The Villain is Happy Being a Father

Chapter 117: Research Dad (7)

When "Mo Linqing" woke up again, he found that the donkey was not around.

Hey, he doesn\'t have to explore the memory to know that the scorpion was sent away by the guy in the master.

Who is still using it?

A silver parammera was opened in the garage, which was the only one that Mo Moqing found in the clear black low-key sedan in the garage.

The autumn is crisp, the breeze is open, the window is open, and a cool autumn wind blows his face, and Mo Lin’s lips are slightly raised. The more the master does not let him do anything, the more he likes to do!

It is best to be able to breathe him to disappear automatically!

On the fourth day of the Shu family, Dad drove to pick her up.

Both the old man and the old lady are retired professors. When they are at home, they will plant flowers and plants, read the book and play chess. By the way, bring the children with them.

The school was on leave, and the three boys played with their sister in the yard.

What is it to play, play a childish play house game, three little cousins, two endure a constipation face to the gang as aunt, another autistic Suguoguo child because they do not like to talk, It is automatically added to the game by default and becomes the groom of the group.

Yes, they are playing the wedding game of the bride.

On the side of the old man, Su and Mrs. Su, the smile on his face did not fall.

The dumplings were so funny, she turned the three cousins ​​into small groups.

"Gogo brother, you have to stand, we have to worship the world."

"Big cousin, you are a father, you have to take the sound."

"There are two cousins, why are you crying, ugly, you have to laugh, laugh!"

Su Lin, Su Quan: "..." Why do you cry in your heart?

"Well, I can\'t call my cousin anymore from now on. I have to call the big cousin and the second cousin, mom and dad. You have to call the name of the audio! My name is Mermaid."

"God brother is a prince."

Su Lin Su Quan was black again. They had to take back the words they had said two days ago. What the younger sister is is not cute, she is a little devil!

Grandparents are watching, they must play together...!

Su Quanmu\'s face took the younger sister, and went to the "prince" Suguoguo children.

The face of Su Guoguo\'s child was red at the speed visible to the naked eye. When he did not speak, he stood by and acted as a prince prop, and lowered his head and let the small group come to pull his hand.

When "Mo Linqing" arrived, I heard the sound of the milk from the Sujiayuan.

"Dad, you will be sent here, I will marry the fruit prince."

Mo Linqing: "...???!"

A numb-looking child of Surin handed the little cousin "daughter" to the autistic prince fruit, and the young boy\'s heart was full of vicissitudes.

The servants of the Su family and the old couple laughed and died. They laughed and couldn’t help but make a sound. They were glanced at the dumplings: "We are making a solemn wedding, you can\'t laugh at it!"

In fact, the squad is still somewhat regrettable. It is regrettable that she is not here, or she can let her play with her.

Dad is tall and handsome, much better than his cousin’s father. The group’s heart is thinking like this, with Su Guoguo next to it: “If Dad is here.”

Su Guoguo is already ten years old, looking down at the little cousin "Bride", her hand is held by her fat paws, her face is black and red.

He thought that if the real cousin of the little cousin came, he would not play, it would be a shame.

However, it seems that it is a bit reluctant to be accepted by people who are unacceptable.

The 10-year-old Su Guoguo feels that there is no better feeling than this. Maybe he can bear it, and he is willing to let the small group toss.

The long legs in black slacks marched into the yard, and the man smirked: "Dad is here, who are you calling daddy?"

The gang turned her head, her eyes lit up, just to say Dad, Dad appeared!

Just about to go over, to the eyes of Dad, the eyes of the group have darkened, not the father, the bad father.

Seeing that her footsteps are stagnating, a pair of short legs are still rooted in the same place, Mo Linqing can not help but think of the owner of the character when the guy is there, every time the little nephew sees the eyes, the eyes shine, and sticks like a leg pendant. .

He was a little angry, and the darkness in his eyes was a little deeper. Just wait for a doll to make a speech. He wouldn’t talk. He put the doll in his pocket and placed it on the glass cabinet of the lab.

Su Lin Suquan two young teenagers were awkward. They were dragged by young cousins ​​and played with her father. They were also hit by real dads and felt extra shame.

The two little cousins ​​saw the black face of the cousin\'s father, and the subconscious took a step back and hid themselves behind the grandparents, trying to narrow the sense of existence.

Su Laozi smiled and said: "Lin Qing, how come time? Come on, have you been bringing a new project recently?"

Mo Linqing sighed, in front of the outsiders, he was still the unintelligible high-cold genius of the protagonist.

He nodded to the second old man, this is already the most extreme courtesy of the owner.

Looking down at the little nephew, "Played over?"

"Dad brought you home to play?"

The squad stepped back and the little hands smashed together and shook his head. "I want Dad."

Others look strange, this is not her father?

Is the child talking about her dear father?

However, her father said that she was only hugged at the banquet after she was born. She has been performing tasks abroad, and she has not been able to come back. The child should have no impression of her father.

Mo Linqing let the scorpion breathe, and his face is still cold and the master\'s face is cold, and the pupil hidden behind the lens is not deep, as if the vortex is expanding.

Su Guoguo did not intend to look up and look at the little cousin\'s father, touched his eyes, squatted, and subconsciously took the little cousin\'s hand and stepped back.

Mo Linqing seems to have noticed him now.

This boy who plays his prince.

This move has already made his impression of negative points lower again. Mo Linqing said: "You are also the cousin of the sound?"

Su Guoguo lowered her head and avoided Mo Linqing\'s gaze. She held the little cousin\'s hand tightly and still did not let go. His hands and feet were slightly trembling, but no one noticed.

As a person who was being pulled, the scorpion was keenly aware that she stepped forward and protected her in front of Guoguo. The small short arm was opened and she raised her face: "Bad..."

Under the man\'s sight, the squad turned hard and turned: "Dad, Dad, can\'t bully the fruit brother."

Mo Linqing lifted his glasses and he did not put these little scorpions in his eyes. In the end, it was always annihilated with the world.

He coughed a little, and his temperament was as cold as jade. He said, "Farewell to my grandfather and go home."

The old man and the old lady are not very happy. They haven’t got enough of the granddaughter yet. Is it necessary to pick them up?

"Lin Qing, are you not busy lately?"

"I heard that there is a group of internships in the past. You are not allowed to bring a band together. You are also an honorary professor at Beijing University. You have to take care of your own people?"

Su’s father smiled and said, and he said that he was not able to tell the story. He was not allowed to take the time to let the guy take the granddaughter away.

Two little cousins ​​have sneaked in, looking out in the room, their sensitive little heart poked by the little cousin\'s father,

I feel that this is a particularly dangerous person, especially if they are still in the face of their fathers and fathers who play the daughters of their daughters.

Su Guoguo had been pulling the scorpion\'s hand and did not let go. Mo Linqing was going to bend over and take the scorpion away, only to find that the scorpion could not move, and the other hand was caught in the hand.

Mo Linqing hooked the lips and corners, bent over and confronted Su Guoguo, forcing him to look up at him. "Children, you are a little bit, my uncle will bring your cousin home."

Su Guoguo didn\'t know where to come from. He felt that the little cousin\'s father was very dangerous. He refused to let the little cousin be taken away by him. He pushed Mo Linqing violently and grabbed the hand of the group to escape.

Two children, one big and one small pair were brought up after the collar, Mo Linqing handed one, and smiled: "So reluctant to sister, then you go home with your uncle and sister?"

Listening to this sentence is like joking, Mo Linqing has always been a cold and incomprehensible person in the eyes of outsiders. He laughed at this moment and fell in the eyes of the old man and the old lady. He felt very kind. Because the peacetime contrast is big, the two old people think that Mo Linqing is a child like Su Guoguo?

Although Su Guoguo does not like to talk because of temper, she is shy and even slightly autistic, but his IQ is surprisingly high, only ten years old, mathematics has been calculus, many books that adults do not understand, he I can figure it out myself.

I usually look for books and look at it. The family doesn\'t need him to spend money. He often buys courses for himself on the Internet. He also learns a wide variety of talents. He is a rare genius in science.

The old man of Su should regard this child as the hope of the old Su family. They have been engaged in education for a lifetime. The two children of Su Lin Su Quan are not the materials for reading. This grandson is very suitable.

Moreover, his character and Mo Linqing actually have a certain degree of similarity. The same high IQ genius, even if there is no enchanting Mo Linqing, but in talent is also much more outstanding than many ordinary geniuses.

He doesn\'t like to talk, and he doesn\'t know how to be human. This is also like Mo Linqing. Such people are the most suitable for scientific research. They are wholeheartedly buried in the laboratory. They are more capable than others to conduct research.

So the old man said, "The school has been on holiday recently. If you don\'t bother with Linqing, let the fruit go for a while, and you can bring it with you."

Mo Linqing put down the bunny scorpion, put him on the ground, wiped his fingers at random, and said: "President Su, I am really embarrassed, recently busy, taking a child has been a little hard."

In this way, the old man of Su is also very embarrassed to say something. He wants to let Mo Linqing bring Su Guoguo. It is good for him to learn for a while. The ordinary teacher can\'t teach Su Guoguo. Only a teacher who is also a top genius is suitable to take him.

The squad was taken away by Dad forcibly. When he left, he shed tears and squatted on Dad’s shoulder. He waved goodbye to his grandfather and cousin.

She took a small milk tone with a nasal sound and said: "Grandfather, the voice went back, and I will see you next time."

"God brother, you have to be happy, next time we have to play together, next time give fruit as a mermaid, sound as a prince!"

Su Guoguo\'s eyes moved down, and under the tears of the little cousin of the corps, she stiffened her neck and nodded her head.

Mo Linqing moved the head of the group back, let her face buried in her chest, and could not see the person behind her, only satisfactorily hooked the corner of her lips.

The silver Palamera galloped all the way, and the squad blinked in confusion. "Hey, it seems that it is not my father\'s home?"

Mo Linqing knows who the scorpion and my father\'s father are referring to, and he stretches his hand and squeezes the chubby cock.

"Of course not, it is the home of Dad and Doll."

"Who is the doll?"

"Do you like dolls?"

"Like, the doll looks good."

"nice! You love it……"

Mo Linqing stepped on the throttle and the car ran faster.

He had made preparations as early as possible. In order to be more free to do things, he bought a plot of land on the outskirts of the city and built a private hill.

There is a villa inside, there is a laboratory under the villa, where is his site, it is good to put the donkey there.

The author has something to say: What is it? Later, there is still a need to irrigate the duck with nutrient solution. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Li Wei, throwing the sauce, the wine is round, the oysters, the bell is salt-free ld1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Kiki 126 bottles; county 佗 30 bottles; Quyang 乐乐 (week rest) 20 bottles; 16 bottles of merchants; big orange piglets 14 bottles; 彳亍 mouth 13 bottles; every day in the lemon, 39151371, 10 Bottle; 仟煜霖6 bottles; how to trouble such a name, 煽煽袼, millennium, watermelon ice, rhyme 5 bottles; lan4 bottle; Xiao Mo 3 bottles; Angela\'s magic book, cold, peach 夭2 bottles of demon; lazy cancer patients, phoenix, happy peas, assists, music, radiance, a few blush, your father or your father, 27992215, shero, green clouds, clear, eve shadow 1 bottle;

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