The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 188 - Finally!

The next day.

After eating breakfast, Zemeth, Jegun, Ramza, and Agran went back to the ruined castle while the rest of the men continue recuperating on the island.

When the men arrived at the lake, they were surprised to see that the black water was gone replaced with murky water. And there was no trace of flames on the surface of the lake.

"This is amazing! I can see the water of this lake turning clear in the coming days," Jegun said confidently.

Agran looked at Jegun. "Grandpa, why does the water turn a bit lighter today while yesterday it\'s so black," he asked.

"Lad, there was heavy rain last night and the black water spilled into the ground and was replaced by rainwater. As you can see, the ground outside the lake has some black residue, they came from the lake that was washed out by the rain last night," Jegun explained. He looked heavenward and raised his hand at the sky. "See the heaven above, the sun isn\'t shining today, the weather looks gloomy, it looks like it will rain again anytime soon. If the rain keeps falling in this area in the entire week, we will be seeing clear water in the lake in the days to come," he added.

"Grandpa is right, rainwater cleans the lake," Ramza agreed with Jegun\'s explanation. He looked heavenward. "More rain, please!" he said jokingly.

Just a few seconds after Ramza uttered his words. Thunderstorm and lightning appeared in the sky and rain droplets began to fall from above.

Ramza smiled in amusement and looked at his friend, Zemeth. "Bro, thanks for letting the rain fall and humoring me this time," he said.

Zemeth smiled and shrugged. "I didn\'t do anything..." he replied in a serious tone.

"It\'s nature\'s will!" Jegun interjected.

Zemeth looked at the lake, he was tempted to use his power to bring more rain to the lake but he changed his mind.

Jegun went to his side. "Let nature take it\'s course, lad. I think nature has its way of cleaning the mess here. Don\'t worry in due time, if heaven\'s will, we will find the coffin sooner or later," he explained.

Zemeth understood what grandpa is trying to tell him. Although he can bring thunderstorms and lightning in the sky and let the rainfall but only for a short time. If he does it excessively, he will lose his strength and can lead to his untimely death if he used all his power. Besides, no need to bring the rain. Heaven seems eager to provide abundant rain in this specific area.

A few minutes later, the rain was pouring in torrents and filled the lake with new water.

The men were already drenched in water, dripping wet while floating in the air.

"Guys, I\'m shivering in cold, I wanna go back to the island," Jegun said.

"I\'ll go with you, Grandpa!" Agran said.

"How about you guys?" Jegun asked.

"Later, Grandpa," Ramza answered.

Jegun and Agran teleported back to the island and gone in seconds from the area.

Ramza looked at Zemeth\'s gloomy face. "Bro, would you mind if I\'ll leave you alone here for a few hours? I just want to visit Kate in the mountain. She and her sister must be devastated by what happened to Ivy and Esmeralda, I just want to comfort them," he said.

"No need to ask my permission, bro. Go ahead, visit the girls," Zemeth replied.

Ramza sighed and patted his buddy\'s shoulder. He knew that no matter what he\'s going to say to him, he can never take away the sadness in his friend\'s heart. He knew that Zemeth was thinking of Ivy all the time. Thinking of the heavy guilt he was carrying in his heart. The thought of failing to save his beloved woman on time. A pang of guilt that no matter how many days would pass, would still lingers alive in his friend\'s heart for many years to come.

He released a deep sigh and teleported himself back to the island. He needs to clean and change into dry clothes first before going to the mountain.

A few minutes later, he arrived on the island and about to go upstairs to get some dry clothes.

Agran looked at him. "I already put some of your dry clothes in the wooden chair, bro," he pointed at the wooden chair in the corner.

Ramza smiled. "Thank you, bro. You\'re the best!" he said. He went to the chair and picked up his dry clothes about to go to the toilet. "By the way, do you want to go with me to the mountain? I\'ll visit the girls after I changed my wet clothing," he said.

Agran smiled broadly. "Yes, I want to! I already miss Ella!" he said. "Please wait for me, I\'ll change my clothes first," he said and dashed towards the stairs in excitement.

Ramza proceeds to the toilet in the corner.

A few minutes later, Ramza exited the toilet and saw Agran already waiting at the door.

"Let\'s go!" Ramza said.

"Okay," Agran replied and stood up.

The men teleported themselves into the mountain.

A few minutes later, they landed outside Immortal Vearah\'s house in the mountain.

They saw the girls sitting outside the main door of the house, they wore a sad expression on their faces.

Their faces turned bright after seeing their visitors.

"Hi, girls!" Ramza greeted them.

The men sat beside the girls on the wooden floor.

"Why are you waiting outside?" Agran asked the sisters.

"Were waiting for some news. Did you already find Granny Esmeralda and Sister Ivy\'s coffin?" asked Ella apprehensively.

Agran sighed. "We\'re very much sorry, we can\'t still find them," he said regretfully.

Kate and Ramza stood up.

"Guys, we\'re going inside the house to talk. You take care of each other," Ramza told them.

Ella and Agran nodded their heads.

The couple entered the house and went upstairs to have a serious conversation in the living room.

"I want to see the castle!" Kate demanded.

Ramza sighed. "Please, don\'t be impatient, my love. Let\'s wait for a few days. The castle no longer existed. The place where the castle used to be already transformed into a mysterious lake. We planned to jump into the water to find the coffin, but the water still a little bit dark and murky. It\'s hard to see anything at the bottom. There was heavy rain last night and today in that place, I\'m sure the water will now turn a little bit lighter compared to the other day," he explained.

Kate was shaking her head in confusion. "First, the castle was burning and collapsing into the ground and then next, the castle no longer exists and transformed into a mysterious lake? What is the truth?" she asked.

Rama breathed deeply. "I\'m telling you the truth. I know it sounds like a fantasy story, but I can honestly say to you that everything I told you is the real thing. I\'m not making up those stories," he said.

"B-but I just can\'t wait here and do nothing! My sister will die in that coffin if we can\'t find her soon!" Kate said in a hysterical voice.

"I know, I\'m sorry that we can\'t do anything about it. As much as I wanted to ease your worries away, we can\'t hurry nature," he said.

Kate looked at him teary-eyed. "I\'m not blaming you. Can you please bring me and my sister to the castle? We want to see what\'s going on there with our eyes? Please take us there!" she requested.

Ramza sighed. "Kate, it\'s raining there right now. You and your sister will only get wet. Don\'t worry, if the weather improves tomorrow, I\'ll come back here to bring you to the lake," he replied.

"No, I want to go there right now. If you don\'t want to take me there, I\'ll go there with my sister using the portal necklace that Immortal Vearah had given me," she threatened him. "I just wanted to see the castle with my own eyes! I\'m worried about my sister! We need to find her, ASAP!"

"Alright, let\'s go there now," Ramza finally relented.

Kate smiled. "I\'ll tell my sister," she said excitedly.

They left the living room and descended into the first floor.

Kate rushed towards her sister\'s side. "Ella, hurry up! We\'re going to the castle!" she told her sister the good news.

Ella stood up. "Finally, I\'ve been waiting for this day to come. I want to see what the castle looks like now and maybe we can find our sister and granny Esmeralda\'s coffin," she said.

Ramza addressed Kate and Ella quickly. "Girls, for your information, we will go to the castle so that you can see it\'s transformation. We are not going there to find the missing women, okay?" he reminded them.

"Whatever!" Kate responded.

"Girls, bring some umbrella because it\'s raining hard there right now," Agran said.

"Okay, I\'ll get some umbrella!" Ella replied and went back inside the house.

"Happy now?" Ramza asked his beloved.

Kate smiled. "Thank you," she replied.

A few minutes later, Ella returned with two big umbrellas. "Let\'s go!" she told them.

The men hold the girls\' arms.

Ramza opened the portal, the neon light opening appeared in front of them, they entered it and disappeared from the mountain.