The Villain is Happy Being a Father

Chapter 52: Shadow Emperor (11)

The three-year-old squad thought everything was on his face. Zhang Daxi saw her look and acted again and again: "The uncle told you that there are still many delicious TVs in the program group. It is free to eat casually. ! Also wrap it!"

The squad licked his fat chin and heard his eyes wide open. "When you eat?" Can you raise your father? Don\'t want money!"

Zhang Daxi endured a smile and said yes!

He has a hunch that this child will definitely make his show fire!

Yang Bingbing: "..."

He stunned God for a long time, and for a little while, he almost let the squad give him a flicker under his own eyes. He quickly got up and took the scorpion and put it on his lap. His hands were firmly encircled.

Yang Bingbing glanced at the wretched uncle who tried to abduct the group.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Zhang Daxi took another business card and smiled and handed it over. "Young Yang is not too anxious, I am not a bad person. I am Zhang Daxi, I am making a TV series. Remember?"

Yang Bingbing has never seen Zhang Daxi, but after listening to the name of Zhang Daxi, when Zhang Daxi was the most beautiful, he was once the director of the first echelon of the TV drama industry. He sent several phenomena-level fire dramas, that is, nearly two years. The unfavorable years have not come down.

He carefully read the business card, and the corps was tightly packed. I was afraid that the scorpion would not be careful to make people abduct. If his brother knew that he had to kill him!

Yang Bingbing pushed the business card over and snorted. "Who knows if it is true or not, and then my niece is only three years old! What TV is three years old?"

Yang Bingbing is not stupid. His lonely brother has recently been entangled in black. It must be someone who is engaged in him, and he is so troubled on the Internet. If he is a TV show in the capacity of his brother\'s daughter, how much malicious it is to bear the blacks?

Only a three-year-old child, let alone his brother, that is, he also reluctant to be guilty of this child!

Zhang Daxi moved to the stool and sat next to him, but he had no choice but to smile. One or two were all reactions. "You should not worry, I will tell you about this show."

"This program is different from the old-fashioned variety show. It is a parent-child reality show. We record the program in the form of a full-time recording. In addition to editing a two-hour program on Saturday, we will put it on the TV station. There will also be a daily video recording of up to eight hours of video recording without a clip on the partner video site."

"So this program is guaranteed not to be edited indiscriminately. You also know that the movie is not optimistic. I think it is possible to show a different movie to the audience through the show, and there may be unexpected effects."

He looked at the girl who was fascinated, but still widened his eyes and listened carefully. He said with a smile: "Moreover, I wish the movie\'s daughter so cute, and it will certainly attract many fans."

Finally, the director re-directed the phone to the group and said: "Good boy, the uncle\'s phone is on this, you can call me at any time."

The dumplings have a little head, and they are full of good feelings for the uncle who gave her money and also wrapped up for free to raise her father!

Zhang Daxi’s persuasion of the great effort still has a little effect. Yang Bingbing’s heart is also somewhat shaken. If... his brother can really turn over through this program...

But thinking about it, thinking of his lonely brother\'s eyes with no desire, he shook his head suddenly, no, no, his brother would not agree!

Yang Bingbing pretended that he had not wavered, and he intended to swallow the matter into his mouth and not say it. If the lonely brother knew that he had brought his daughter out, he almost turned away... It was terrible to think about it!

His eyes quickly shook the business cards of the squadron to the ground, and picked up the children and left. "Go, let\'s go home, this is a lie, and next time I meet such a strange uncle, ignore him!"

"Who is it, let\'s track it! Hey!" Don\'t think he can\'t see it, the wolf ambition!

The sound is struggling, and she says she has to go. "Uncle is holding hard, the sound can go by himself."

In the past, this squad commanded himself to lick the bottle. He was enslaved to what he was like. Now he finally knows how to understand the hard work of the old uncle. Yang Bingbing was immediately happy, and he was unable to find the North by a group of words.

Immediately put her down and shouted: "Hey, the sound is the most embarrassing, and I know how to understand my uncle."

He is very angry, with a big hand, "Go, uncle takes you to buy sugar!"

The sound of the milk is so good, I look at the business card that was thrown down by the uncle and bite the lip. The adult always does not listen to the child, it is really awkward!

The sound has been thought out and said: "Uncle, you turn, the sound is playing with you and playing hide and seek?"

Yang Bingbing is happy, can you say that it is not good? The little niece said that he was squatting and turned his hand. "Uncle counted three times, then turned around. If the voice is held by the uncle, you have to kiss the uncle!"

After the silence, Yang Bingbing began to time, because this is a children\'s theme restaurant, which is played and eaten. It is very common for adults to play with their children. No one feels strange about this.

The group looked at the uncle and turned over. He immediately squatted down and picked up the business card that fell on the floor. The look of the business card looked like her baby bottle. No, it was much more expensive than the bottle. The bottle could not afford it. Hey!

The sound is good, the business card is carefully hidden in the chest pocket of the bib worn on the body. Just after hiding Yang Bingbing, he turns over. He looks down at his cute chubby prostitute and squats on the floor. Holding him.

Yang Bingbing looked at his father\'s smile and put the group on his shoulder. "Uncle\'s legs hold you away!"

I wish that the silence is going to pick up people, and the two will come back.

Yang Bingbing had some guilty feelings and touched his nose. He didn’t even eat dinner. He let go of the dumplings.

I wish the silence to take the hand of the group to go home and ask: "What happened today?"

The gang was busy shaking his head. "Nothing."

Before going to bed at night, the group carefully spoke of Uncle Yang\'s work. "Dad, uncle said that his job is to go to TV, to watch TV is fun? Can you make a lot of money?"

I wish the lonely child a dark, three-year-old child will not lie, so who said what in front of her?

He smiled and touched the head of the group, or told the truth: "You can make a lot of money on TV, but Dad will give you more money in the future, is it better than Uncle Yang?"

The dumplings said yes, the little head arched in his father\'s arms.

She said to the system in her heart, "The system uncle and dad are very kind to me! But I want to make more money for my father now, so that Dad will not be very hard."


How can he break a group of high-level data? !

For several days in a row, I wished that I was so busy that his team had already taken shape. He currently counts him as five people.

But because the team was originally formed by the team, and he had a plan before, the core code is that he is developing, so he is the busiest.

Yang Bingbing was ordered by the agent to pick up the notice. Without him, he would not go out, and he would knock on the computer every day in the study.

Fortunately, his embarrassment is very embarrassing. Even if he is not useful for his father, he can’t take time to play with the group. She is also very embarrassed, knowing that he is busy, sitting around him playing with toys or Go to the living room to watch cartoons.

However, for the young corps, the same thing in the heart for two days is already the limit, she finally can not help, the rich uncle\'s phone number is still in her pocket, was carefully hidden.

"Uncle system, I want to make money on TV. If I don\'t want to contact the uncle with me, would you be angry?"

In the past few days, the director gave a call to Zhu Lian every day. The system knows it, and I wish that Lonely will not let Xiaoling to participate in the variety show.

In the original world, the villain wished that there was no design software. After being trapped in the entertainment circle, he was persecuted and counterattacked. His counterattack was also very Buddhist, that is, he killed the fake system. The helper actor, then jumped from the high building in front of the police to commit suicide.

In the world formed by some novels, if the protagonist is the kind of non-positive person for the unscrupulous means, such a novel is not meaningful except for the novel, even if the world collapses after the death of the male protagonist, there is not much significance.

Although in the novel, for the male protagonist, wishing for the silence to stand at the top of the entertainment circle, the man who is in front of him like a mountain is a negative character, but according to the operation of the world line, the system bureau supports the villain after killing the man. The upper position became the male master.

In some respects, the villain has the potential to become a protagonist. The air transport on him is not worse than the protagonist. After the villain becomes the protagonist of the world, the world can still function normally.

Therefore, the system is to support the villain to return to the entertainment circle. This man should stand at the peak of the entertainment circle. It is best to admire the people, so that after the male leader who has done a good job, the air transport will return to him. At that time, the villain will not be blackened, the world will not collapse, and his mission will be completed with beauty!

The system thought about it: "Little cub, you can contact and see first." Although I don\'t really want to say it, the system still said: "He is your father, your father should not be angry with you."

When the group was squatting in the study room, she sneaked into the room next door and pulled out her watch phone.

Yang Bingbing went out to play with the group every day for a few days, wishing that there was something unexpected, and gave the group a children\'s watch with a call function.

When the phone rang twice, it was picked up. The group whispered: "Uncle, uncle..."

The volume has been raised there. "Is it a good friend?"

"Uncle, I am a sound, dad, dad don\'t seem to like TV, can you go to the music yourself?"

The young corps was too naive. Zhang Daxi didn\'t hold back and smiled. He wanted to turn the squad first, but the squad was only three years old. He did not want to be a master. If he did, it would break the law and provoke When the Emperor took him to court, he suffered a big loss!

Zhang Daxi patiently yelled at the child on the phone. "Don\'t worry, listen to your uncle. Let\'s start shooting in a week. When the uncle calls you in advance, you will tell your father, let him bring You go to a place to play..."

Zhang Daxi thought well. When the program started, he told the other couples directly about the last pair of guests to randomly choose the road. When the film and his daughter came over, they just hit it and said they were lucky. "People passers-by."

In this way, even if the filmmaker is not happy, he can\'t pursue his responsibility. After all, it is a "coincidence". If he is willing to do better, he has the daughter of the goddess of the gods, and he is very cute. The film does not shake?

Zhang Daxi has been transformed. This time, he is sinful and sinful. The risk of the Emperor will also be taken down by the father and daughter with the highest topic. After hanging up the phone, the assistant whispered: "Director, you are too treacherous..."

Zhang Daxi waved his hand and was confident: "In this year, there is no means to make a big deal. Besides, I have no intention of breaking the law. As long as I wish the photographer to be willing, I can pay the appearance fee according to his original value, which is much higher than other guests. This is Help each other and win each other!"

Fruit Taiwan announced in the morning that Guanbo announced that it will select a variety of variety shows broadcasted on Saturday\'s prime time period. It will be carried out by two alternative variety shows. The vote is based on netizens\' votes and the highest data is selected. The order.

This novelty of getting all the viewers involved in deciding which program to broadcast is more novel than the draft debut.

These two alternative variety shows, one of which is the love variety directed by the veteran variety director Gao Xin, is composed of a few small flowers and small meat partners, and interacts with some levels and games.

The other is to introduce the reality show of foreign fires to innovate, and invite the star father/father/father to record the program for the guests.

The former is safe, and a large number of fans have already accumulated in the country. Coupled with the fan traffic of the popular small meat and small flowers, it is foreseeable that it is difficult to pounce on the streets even if there is no fire.

The latter is more adventurous, novelty is novelty, but I don\'t know how the audience accepts it. After all, how does the daddy take the baby to talk about love and crazy?

Most netizens think so too, and there is no hope for this.

Fortunately, the voting channel has not yet begun, and it is necessary to wait for two sets of variety shows to be recorded before they will be opened. Otherwise, the latter’s parent-child show is afraid to be yellow before it is recorded.

Zhang Daxi has also been filming TV for 20 years. The TV series of the big fire has been shot several times. Even now, the network is still there. The old face has really invited several heavyweight guests. It’s just a lineup. Give the next-door love variety group.

He called the group early in the morning and quietly told her an address. He was afraid that the group couldn’t remember it. He said it several times in a row, and waited for the group to repeat it before he could hang up the phone.

I wish you still feel that from the night before going to bed until this morning, my daughter is not quite right. I always use a small eye to slap him, and still have some guilty conscience?

I wished that I had promised the squad early in the morning. I am not busy with work today. I have been playing with her for a day. The troupe has been clever and has never asked anything. I wish that the silence would be rejected.

R&D software is not a one-and-a-half-minute thing. It’s not a few months to make a finished product. It’s still a bit of a slap. Some of the fire software is often designed by the entire team for a few years.

But for the sake of wishing for silence, it is not necessary for a few years, and the core concept has been made. I have already had a good calculation in my heart, and I can complete the prototype in about three months.

So he was not in a hurry, he reflected on it and felt that at least one-third of the time had to spend the day with his children. It was not the same thing to ask her to play alone.

The group didn\'t know what Dad was thinking. He happily stuffed his favorite snack candy into his small bag, and he didn\'t forget to wear his watch. He took his father\'s hand and went out.

"Hey, hurry!"

The gang didn\'t know how to say it. He followed the words of the uncle who taught her. When he got on the bus, he took his father\'s hand and shook. "Hey, listen to the uncle, that, the place called, the sky amusement park is very fun..."

Having said that, she has a small head, "The sound is going."

I wish that the uncle said that this uncle is Yang Bingbing. It is not surprising that Yang Bingbing is not reliable and sly.

The squad is still small. It seems that I have never been to the amusement park. I wish I couldn’t even think about it and ask the driver to drive to the sky amusement park.

"Oh, your father and daughter have a good relationship. It’s not like I drive outside every day, I don’t have time to play with my daughter. Now the child is not close to me. Sometimes it’s not a few days before I go out late. The child is young. I can even forget that this is my father..."

There are not a few mouths to open for rent. The driver’s master said, he shook his head and smiled. He looked at the father and daughter who sat in the back seat with envy. The size and temperament were outstanding. This young father should have When you have money, you have time to spend time with your children to go to the amusement park.

On the other hand, the Sky Amusement Park was occupied by the program group for a day. At this time, it was busy, and guests came to the scene.

The author has something to say: 1. Don\'t listen to the system. The idea of ​​the system does not mean the idea of ​​the anti-faction. I hope that the career line will not change, and I will still start my own business, but I will go to the show with the cockroach. Only.

2. In addition, I feel that if you are uncomfortable in your heart, you can look at the next chapter patiently. You will admit your mistakes, you still feel uncomfortable, and you can do well.

3. The director\'s logic is correct, but he is using the scorpion to grow ugly, and can\'t be forgiven!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast out [rocket gun]: just one sunflower seed;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 grapefruit;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 璇4; Li Wei, Yi, doya, 沅沅, meat の, 懿懿懿懿懿懿cy, one big answer;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Xiaomin 49 bottles; please drink 38 tea bottles for milk; wine 99, I am a small waste 20 bottles; banxia, ​​ancient city old house, 阡陌, hundred hundred, year, just a sunflower seed, 10 bottles away; 8 bottles of porridge porridge; 7 bottles of piglet skin that have been set for big orange; 6 bottles of Pan\'an; zsj015, words, jjjjjk5 bottle;?, the fish that loves the fish, the side of the sinking boat 4 bottles; the only one, Yi, small cloud 3 bottles; fruit, 252697732 bottles; 冉冉, 16520705, dooyuan, fish looking for water, fish rain, toot, assists Lele, lemon Yili, wind-like people, Nini\'s old Jia 1 bottle ;

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