The Tamed Heiress

Chapter 51

She thought they wouldn’t let her go until they got a positive answer, but she needed to think about it anyway.

It’s not time for Leon to come yet… Is it useful to go there?

She was worried that if she jumped into this state, she would come out without any results. There was no guarantee that she would meet the maid or servant who knew her face in the castle.

This is because the space where outsiders came in and out of the castle was quite far from the inner castle.

“What did he say her name was? Dana Deniz… That’s what he said.”

She has been having a headache. Dana closed her eyes to go to sleep in a hurry.

* * *

Rian, who had immediately rushed to the call of the Duke of Hamilton, sat on the sofa in the drawing-room, nervous.

The Duke welcomed Rian as his son-in-law, but he was not satisfied from the beginning. He accepted it because his only daughter, Hales Hamilton, was pushing him for it.

Of course, it was also possible because Rian’s graduation from the academy was not bad.

“Where have you been?”

“I met my colleagues at the academy for a while because of the idea of a business plan.”

“Let’s stop doing that.”


Rian completely hid from the Duke of Hamilton, telling only a small part of the Deniz Merchants.

It was just that Rian was planning a business and left the distribution to the Deniz Merchants. The story was not very different, but Rian’s actual work with the Deniz Merchants was a bloodbath.

“You, you have been appointed as the senior secretary of the Ministry of Finance and commerce.”


“Why don’t you like it? This is also something I worked hard on.”

“No, that can’t be true. Thank you.”

Rian bowed his head from his seat.

“Congratulations, Rian.”

“Thank you, madam.”

When Hales Hamilton looked at him with a smile, Rian forced himself to smile at her.

I’m the senior secretary of the Ministry of Finance…

Of course, it would all have been a dream for Rian had it not been for Duke Hamilton. Many young aristocrats graduating from the academy also dreamed of going to the upper class.

The Ministry of Finance and Commerce was at the top of all administrative ministries, and the senior secretary had great authority.

However, it was not as free as that, and the regulations were strict.

It was not a very pleasant place for Rian, who was secretly doing a lot of this and that.

I’ll be stranded for a while.

In a situation where he couldn’t like or dislike, Rian hid his feelings as much as possible and pretended to thank them.

He was going to hold out there a little bit and ask for the department to move him as soon as possible.

Rian, who organized his thoughts, looked at Hales with friendly eyes again.

As Rian wanted, the method of grilling Hale was the fastest and safest to persuade the Duke.

“Let’s get in. And you’ll start work the day after tomorrow but get your stamp tomorrow.”

“Yes, I understand. Madam, let’s go in.”

Rian reached out his hand in good manners, and Hales got up and walked. Rian glanced at Hales’s side. In Rian’s view, Hales was not even on an average axis, but he began to praise her as if he had honey in his mouth.

“My wife’s skin looks so fair today. I always think, but I can’t believe I live with such a beautiful wife.”

Hales didn’t like the sudden touch. Instead, she would barely allow it on the day he heated up the atmosphere with praise for her appearance or sweet words.

For that reason, Rian thought it was because of her complex that Hales Hamilton’s appearance was not very good.

“Thank you, Rian. You’re always so cool. What do you mean? Senior secretary! I’m so proud of you.”

Rian smiled silently, lightly hugging her waist. Seeing Hales not avoid, he raised the corner of his mouth smirking.

* * *

She woke up, but she still had a feeling of residual headache because of the dreams she had last night. Dana got out of bed pressing her temple hard.

“I had a lot of dreams.”

She was chased, she fell, and then, someone saved her. The most memorable thing was the last dream she had.

Dana opened the window and stretched to wake up.

In her dream, Dana was sitting at a desk in the office at the merchant group where she went yesterday. It was the seat of Harbert, the other side where he sat.

Seeing herself from the perspective of a third party, she hesitated for a long time and pressed the seal on top of a letter. And she muttered something alone. She couldn’t hear it properly, but she could guess with her mouth.

“I’m sure he’ll like it, right? It’s okay. He’ll be nice to me.”

Dana shouted not to do it to her other self in that dream. However, her voice could not reach, and she smiled brightly at the letter.

The last scene she saw was Dana stuttering on the wall where the frame was hung with other letters besides the stamped letter. The last scene went by in an instant and she couldn’t even figure out what she was trying to do.

When she woke up like that, she still felt stuffy.

Is it because I received such an offer there yesterday? But why did I try to stop myself?

Her heart was still pounding, and her head was heavy.

I’ll have to ask them again in detail. It’s important to meet Leon anyway.

Dana headed to the office where she had been taken the previous night to meet Harbert. She could feel eyes still watching her.