The Tang Dynasty's Female Forensic Doctor

Chapter 328

Ran Yan is silent for a moment. Chunlai would rather die to protect eleven Lang, which has something to do with Li Ke? Even if it\'s related, why should Chunlai protect him?

"Do you think Chunlai likes Shilang?" Ran Yan asked suddenly.

Xiao Song is languidly basking in the sun. Listening to her question, she picks up her eyebrows slightly. "I don\'t know. If they grew up together as children according to normal circumstances, their personality is a little poor, but their appearance and talent can\'t be compared with that of ordinary husband. There\'s no reason not to like it?"

Ran Yan takes a faint look at Xiao Song. I really don\'t know how Chang\'an ghost sees sorrow and says that other people are bad in character. At least Xiao xuanzhi is more refined than he looks.

"If it had been, I would have thought so, but as Liu Qingsong said, love is a unreliable thing, there is no cause and effect to speak of." Ran Yan can\'t guess whether Chunlai has deep feelings for Xiao xuanzhi, and this matter is very important. Ran Yan stopped for a moment and said, "it\'s better to ask her directly than to think about it here."

Ran Yan said, he then vent his anger, now Li Ke in the house, friends and enemies are not clear, rashly intervene in this matter is not good.

Xiao Song looked at her way of talking to herself. She liked her very much. She could not help but stroked her temples and said in a soft voice, "what\'s the difficulty? You want to know, just cheat her."

Ran Yan\'s eyes brightened and he grabbed his hand and said, "how to cheat?"

Xiao song called for Bai Yi and whispered a few words. Then he turned and said, "let\'s go. Let\'s go for a walk in the back mountain."

Xiao Song blinked his eyes and took her hand to go out. "Maybe I will go back to Chang\'an these two days. I\'m afraid there are not many free days. Today\'s fine weather, I only accompany my wife."

Ran Yan didn\'t know where he was going and what to do. He just let him go.

The back mountain is the opposite direction to the ancestral hall, but it is closer to the side door.

Out of the side door, there is a row of houses. Xiao Song keeps telling jokes with ran Yan all the way. Ran Yan smiles for a few times. When she is about to leave the village, Xiao Song steps slowly and turns to say, "the spirit of ten younger brothers is not good these days. I think it is for the sake of spring. Ten younger brothers are a dead hearted eye. If she really has feelings for ten younger brothers, they will certainly do their best to protect her..." His voice was gradually lowered, and soon returned to normal voice, saying, "before returning to Chang\'an, you go to see the eldest lady."

"Good." Ran Yan obeyed.

Xiao Song took out the handkerchief to wipe the sweat on the temples for ran Yan, "tired or not?"

Ran Yan shakes his head. They seem to be chatting with each other. They walk slowly to the other side of the highland.

When he arrived at Banpo, Xiao Song saw that there was no one around. Regardless of Ran Yan\'s wish or not, he carried her on his back and scared ran Yan, "Xiao Yuezhi, you are just making a fool of yourself! Let me down now

Ran Yan was not the kind of person who cared about other people\'s opinions, but now it\'s different from the past. When she was in Suzhou, she didn\'t hide the information about her autopsy. After that, she caused a lot of troubles. Although none of them were fatal, she had already taught her a very comprehensive lesson Rumors are stronger than tigers.

"No problem." Xiao Song has a smile in his voice.

Since he said it didn\'t matter, it should not cause adverse effects, ran Yan did not continue to insist.

Xiao Song had no choice but to say, "you, I don\'t know about the things in the back house. As a wife, you depend on your status, origin, husband\'s position and husband\'s family status. In your own family, you rely on your husband\'s favor. Who dares to despise the person I value?"

With ran Yan\'s background, it\'s impossible to let Xiao\'s proud daughters-in-law really respect her, but at least know that Xiao Song values her so much, others will not embarrass her in face, otherwise it will be to beat Xiao Song\'s face. Who dares to pull out tiger whiskers except Duke of song.

Although Xiao Song lived alone for a long time, he was born of a big family. When he was a child, he knew more than ran Yan.

Ran Yanmo does not listen. She is a grade 9 disabled person. She can\'t take care of herself. Fortunately, Xiao Song seems to understand.

When they arrived at the top of the slope, the maidservants who were picking flowers saw that Jiulang was carrying his wife on his back. They were all surprised. Even the evening green rushed over and said in a hurry, "where is the lady hurt?"

Ran Yan reached out and knocked on her forehead, "you can\'t think of me as good."

The evening green this just relaxed tone, immediately covered the mouth, teasingly looked at ran Yan, whispered in her ear, "Lang Jun and Niang are really in love."

Ran Yan smile, change the topic way, "I go to see how you pick."

"Would you like to have a look with your wife?" Late green boldly said. Since ran Yan went through the door, Wan Lu never dared to talk to Xiao Song because he was serious and really frightening.

Xiao Song micro jaw head, holding ran Yan\'s hand, with her to the depths of the flowers.

The bamboo basket was not big, half as small as the mouth of the basin for washing face. The baskets of the six maidservants were almost full. According to ran Yan\'s request, only half opened flower buds were picked.

Xiao Song only stands by quietly, accompany ran Yan to check together, the expression is light, seems to have no emotion. He is always like this in front of people. When facing people who need social intercourse, he will naturally talk and laugh. He can\'t distinguish between sincerity and hypocrisy. He treats people who don\'t need emotion. He seems to be a bit lazy and indifferent.Ran Yan noticed that the servants around him did not even dare to breathe. He could not help but look at Xiao Song, "look at the flowers. What do you do with a face?"

Xiao Song coughed dry. It was not his intention. He could not change his habit for a while. Besides, no one asked him to change it.

"No, let\'s go ahead and see the scenery. I know a good place." Xiao Song\'s expression is more natural.

Ran Yan nodded, put down the flowers and left with him.

The wind on the highland is a little bit stronger. The wind blows the clothes and robes, and the withered orchid petals are rolled up by the wind, spinning in the air, full of fragrance.

Xiao Song takes ran Yan through a small pine forest, and suddenly the light comes out in front of him. In the distance, the flat field is full of green, and even you can see the villagers working in the fields not far away. The place where Xiao\'s family lived, especially the ancestral hall, was clear at a glance.

"Who did you mean to say that to?" Ran Yan remembers that Xiao Song mentioned spring before he went up the mountain.

"Grandmother of spring." Xiao Song never let go of any details when investigating the case. He knew that Chunlai\'s grandmother was blind, but her hearing was much better than that of the old people of the same age. In addition, she would toss about to get something to eat in the yard at noon every day, so she would certainly hear what he said.

Seeing ran Yan frown, Xiao Song immediately said, "it\'s not all for use. If the old man can really let Chunlai tell a few words, I will try my best to protect Chunlai\'s life."

"I don\'t blame you for expediency." Ran Yan looked down the mountain, "can the old man see spring?"

"Don\'t worry, the family pities the old man\'s loneliness and doesn\'t stop her from visiting, but every time someone is present, I have ordered people to clear away. What they want to say is convenient, and only my people can hear it." Xiao Song said with a smile. When the Duke of song asked him to intervene in this matter, he arranged the guard of the ancestral hall. No one knew better than him how to exploit the defensive loopholes. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!