The Villain is Happy Being a Father

Chapter 118:

Did the son kidnap his granddaughter? ? ?

Mo Guosheng hangs up on the phone, his son is the granddaughter\'s father, her guardian, how is it called kidnapping?

The institute said that Professor Mo had asked for a few days off. The old Su family gave him a phone call. He said that his granddaughter asked his son to pick it up two days ago and asked if he had no home. Why didn’t he have a phone call?

The sound also promised to go back and call them.

Mo Guosheng hung up the phone and called his son.

No one answered the first call on the other side, and the second call rang a few times, but it was picked up.

The answering phone was his baby granddaughter, and the granddaughter said with a milky voice: "Grandpa? I am with my father, the house is big, my father has a big dog..."

Mo Guosheng was relieved. He said how can his father kidnap his daughter?

He is not such an unreliable character, and he is originally his daughter. He has no position to do this.

After chatting with her granddaughter, Mo Guosheng asked her to call her father.

The group shouted: "Bad father, Grandpa called you to answer the phone."

Mo Guosheng’s mouth was pumping, and it was obvious that the granddaughter had stuck his son a while ago. Then he called the bad father?

His son is too frustrated!

On the other end of the line, the group was sitting on the ground, and there were a lot of beautiful dolls in front of them. The bad dad said that she had to dress up the dolls before she put the father out.

The squad carefully put a beautiful little skirt on each doll and put on a scorpion. When she was awkward to dress up all the dolls, Mo Linqing took the call back.

He knelt down, pinched his face and asked, "I still want to see your good father?"

The group looked up at him and did not hesitate: "Think."

"The sound can be thought of."

He snorted softly. "What about me?"

Looking at the confused eyes of Mozi, Mo Linqing repeated and explained: "If your good father appears, I will disappear forever, are you willing, little nephew."

It will disappear forever. This kind of topic is too heavy for the young corps. She only thought about letting her father out, so that the bad father would not do bad things. Never thought that if there was only one between the two?

Another...if, forever disappearing...

The goldfish head of the dumplings finally remembered that the system uncle said that Dad is half of the good father and the bad father. If you want your father to survive, the bad father will disappear...

The sound brows are wrinkled into a ball, and the newly dressed dolls are not needed. A small fat face is full of tangles.

Her eyes widened and she looked straight to Mo Linqing.

After watching it for a long time, Mo Linqing simply sat down and leaned against the wall. A pair of long legs stretched forward at random, holding the arms and watching the dumplings.

A pair of black-black eyes seem to be full of smiles, but in fact it is full of unknown meanings. The road in front of the group is like standing on the edge of a cliff, as if to say a mistake, it will fall into the abyss.

Mo Linqing rubbed his fingertips, and his heart tightened unconsciously.

These dark waves and turbulent regiments did not feel it. She sat on the ground and thought very seriously.

Is it a good father or a bad father? This is a problem, a very big problem.

Even if the young corps are eager to see a good father, I hope that Dad will stay with her, and never thought that the bad father will disappear.

Mo Linqing feels that he is stupid, what is the stupid question asked by a little nephew? Who is important in the heart of Xunzi?

I can\'t wait for him to disappear quickly, so that her good father can come out.

A meaningless question, he chuckled and wanted to say something.

I saw the scorpion raised his face and cautiously asked: "Can you have two sounds and sounds?"

Mo Lin cleared her eyes and stared at her face.

The group is a bit shy, she thinks she is too greedy, but -

"I know that greed is not good, good children can\'t be greedy, but two dads are originally a father, why should they disappear?"

"Of course, one can\'t be less!"

After saying that she naturally focused on a small head, the sound of the system feels that the system uncle is not right, since the father is one into two, why should we disappear one?

The two are complete, aren\'t they?

In the limited understanding of the poor and poor, if half of the father is missing, it is no longer the complete father.

Even... now this dad looks really a bit bad.

Not bad.

But it doesn\'t matter, Dad will definitely change, he just is not happy.

The gang feels that if the bad father is happy, he will not do bad things. If he is happy, he will do good things.

It’s like, just like the big dog that wandered outside that day.

In order to please the bad father, the squad told him to put the father out early and give the bad father a gift. She was like a little rabbit doll in her bag for a long time, very cute.

The group remembered that after receiving the gift, the bad father seemed very happy. After meeting the injured stray dog, the group carefully asked if Dad could save the dog. The bad father had always agreed.

They sent the dog to the hospital to treat the wound, and then took the dog home to take care of it.

The squad thought of this and raised a sweet smile. She stretched her hand and pulled the sinister sleeves and shook.

Mo Linqing eyebrows drooping, his eyes fell on the sleeve of the short fat hand.

"Oh, if, if you don\'t feel happy, then you can bite the sound."

The group closed their eyes and put the little fat face together. The face was nervous, suddenly thought of something, and reopened the condition. "Or, or, the sound can let you play, there are many small dolls in the sound, and you also play with you. ""

Even if you don\'t have to be bitten, think of those little dolls that you love, and put all the pretty cute little dolls in the little powder bed of Dad\'s house. The sound is still a bit sad.

She looked at the painful look, told Mo Linqing, saying that you want to be happy, you are happy, if you are not happy, then I will send you a small doll, if you are really upset, the sound can also let you play Get out of the air.

"As long as you don\'t do bad things, just fine."

"Dad is going to marry."

Mo Linqing turned to sleep, he thought wrong, how can a lifeless doll have a lively sweet voice that is sweet and sultry?

The blind man is so smart, he can talk like this, and he is not like the nerd, like his.

It must have followed him.

He wants to keep his voice and wait until the end of the world, with a blind man to see the beauty of the world\'s destruction.

Mo Linqing\'s brow wrinkled. He felt that he couldn\'t suppress the master. He felt a pain in his mind. He got out of bed and drank another bottle of liquid.

Just let go of the brow, lying on the bed, the words of the scorpion kept thinking in his mind, the more you think, the better the mood.

A good night\'s sleep.

Perhaps it is a good mood, Mo Linqing has a big group to go out to play.

On this day, Mo Linqing fully fulfilled his father’s duties.

I took the donkey to the amusement park, played with her, bought her balloons, bought cakes, bought marshmallows, and accompanied her to justice, talking to a pitiful boy who was bullied by a bear child.

The face was numb, the soft claws held his face, and the scorpion looked affirmed: "Dad, you smile so beautiful."

"So it\'s better to smile."

On the way back, Mo Linqing suddenly remembered one thing. If he destroyed the world, who would open the amusement park to the scorpion in the future? Who is going to produce those delicious snacks?

The softest sugar that Xunzi likes most, bite up a bit of milky, sweet and sweet. If it is dead, who will eat his nephew?

When the dumplings stepped on the steps, the big dog that had just returned home greeted him, and his head arched the chubby body of the dumplings, almost wrestling her.

Mo Linqing pulled the ball and gently kicked the fat **** of the dog. One eye passed, and the big dog did not dare to move.

The squad dragged his shoes and was very happy to be with the big dog. He shared his happiness with him today, told him where Dad took her where to play, what he ate, and one after another.

Excited little milk sounded in the small villa, the big dog squatted on the carpet, listening to the words of the little master, occasionally screaming at the big master did not pay attention, secretly licking the little master\'s soft chubby belly .

Mo Linqing suddenly remembered a painting. When he woke up for the first time, there was a picture on the desk that was not finished. 2k novel reading network