The Tamed Heiress

Chapter 50

Sometimes a person caught stealing like this was dragged up, so other employees thought it was only because of that.

How can Lisa not be here at times like this?

Harbert was still in the upper office. If he couldn’t find a woman within a few days, he was struggling with what to say to the Grand Duke.

“Do I have to match her appearance?”

It was not known to Harbert whether the Grand Duke knew Dana’s appearance or not.

Surprisingly, Harbert did not know Dana’s features exactly. He saw her a few times when she was young, and after Dana grew up, Harbert was mainly in charge of branch work, so he didn’t encounter her.

All those who knew Dana’s appearance were forcibly fired or sent to a distant place. They were all the hands and feet of the predecessor Deniz, and it was obvious that they would try to protect Dana Deniz.

However, many people in the merchant group knew that Dana had blonde hair, and blue eyes, and was quite beautiful.

But it’d be better to get it right. Oh, I can’t believe Rian is away at a time like this. If it weren’t for the nobility…

Knock, knock, knock!

“Mr. Harbert!”

Those who were in a hurry opened the door of the office without permission as soon as they knocked. Harbert, who was in agony, burst into anger and smiled broadly at the blonde woman.

“You found her!”

“Yes, I was working at the shop. She was wandering right in front of my eyes!”


At the servant’s words, Harbert carefully looked at the woman. Blonde blue eyes, but not Mary from before. Even if her eyes were the same color, it was not impossible to distinguish her from the one he saw recently.

“No! You idiot!”

Harbert kicked the servant hard in the shin, and the servant grumbled under his knee in pain and grabbed it.

As soon as Dana’s arm loosened up, she turned to run away.

“No, you can’t. You can’t.”

As soon as she tried to run away, Harbert blocked her in front of him and closed the door.

“Didn’t you misunderstand a person? I’m the one working here.”

“Okay, I got it, I got it. It doesn’t have to be her.”

Dana stared at him as if she were saying something, and Harbert looked carefully at her, pretending to be nice.

This much… There’s no problem.

Looking closely, this woman seemed to fit the image of “Dana Deniz” rather than the woman Mary from before. It was true that Mary was introverted and anxious because there were not one or two things to fix, starting with her tone.

I let him educate her, but he filled up his greed.

“I want you to do something for me.”

“Do you force people to say that?”

Harbert tried to persuade her with a smile on his face. Of course, this was never because Harbert was a gentleman. Usually, he would have solved it by beating, locking up, or threatening, but this one was different.

Mary’s personality could have worked, but the woman in front didn’t look like that.

Unless she said she would do it, things could go wrong.

“The woman who was supposed to be here just ate her money and disappeared. He must have brought you here because he was mistaken while looking for her… you are pretty much like her, so I’d like you to do some for me. I’ll pay you so you won’t be disappointed.”

“I’ll refuse. Please move away.”

Dana tried to get away from him, but Harbert didn’t budge.

“It’s not a bad thing. You just have to meet someone and exchange a few words. Fortunately, your accent is not bad… It’s very easy.”

“What’s going on?”

At that point, she was curious about their request regardless of whether she would agree or not. When Dana showed doubt, Harbert said with a smile.

“Okay, I’ll explain it in detail, so sit here. Give me a cup of tea there, too.”

She didn’t think they would let her go easily anyway. Dana decided to listen to the story and pretend to follow them.

Harbert sent all the servants out to reassure Dana. Of course, they didn’t get completely removed, and he kept them waiting outside the door to catch her if she tried to run away.

It was not until late at night that they sent Dana to the room where she was staying.

Dana turned around and asked a question as if she had remembered before leaving the office.

“What’s the exact name of the person I’ll replace?”

Harbert took a little time to open his mouth.

“It’s Dana Deniz.”

Dana nodded lightly and came out. She felt eyes at her from behind, but she entered her room pretending to be calm.

“Is Lisa not here yet?”

Returning to the room, Dana sank into bed. They haven’t told her the specific story yet because they didn’t trust her. But in the middle of the story, there was a part that shook her.

Going to Tertius Castle…

She could go to the castle, speak on behalf of someone, and sign it.

“What do I do?”


“Oh, you’re here.”

“Oh, you didn’t sleep. Hurry up and sleep.”

While Dana was sighing and agonizing, Lisa entered the room. She was on vacation today and looked somehow more tired than usual.

Dana closed her mouth while thinking about telling her what happened today. This was because Lisa looked very tired, and Dana has yet to make a decision.

If she knew that Dana had been forcibly dragged earlier, Lisa might pull out a sword and rush in due to her personality. Lisa was more agile than she looked, and she had little regret for the merchant group.

According to her words, she said, “She’s staying for a while.”

Dana went to bed as Lisa had told her to. She decided to answer them by tomorrow afternoon.