The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 168 - Deadlier

The new opening releases flying dark creatures that exploded everywhere, Esmeralda and Aspen managed to take their positions in the opening and sprayed poisonous powder into the newly out dark creatures...

The creatures began to disintegrate into thin air after inhaling the poisonous powder.

Fifteen minutes into the battle...

Esmeralda and Aspen were shocked to see the previous opening was opening again and multitudes of monsters came out of the opening.

She was about to fly towards the newly opened barrier when Aspen stopped her.

"We are supposed to stick together! Just leave Agran and Zemeth to deal with the monsters!" he shouted at her.

"Okay, I hear you!" Esmeralda replied and continue spraying poisonous powder to the flying creatures but many of them were already out there in the open... they managed to dodge the powder somehow. The duo was glad to see Ramza behind them hurling fires into the dark creatures that got away, burning them left and right.

The flying creatures that got away were confused about where the poisonous powder came from because they can\'t see anyone spraying it above them so they went after Ramza in droves. They\'re getting smarter and holds their breath after getting out of the opening, many of them were able to get away from the poison powder as they flew at a speed of light towards the only enemy they saw slaughtering their kind.

Soon Ramza will be overpowered!

Aspen needs to do something about it. He looked at Esmeralda. "Take care of the opening for me!" he said.

"Wait! What are you going to do!?" asked Esmeralda.

"I will open the portal leading to a desert, I will try to lure as many creatures as I can away from here!" he said. Aspen activated the invisible portal in front of him and showed himself to the enemies in his clone self...the flying dark creatures flocked towards him and entered the portal, soon enough, they will realize that they are trapped in the vast desert looking for the enemies that didn\'t exist there.

Aspen\'s plan works like a charm!

Since he was the first enemy seen by the dark shadows after exiting the opening they go after him in throngs.

Esmeralda was pleased with Aspen\'s method of luring the dark creatures to the desert. It leaves them enough time to hunt for the ones that got away.



Inside the castle...

Maxwell was gritting his teeth in anger! He\'d seen from his location what is happening outside.

It\'s not going well, based on his expectation. He was pretty much disappointed! He was planning to release another three hundred dark shadows but go against it at the last minute.

He saw the barrier starts repairing itself and about to shut off!


He\'s not satisfied with what\'s going on!

The urge to open the blazing barrier is so strong! He was having conflicting feelings right the barrier and released more monsters and dark shadows or just stop everything for tonight?

He counted up to five...






And then a brilliant idea pops up in his mind! His old method might still work! He grinned wickedly.

He can still prepare a nasty surprise to annoy the enemies or maybe kill one or two of them...? Worth trying again...

Why not?



Esmeralda and Aspen and the others are sighing in relief after they noticed that the two openings were completely shut off. The vampire brothers must have finished releasing the monsters and the dark shadows for tonight.


They can relax a bit!

Suddenly...they heard the sound of cracking and saw the golden dagger cutting through the blazing barrier.

Oh, no...not again!

The vampires are about to unleash another batch of monsters for the third time tonight!

Esmeralda and Aspen stared at the opening....waiting for the avalanche of monsters and dark shadows rampaging out of the second...two seconds...three seconds passed...they waited longer but nothing comes out!

What the heck is going on?

Esmeralda lowered herself down and took a peek at what\'s happening one is around except Ivy! But wait...not only she saw one Ivy... but there\'s five Ivy total!

She was confused for a few seconds...

What to do?

But she remembered that it must be another trick prepared by the vampires...she ignored the women who look like Ivy.

She noticed Zemeth coming to the opening. "They aren\'t the real Ivy! Don\'t touch them! They are impostors!" she warned him.

Zemeth looked in the direction where the sound came from. Even though Esmeralda was invisible, he knows her voice too well. He didn\'t make any moves to rescue the girls, he\'s not stupid this time! He just stared at Ivy\'s image! Deep longing creeps into his heart. Just a few seconds of having a glimpse of her face made him feel happy.

Then the opening was starting to repair itself again - it\'s about to close anytime soon!

Zemeth ignored the girls who look like Ivy and left.


Maxwell was fuming violently while watching the opening a few meters away from the ladies. He was hiding behind a tree nearby together with the real Ivy. Dammit! They aren\'t buying his tricks!

The blazing barrier completely shut off, yet no one comes to rescue the five fake Ivy!

His plan resulted in an epic fail! Which is hard for him to accept!


Since he was no longer planning on releasing another batch of monsters tonight there\'s nothing left to do anymore in the ground.

Time to go back to the vampire\'s den and wait for his brother\'s report regarding the actual happening outside.

He reached for Ivy\'s hand and they disappeared from the area.

They reappeared a few seconds later in Maxwell\'s room. He sat on the bed and beckoned her to his side. "My dearest Ivy...I\'m feeling tired today...will you massage my back, please?" he asked her endearingly.

Ivy smiled sweetly at him. "Yes, my husband!" she responded and took her position behind his back. She placed her hands on his shoulder blade and began giving him a soft massage.

Maxwell grinned triumphantly, he\'s ecstatic when she called him her husband. Earlier, he told her to call him her husband starting today and she obeyed him without any complaints. He\'s loving every minute of Ivy\'s new submissive personality. She\'s so obedient!

He reached for her hand and began kissing it, then he reached for her neck and pulled her face lower and kissed her lips, she responded eagerly to his tongue exploring her mouth hungrily.

They shared a passionate kiss.

Maxwell\'s anger began to dissipate while having a duel with Ivy\'s sweet lips.



Outside the castle.

The gang was rounding up the rest of the monsters and dark creatures wandering all over the place.

Aspen looked at Esmeralda. "You want to go to the desert with me and finished the ones that are trapped there? Or I\'ll go to the desert and finished them alone. Why don\'t you go back to the mountain and take a rest? Let the boys finish the task of hunting for the ones that got away," he suggested.

Esmeralda was pondering the choices Aspen had thrown at her. "Hmm... I think I\'ll go home now. Will you be okay?" she asked him worriedly.

Aspen smiled. "Go on...go home now and rest. I\'ll finish the job myself. Don\'t worry I\'ll see you in the mountain after I\'m done with the task," he said.

"Okay, I\'ll go back to the mountain now," Esmeralda finally made her decision. She watched as Aspen entered the portal that will take him to the desert to hunt for the dark creatures.

She looked around her.

The place was nearly deserted except for the bodies of the fallen monsters scattered all over the ground.

She knew that her allies were already scattered near and far to hunt those creatures that got away. Since they\'re young and up to the task, she will just let them finish the job.

Time to go!

Esmeralda disappeared from the scene.

She reappeared in the mountain outside the house, she went to the back of the house, opened the prohibited room, and deposited the spray bottle of poisonous powder in there. She exited the room, walked back towards the entrance of the house, and made herself visible outside the door.

When she entered the house, she found the sisters sitting in the living room, huddled together in the chair, a blanket was wrapped around them, their eyes wide awake. "Why are you still awake, girls? Why you didn\'t go to sleep?" she asked frowning.

"Granny, thank God! You\'re back!" Kate said as huge relief washed over her face.

"Yes, I\'m back. Don\'t tell me that you stay awake just to wait for my return?" she asked them.

The girls nodded their heads.

"But why-?" she asked.

"B-because we\'re afraid that something bad might happen to you and another impostor will come again to lure us away," Ella said in a frightened voice.

Esmeralda sighed. "Don\'t worry, stop thinking of such negative thing!" she said remembering those five women inside the castle impersonating Ivy\'s image. "I\'m safe now...go back to your room and sleep!" she instructed them.

"Granny...are the boys alright? I hope no one gets hurt?" Kate asked worriedly. She just wants to be sure before going to sleep.

Esmeralda sighed. "Kate, although I can\'t assure you...since the boys were spread in all directions hunting for the creatures that got away. I honestly have no idea right now if they\'re okay. We will know tomorrow if somebody will report to us. Let\'s just wait for Aspen\'s return, he might bring some news to us," she explained.

"Was the battle difficult and dangerous, Granny?" asked Kate, she\'s still not willing to give up the topic.

Esmeralda nodded her head. "Yes. I and the boys were prepared with the presence of the monsters but we\'re taken off guard when the vampires release dark shadows. The dark shadows are much more difficult to deal with because they can hover in the air and can attack us stealthily unlike the monsters who can not fly in the air, they can only run fast. So, the current battle is far more dangerous and deadlier than the previous," she answered truthfully.

Her honest answer seems to scare the girls. Sighing she looked at them. "Girls, don\'t worry much about Ramza and Agran...they\'re doing well. They slaughtered and burned the dark shadows and monsters with lightning speed. The last time I saw them before I return here, they were hovering in the air, unharmed," she said reassuringly.

The sisters gloomy faces seemed to brighten a bit after hearing the old woman\'s reassurance.

"Go back to your room and sleep!" she ordered.

"Yes, Granny, thanks for the good news," Kate said in a low voice.

The sisters finally obeyed Esmeralda\'s command and rose from the chair, going to their room to sleep.