The Talented Doctor

Chapter 297

And the whole piece of white fog waves and rolls, as if the calm lake was thrown into the boulders.

The first eye, break!

Without stopping at the foot of Hexi, he quickly went to the second array eye.

The location of the second array eye is relatively remote. As soon as he River is close to the array eye, he can't help shivering.

It's cold here. It's cold in the fog, but it seems to be several times colder than other places.

Moreover, the white fog in other places, even if it is heavy, can reach at least three meters.

But the white fog here is almost out of sight.

He Xi wiped the water vapor on her face and felt the cold air seeping into her bone marrow. At this time, her hair and clothes were wet. In order to resist the cold air, she had to consume her internal power.

With her deep internal power, she can't bear it now.

He river no longer hesitated, in the hands of purple Ming you Luo instant wave, just listen to the "Hua La" sound, there is no accident, white fog came to the sound of broken eyes.

In the air, the white fog is more powerful. The powerful power of absorbing spiritual power makes the meridians of Hexi tremble.

She didn't dare to stay. She would withdraw from here when she turned around.

However, as soon as he was about to use his lightness skill, He Xi's face suddenly changed, and his body shape was like a phantom. He stepped back a few steps.

In front of the dense fog, she could only vaguely see a tall figure approaching slowly.

Just when He Xi was in doubt, he heard a man's deep and thick voice: "who let you move your eyes?"

He River is surprised, this person unexpectedly also knows here is array eye?

She frowned and pondered for a while, but did not answer the man's words. At the foot of her, the whole person ran out like a bird.

"Want to run?" The man's voice is full of cold hum and disdain.

He Xi only felt that as soon as he jumped into the air, an invisible force entangled his ankles and dragged him back.

This time, He Xi's face finally showed a startled look.

Without hesitation, she waved her right hand, and a purple shadow swept away towards her figure in the thick fog.

The purple vine kept shaking and circling in the air. As the spiritual power was absorbed in the thick fog, its castration became more and more fierce. When it flew in front of the man, it was like a small storm, whistling to tear the man to pieces.

However, He Xi expected, the man will be torn to pieces of the situation did not appear.

She heard a low, puzzled voice: "eh?" Then Ziming Youluo was caught by the man with one hand and plopped a few times, unable to move at all.

He Xi was surprised, but before he could react, he felt as if he had been attracted by a huge force and suddenly fell forward.

"Bang -" a violent impact, so that He Xi only feel dizzy.

The nose and mouth are filled with the smell of white fog and cold, as well as a strange smell of a cold and powerful man.

"It's just a low-level warrior. He can drive purple hell you Luo Ha ha The deep and hoarse voice rang on the top of the head, with a smile, but it brought a chilling chill, "say, who told you the position of the array eye!"

He Xi raised his head and saw a face as handsome as an axe.

This is a man who is only twenty-four or twenty-five years old. He is dressed in black. He is very handsome, but there is endless cold evil spirit between his eyes and eyebrows, just like a cold murderer coming out of the hell of Honglian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!