The Talented Doctor

Chapter 298

He Xi moved his body and found that he was bound with a circle of silver thread as thin as hair.

The other end of the silk thread was in the man's hands. At the moment, he was like a fish on his chopping board. He had no way to escape.

If ordinary people are faced with such a crisis, they will be scared.

However, who is Hexi? When she was on a mission, what kind of crisis she didn't encounter? What kind of drug lords didn't fight each other.

A sneering smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and a cool and pleasant voice slowly spat out from his bright red lips. "It's a joke. You can find the eyes. Why can't I? Is it your home that decorates the cloud and smoke array? After all, you are just a piece of rubbish trapped in this maze

The man was shocked to hear her words, as if he had never met anyone who dared to talk to him like this.

After a long time, he began to smile, but the smile reached his eyes, but it turned into a cold senmang, "very good, cultivation is not high, but courage is really not small. Since you want to die, I might as well help you. When you discard your accomplishments, I will use soul searching to get information, too. "

Voice just fell, in the hands of a cold flash, suddenly toward the heart of the river.

However, the next moment, the man's face was shocked.

He Xi, who was supposed to be bound by the bundle of immortal silk and could not move, suddenly bent down. At the critical moment, he could avoid a fatal blow.

Then, the bundle of immortal silk, which had been stuck to Hexi, became gray yellow and dry, and finally fell to the ground like ashes.

The corner of He River mouth peeps out a sneer, the purple Ming you Luo in the hand doesn't hesitate and flies straight to the man.

Just listen to "pa" a sound, the man was surprised and caught off guard, was actually purple dark you Luo directly swept in the chest.

If he didn't react in time and regress quickly, I'm afraid that his heart would be directly engulfed by Ziming Youluo.

But Rao is so, at this time, his clothes were also smashed by Ziming Youluo, revealing the red ~ naked chest ~ bore and the beautiful color, smooth lines of six abdominal muscles.

The man looked down at his broken clothes and blood on his chest in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he was hurt by a small low-level warrior.

However, He Xi was not complacent. The man in front of him was much better than her in terms of cultivation and experience.

Even now, in the cloud and smoke battle, He Xi didn't think that he would be able to stand cheap by the other party's means.

Think of here, he river no longer hesitated, in the hands of Wisteria fast rotation, around the white fog was like uncontrollable, toward her side surge.

Seeing these white fog will submerge her, but in the blink of an eye, it is absorbed by the wisteria in her hand.

The wisteria absorbed the white fog kept shaking. The leaves rubbed against each other and made a rustling sound. It was as if it was constantly chanting in Tonghe river. It wanted to drink blood.

And the white fog around is absorbed most of the time. At first, it becomes shallow, but in the blink of an eye, it suddenly fluctuates and then becomes more intense.

In the white fog, the man in black's face showed an obvious look of shock. Looking at Hexi and wisteria in her hands, his eyes kept flashing, showing a bit of suddenly and excited. , the fastest update of the webnovel!