The Tang Dynasty's Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 329

Xiao Song\'s voice dropped for a while, and ran Yan saw a hobbling man enter the ancestral hall.

"Let\'s go." Xiao Song took her hand.

Two people just entered the small pine forest, a person\'s shadow like lightning flashed to Xiao Song\'s body.

"What\'s the matter?" Xiao Song\'s expression is slightly coagulated.

Ran Yan also recognized that this man was Xiao Song\'s effective guard, running night. He was more flexible than Bai Yi, so he stayed in Chang\'an and obeyed orders. However, he suddenly appeared here. It must be something important.

"Ran Shilang has been missing for seven days. Ran\'s house has been missing for seven days. Ran Lang Juncai went to our house for help. His subordinates made up their own minds and sent people to search for help, but there was no clue that his subordinates suspected Princess baling." Although ran Xiao\'s "big night\'s man\'s voice is not sure that he will go to his home without any reason, he will not be afraid to go to his home for no reason."!

Xiao Song obviously felt ran Yan\'s whole body stiff, so he didn\'t avoid it. He put his hand on her shoulder and pondered for a moment, "I\'ll write a letter. You can go back immediately with my letter. Find a blue brocade bag in the study of the mansion, and give the contents together with the letter to Ma Zhou, the imperial historian."

"Yes." Ben Xiao is a little relieved. Xiao Song once took ran Yunsheng to live in the mansion to protect him. As a result, people were suspicious. He did not dare to neglect him at night. However, he had some courage to search the princess\'s other courtyard. Now Xiao Song took over, and his tense body and mind were suddenly very tired.

"Ten brothers, he..." Ran yanhen can\'t go back immediately. At the moment when she tells the news, many pictures flash through her mind. Chai Xuanyi, who wants to die because of a Furong, Dou Chengfeng, who is lost in the Furong, and Qin Yunlin\'s body lying on the operating table. Ran Yunsheng\'s smile and frown are suddenly in the ice cave, and her body is shaking uncontrollably.

When Xiao Song noticed her change, he took her in his arms, stroked her back, and said in a soft voice, "don\'t worry, Yan Yan, I\'ve received a lot of handle from Princess baling. Once this thing is handed in, the emperor will not turn a blind eye to it. Princess baling can\'t go in and out of the palace freely at least. I expect that she will be able to return to Chang\'an in the next two days Believe me

She was afraid of the bodies of those close to her. This has always been a soft rib hidden in ran Yan\'s heart, and Qin Yunlin\'s affair is a nightmare. Maybe she should not have insisted on the dissection of the main knife at the beginning, and this will not become her heart disease.

Ran Yan has always been a calm and excessive person. At the moment, the fear that is hard to hide makes Xiao Song feel strange. He thinks of the dream that ran Yan once said in JuShui Town, and his eyebrows frown slightly, and the strength of holding her is more and more tight.

Nestling in Xiao Song\'s strong and warm arms, ran Yan\'s mood gradually calmed down. Yes, ran Yunsheng will not die. Even if he is forced to get infected with Furong, she must have a way to help him quit.

But ran Yun was born in ran Yan\'s mind. She was such a beautiful person. She didn\'t want to let those dirty and dirty things pollute him.

Ran Yan relaxed, just aware of the sweat behind her. She whispered, "I\'m ok."

Xiao Song nodded and walked out of the pine forest with her.

The disappearance of Ran Yunsheng must not be accidental, but Princess baling has been waiting for an opportunity.

Ran Yan had already moved the idea of killing people. She would not be impulsive to lose her mind. She killed a princess just because of a possibility. But at this moment, she only had four words in her heart, that is, "uprooting the roots.".

"Yan Yan, you should always remember that you are not alone now." Xiao Song found a strange situation, gently said in her ear, "don\'t be impulsive."

The evening green led the maid to walk two feet behind her. She saw Xiao Song\'s head drooping from time to time talking with ran Yan. Although she only saw his side face, she could feel that her expression was more gentle than ever, and her heart was extremely happy.

Back in the house, after finishing lunch, Bai Yi just came back to reply.

Chunlai refused to admit his affection for Xiao xuanzhi, but he refused to say a word after hearing that Xiao xuanzhi couldn\'t eat and shed tears for her.

Ran Yan thought about it and said, "the one who comes to protect spring is actually Xiao xuanzhi."

No one else was worth her recklessness.

Xiao Song jaw head, turned to say, "but the ten younger brother\'s affection for Chunlai doesn\'t seem to be faking. Even though the mother child relationship between him and the eldest lady has always been bad, he has no reason to poison his mother."

Xiao Song himself is a good at camouflage, how can ordinary people hide from him? What\'s more, he knows Xiao xuanzhi better.

Mrs. Dongyang has a great responsibility for Xiao xuanzhi\'s seclusion. Mrs. Dongyang is indifferent, and she is not friendly to her son. When Xiao xuanzhi was a child, she experienced several years of separation. She did not have a playmate. When she was just taken back to her family, she had a bad relationship with her brothers in her family, which led to her apathy today. He has always used indifference to protect himself, but not as good at faking as Xiao Song.

"So, Chunlai\'s appointment with Xiao Xi may have been ordered by Madame Dongyang, but she refused to tell the real reason why she met in order not to implicate Shilang I\'m afraid the reason is not simple. " Ran Yan speculated.Xiao Song moved his lips, but did not make a sound. Ran Yan clearly saw that his mouth was: plan to store the king.

If all this is shaken out, not only Madame Dongyang, but also the Xiao family will be implicated. Xiao xuanzhi, the son of Madame Dongyang, will bear the brunt.

With these three words, half of the mystery has been solved. It must be that Madame Dongyang colluded with a certain prince. For some reason, she was poisoned by the prince\'s political enemy. Of course, it may be that Mrs. Dongyang could not get along with her boss, so she was killed by her boss.

Ran Yan vaguely felt that Ling Xiang\'s death had a lot to do with Madame Dongyang\'s poisoning. As he got closer to the truth, he felt more and more terrible. Under the politics, there was much cannon fodder. A change was not inferior to the war between the two countries. Maybe Lingxiang was just a beginning which was not very loud and violent.

Ran Yan\'s back was chilly. She looked at Xiao Song. At this time, she understood why he wanted to be hypocritical, vicious and cunning. Because she didn\'t want to be a victim of politics, her colleagues began to admire people like song Guogong and Wei Zheng from the bottom of their hearts. It took extraordinary courage to speak up. It was not exaggerating to describe Wei Zheng\'s meeting with his head on his belt yes.

Although Li Shimin was tolerant, politics did not belong to the monarch alone even in the era of monarchy supremacy.

Understanding this truth, ran Yan also understood why Xiao Song, a bloody man, could be so tolerant. If you don\'t have the absolute assurance, you will do it. If you are not lucky, there will be no dead bones.

"That spring comes..." A dark look in my eyes. If Chunlai didn\'t know the importance of things, if it wasn\'t for the sake of preserving Xiao xuanzhi, she would not have to die.

"It\'s a matter of honor and disgrace of Xiao\'s family. When I stopped Chunlai from being handed over to the government in the morning, my father and the patriarch were easy to approve of it. I thought I had guessed the relationship behind the matter." Xiao Song leans on the back of the chair, picks up the tea cup and sips it gently. Then he says, "it\'s not necessarily unfair. The key is to see the attitude of Madame Dongyang."

The Xiao family has been adhering to the ancestral precepts and will not appease Xiao Xi. However, he may have been beaten on a few boards and knelt for several days and nights in the ancestral hall, but he will be killed with a stick in spring.

Let\'s not mention the poison incident for the time being. Xiao Xi and Chunlai\'s private meeting have become a fact. Xiao Xuan\'s magnificent words in the ancestral hall have been poured out. It is impossible to punish without punishment. But Chunlai\'s life and death still has room for discussion.

"Lang Jun, ma\'am." Late green is outside the gate.

"What\'s the matter?" Ran Yan asked.

In the evening greenway, "the clan leader ordered people to inform him to deal with eleven Lang and spring at night. If Lang Jun had time, he could go and make a witness."

If you have time, you can make a witness. In other words, can we go?

Xiao Song asked Wanlv to reply, saying "I know" and never said to go or not to go.

After Mrs. Tai was buried, Xiao Song was much more relaxed than before. After the afternoon, in order to divert her attention and prevent her from thinking about ran Yunsheng, ran Yan put the orchids out in the courtyard to dry in the shade. Xiao Song sat opposite her and enjoyed the rare leisure days.

However, some people did not want him to be idle. After sitting for less than a cup of tea, a maid came to tell him that Xiao Shilang had come.

Xiao Song asked him to come in.

Xiao xuanzhi seems to be haggard overnight, with a shallow furrow in his eyebrows. His thin lips are slightly pursed all the time, which is somewhat similar to Xiao Song\'s appearance, but much softer than him.

"Brother nine, sister-in-law." Xiao xuanzhi\'s voice was dry and hoarse.

Xiao Song slightly jaw head, deep voice way, "come in."

Xiao xuanzhi gives a gift to ran Yan and follows Xiao Song into the hall.

On the other side of Xiao\'s house, the bamboo trees in the courtyard rustled with the breeze, which added a sense of serenity to the small courtyard. On the porch sat a woman in plain clothes, with eyebrows as far away as mountains and eyes with autumn water, but her face was a little pale.

In front of her, there were several pots of green Cornus, which were not in flower season yet, but looking at such a luxuriant appearance, we knew that beautiful flowers would come out in autumn. And she was trimming the extra branches and leaves of the dogwood.

"Madam, Shilang went to Jiulang." A middle-aged woman in a grey Ru skirt hangs down the corridor.

Madame Dongyang\'s action in the hands of a pause for two rest, then continue to trim, that look and before no change, for a long time, see the woman has not left, just a light way, "let him go."

The woman in gray answered and retreated, but she couldn\'t help sighing. If her own son had something to do with her, she would rather go to ask for her brother, who had never been close to him, than to ask for her mother. Isn\'t it very sad? However, Mrs. Dongyang didn\'t care at all.

After the woman left, Madame Dongyang\'s pruning gradually slowed down. She sat in silence for a long time. The breeze was blowing, and along with the rustling of bamboo leaves, she gave a slight sneer, not knowing whether it was self mockery or Xiao xuanzhi. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!