The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 189 - Mysterious Lake

A moment later, they appeared in the place where the castle used to be. The rain has stopped falling. Zemeth was nowhere in sight in the lake.

The girls were looking everywhere, but the castle and the hill no longer exist! In place was a wide lake containing murky water.

Kate and Ella gasped in shock. So, the boys were telling the truth!

Ramza looked at the girls\' shocked faces. "Girls, you are now looking at the mysterious lake that used to be the castle. As you can see the castle can no longer be found, even the hill itself dissolved and become this lake. Right now, the water is a bit muddy with its dirty brown color. But yesterday before the rain comes, it\'s black liquid all over the lake. Now, the quality of the water improves," he explained.

The sister\'s faces registered disbelief and astonishment.

"Girls, we\'re not joking here. Whether you believe it or not, the castle has transformed itself into this mysterious lake. You are now witnessing such a mind-blowing transformation that happened overnight," Ramza continued.

Kate\'s heart was gripped with sadness for Esmeralda and Ivy. "Guys, h-how, and w-where to find Granny and my sister now that the castle and the hill vanished?" she asked with a quivering voice. She stared at the murky water of the lake. "Do you think, the coffins are at the bottom of the lake?"

Ramza sighed. "I don\'t have answers yet to your question, Kate. When the transformation took place, we didn\'t see any coffin in the middle of the lake. We only see black liquid gushing out from the earth and filled the entire lake, surprisingly the flames keep burning on the surface during that time," he explained.

Ella\'s eyes watered. "If...if the coffins are not here in the lake, where it is then-?" she asked in a perplexed tone.

"I hate to say this...but...could it be that the coffins melted due to extreme heat when the blazing barrier burn the castle down?" Agran suggested.

Ramza breathed deeply when Kate looked at him. "My love, what Agran is saying right now could be true. That also crossed my mind, but I\'m trying to remain hopeful that the coffin will magically appear at the bottom of the lake so that we can rescue them..."

Kate doesn\'t want to acknowledge that Agran\'s words rang a bell. She looked at the lake, her eyes glimmered with determination. "What are you waiting for? Let\'s dive into the lake and find the coffins!" she said urgently.

Ramza, Agran, and Ella looked at each other.

Before they can say anything, Ivy bolted towards the lake and make a huge splash into the murky water to everyone\'s shock!

"Sisterrrrr!" Ella screamed and ran after her sister. She also dived into the water.

Agran was stunned. "Ella, nooooo!"

"What the hell!?" Ramza blurted in astonishment.

The men ran after the women, jumping into the murky water to get the girls out.

They were in for a big surprise after noticing that the shallow lake becomes deep. They can no longer feel the bottom with their feet!

Ramza managed to get hold of Kate\'s arm firmly, their heads remain above the surface. He was glad to see Agran got hold of Ella\'s arm safely.

Agran pulled Ella out of the water as they rose from the surface and landed on the ground.

Ramza did the same to Ivy. He pulled them out of the lake and landed on the ground. When their feet touched the ground. He scolded his beloved woman softly. "My love, why did you do that? Do you want to drown yourself? That is a stupid thing to do! Please, don\'t do it again!" he scolded her.

Kate sighed and wiped the water from her face. "I\'m sorry, I\'m wrong." She finally admitted to herself that was a foolish thing to do. "Guys, you never told me that the water in the lake is deep!" she said.

"Believe me, my love, the water doesn\'t look deep the other day. I don\'t understand why it\'s so deep now?" Ramza answered scratching his head in bewilderment. He glanced at the lake, he had a hard time grasping why the lake suddenly turned so deep? He glanced at Agran. "The water in the lake doesn\'t look deep yesterday, right?"

Agran nodded his head. "Yeah," he answered quickly.

Ramza scratched his head. "But why it\'s getting deep now? Why there is a big change overnight?"

Agran rubbed his chin in confusion. "This lake is getting mysterious with each passing minute!" he commented.

"Indeed!" Ramza responded. He looked at the shivering girls. "I think we should go back to the mountain now so that you can take a bath and change into dry clothes, okay?" he suggested.

The girls nodded their heads.

The men wasted no time and opened the portal. They disappeared from the lake a few minutes later after the neon portal opening showed up.

When they appeared in the mountain, the girls went to take a bath while the men left the mountain, they teleport back to the island to discuss their latest findings regarding the mysterious lake.

They appeared on the island and saw the boys having a good time swimming in the ocean including Grandpa Jegun.

Ramza and Agran went to the water and make a splash, joining the boys.

They went to Zemeth and grandpa\'s side.

"Guys, we have shocking news regarding the lake!" Ramza told them.

"What is it?" Jegun asked curiously.

"What\'s new?" asked Zemeth.

"We have gone to the mountain to visit the girls. But they insisted that we bring them to see the ruined castle. To make the story short, we brought the girls to the lake. But Kate ran to the lake and jumped into the murky water, Ella ran after her sister. So, we also ran after them. When we\'re already in the water we found out that it turned deeper more than we anticipated. Our feet failed to touch the bottom!" Ramza narrated.

Jegun\'s brows furrowed. "Huh? Are you kidding me? That lake is shallow! We have seen it with our own eyes!" he insisted.

"Yes, Grandpa. But something\'s seriously going on in that lake!" Agran confirmed. "It seemed every day something new is happening in that lake!" he said.

"I won\'t no longer be surprised if tomorrow we see a giant tree growing in the middle of the lake or a palace erected beside the lake...or whatnot?" Jegun said in amazement.

Zemeth cleared his throat. "Would it be worth knowing how deep is the lake now?"

"Do we have to dive into the deep and reached the bottom?" Agran asked.

Zemeth shook his head. "No, we don\'t know how deep the lake now. We can use some rope and tie the end with a rock and throw it on the water, that way we will know how deep the bottom is without diving to the bottom," he explained his plan.

"Brilliant idea, lad!" Jegun patted Zemeth\'s shoulder, pleased with his suggestion.

"That is a much safer idea. The worst thing could happen if we dived into the lake, there might be some mysterious creatures hiding in the bottom and waiting to attack us," Ramza blurted out.

"Like what?" asked Jegun.

"Like alligator, crocodile or a shark!" Ramza joked.

The men erupted into peals of laughter.

A few minutes later.

They turned silent. Their minds were busy working again.

"After we\'re done swimming, we will buy a rope in the nearest market so that we can start measuring how deep is that lake now," said Zemeth.

"Okay, I volunteer to go to the nearest market and buy some rope," Ramza said.

"Now that\'s settled, let\'s continue our bath," Jegun said and went back to the deep of the water.

After concluding their conversation, the men resumed frolicking in the sea enjoying each other\'s company within the next two hours.

After they finished swimming, they left the sea and went to the well at the back of the house to rinse their salty bodies with fresh water.

Half an hour later.

Ramza left the island together with Agran to buy ropes in the market.

After one hour, they returned to the island, bringing with them the rope which is 100 meters long.

Zemeth looked at his companions. "Let\'s go!" he said.

Ramza opened the portal, a few seconds later, the neon portal opening appeared in front of them, the men went inside and disappeared from the island.

They arrived at the lake. The rain was nowhere to be seen and the sun was already shining in the heavens above.

The men set to work.

Zemeth found an elongated rock nearby and began tying the end of the rope around the rock firmly, making sure the rock won\'t get separated from the rope.

Agran and Ramza were holding the other end of the rope.

"Ready?" asked Zemeth.

The two men nodded their heads.

Zemeth picked up the rock and threw it in the lake.

They watched as the rock went down the water along with the rope.

Their eyes widened when the rope suddenly stopped moving downward, which means the rock finally hit rock bottom!

Ramza measured the remaining length of the rope that was not submerged in water. "Almost fifty meters!"

Jegun\'s eyes widened. "Wow! The recently developed lake is now fifty meters deep? How come?" he asked, astounded.

The men looked at each other in bewilderment.

Ramza rubbed his temple in confusion. "I find it absurd. We saw with our own eyes when the lake was formed. It was shallow, the black water was not that deep. I know what I saw during the transformation," he looked at his companions for their opinions.

"Yeah, that\'s what I thought, too!" Zemeth said.

Jegun and Agran agreed.

"I guess this mysterious lake is not done yet, it\'s still under construction-?" Jegun smiled a bit at his choice of words. "What do you think, guys?" he asked for their judgments.

"Indeed, this lake is full of mystery!" Ramza concluded.

The men nodded their heads in agreement.

"Let\'s wait for a few days, maybe the water will get clearer and cleaner, then we will finally see what\'s in the bottom," Zemeth said. "For now, let\'s just wait and observed," Jegun told them.

They were about to get the rock back on the surface when Aspen materialized behind them.

"Friends, what are you doing?" he asked looking at the rope that Ramza and Agran were holding in their hands.

"We\'re trying to find out how deep is the bottom of the lake from the surface," Ramza answered.


"It\'s fifty meters deep today, I dunno if there are some changes happening tomorrow. We will be back tomorrow morning to measure the deep again and see if there are new changes to the water," Ramza replied.

"What the heck! The lake is fifty meters deep now? Are you kidding me? How come? Are there invisible entity digging deeper into the bottom that we don\'t know about?" Aspen asked, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

Jegun shrugged. "This lake is acting mysteriously on its own...I think we will discover some more surprising phenomenon in the coming days," he said.

The men stared at the lake for a few minutes trying to understand its mystery.

Three hours later, they finally get bored staring at the lake trying to solve its mystery. They returned to the island to take a rest and retire for the day.