your arms, and then look at the change in her hand. The throat suddenly seems to be caught by something. He hides his cough and turns his head and turns his head. Wetly hide.

He suddenly remembered that he had gone out early and late in the past few days. Yang Bingbing took the child out early and went home late. He also remembered how much the group had asked him at the dinner table for a meal, thinking it was a child’s curiosity, but I want to come now...

I wish you a little and soft body in your arms, tight and tight. At this moment, he suddenly felt grateful to the woman who was so angry that she sent her child to him, when he was in a low place.

I wish you all the long, no one told him that he must work hard to make money, even if he is a deceased parent, they will never tell their sons that they will go to school. They will only grow up and become a leader.

The child in front of the eyes has been spinning around behind his **** every day since he was sent to him. Every day, he slaps his hips and says that he likes his father most. He is very sincere. He looks at his predicament and will feel distressed and will pay. Action must raise a father.

The heart of the three-year-old 崽崽 崽崽 纯 is pure and white, and there is always only one person in his heart.

The squad was very sensitive, especially the emotion of Dad. She noticed that the atmosphere of Dad was softened. It seemed that she was not angry. She immediately grinned and opened. She felt that the money she earned had played a role.

The dumplings can be proud, raise their small heads, and put the money into the hands of Dad. Once again, he said: "Dad, it’s hard to make money now. You have to save some flowers. The sound will go to the bottle tomorrow."

There is no other good way for the group to lick the bottle. It is slow to make money slowly, but it is a good bottle to make money. It’s a big deal, and it’s a big deal.

“捡 bottle?”

I wish the lonely eyes fall on the face of the corps, and said that the special bottle of the bottle can be proud of it. A pair of big eyes are fascinating and stick out. "Dad, the sound can be amazing. You can have a lot of bottles in a day. I sold a lot of money..."

Her voice went down, and she was embarrassed: "Although, although I still can\'t afford my father, it doesn\'t matter, it\'s better to work harder!"

The group had a small fist and was full of vigor and vitality.

"Uncle, stop your car, we don\'t go to TV, and Dad doesn\'t like TV."

They are sitting in the sightseeing car of the amusement park at this time. After the dumplings have been stunned, Dad thinks about calling his uncle to stop.

I wish you a tight hold on the child, no more questions, he is afraid to ask again, will not control the mood.

There is nothing to ask. The money that the dumplings gave him is obviously the time when he took Yang Bingbing a few days ago and went to the bottle to sell the money.

In front of the computer screen in the playground, several adults stood silent for a long time. When they reached their age and status, there were more big waves or pickles in the circle. Now, no matter what you look at, it’s very different. It is difficult to cause inner fluctuations, but I wish the daughter of the Emperor...

When I was three years old, I said that I had to raise my father. I really went to pick up the bottle to sell money to my father’s child. Several people looked at each other and saw the same emotion.

Hey! I wish the silence is unfortunate, and he wins with a child. How can this person be so embarrassed by the fact that the child becomes the winner of life? !

The group did not use it, and wished the emperor not to speak. The driver still drove to the place of the program group.

I wish you a feeling of silence for a while, then I said to the group: "It doesn\'t matter, as long as the baby wants to do it, Dad will accompany you."

Whether you are on the show or where you are, stay with you.

At this moment, the principle of the heart is completely ash in front of the corps, and I wish that the true feeling of the child who is connected with blood is really felt.

He is the child\'s father, the only one she relies on, and the child in her arms is also his only and only.

The sightseeing car quickly sent a few people to the venue of the program. Zhang Daxi came out early and waited. The man who apologized came down and bowed. "I wish the younger brother, owe you an explanation and apologize for waiting for you!"

Said that he reached out his hand, and wished the silence to shake his hand, smiled: "Looking forward to our cooperation!"

Looking at the man’s arms, I suddenly smiled more and more, and an old fat face smiled into a chrysanthemum. “Small sounds, let’s meet again. Uncle promised to make the small sounds the most beautiful and lovely children in the world. !"

The group saw so many people looking at her and buried the little head in his father\'s arms. Although there was a shyness, he emphasized: "Uncle, my father is better to watch, the sound is the second best."

Zhang Daxi: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Then look at the shadow of the spring breeze swaying the lips of the emperor, everyone has his sack of hearts! ! !

The name of this variety show is "Baby Dad\'s Big Battle", the name is a vulgar point, but Zhang Daxi loves such a straightforward name, according to his words, it is grounded!

After wishing the emperor to agree, the contract was signed on the spot. Zhang Daxi and the Emperor Yingdi held their hands and said that the cooperation was pleasant. This scene was taken by the camera and edited into the program.

The first episode was filmed in an amusement park. The dad and his child team cooperated to fight together. The game link not only tests the tacit understanding between the child and the father, but also tests the feelings of each other and the child\'s reaction ability. Wait, these have bonus points.

Everyone looked at the child who wished the shadow of the emperor\'s family, although she was the youngest in the room, but a few dads were a little nervous. The child was a little daddy, and the test of the relationship between the father and the son was not Steady win?

Xie Tao and Mr. Zhuan had a discussion. "You let us, your child is so small, when you need to work hard, I let our family Xie Anan help your family with a small voice, let us be allies?"

I wish you a light smile on the corner of your mouth. You can\'t help but look at the small figure in front of the director\'s uncle and lead the props. He said: "It doesn\'t matter if the sound is lost. I am there."

Xie Wei: "..."

How is this so irritating? !

Say good, modest, humble, high-quality, like jade, the shadow of the emperor set? Feeding the dog? ! ! !

The author has something to say: Tonight, both chapters are relatively fat, adding up to three chapters, oh, good night.

It’s a little uncomfortable to brush up some of the comments in the last chapter. The story is not a twist. The sound is a three-year-old child. She is eager to share for her father, raise her father, be deceived by the director, and fool her. That\'s right, but people make mistakes, let alone three-year-olds? She will admit that the mistake is a good boy! You feel sick can abandon the text, but don\'t blame me, she just loves Dad!

In addition, the director\'s reaction is also human nature. He is a bit of a human calculation. But the overall is not too bad. The main reason is to do the variety show. The way to get through the adults will be achieved through the children. I feel sorry for the logic, so that I am not affected by others.

The director looks ugly and flat, but don\'t yell at me, or I will marry you!

Seeking nutrient liquid duck! Tomorrow, I will be more early (I will send 4). Thank you for casting a bully ticket or a small angel for irrigating nutrients.

Thanks to the little angel who cast out [rocket gun]: 26826058, just one sunflower seed;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: the golden age, the baekhyuncks, the little fairy of the dragon brother, three people, one of the bells;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Smile 靥 靥 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 , zero, meredith, zsj015, 5 bottles of killing pills; 3 bottles of Beibei; house does not want to cry, 2 bottles of newborns at 0 years old; lemon Yiliduo, plum sauce, good, 23108665, 1 bottle of autumn wind;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network