The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 167 - Show Time!

Two hours before midnight.

Maxwell arrived at Ivy\'s room. "Let\'s go...I\'ll bring you somewhere my love," he said. He draped the cloak around her and put the hood over her head. "Don\'t take this hood out of your face, okay?"

"OK," Ivy responded, she was wearing a sweet smile on her lips. "Where are we going?" she asked.

"We will free some monsters tonight," he answered, grinning.

"Okay," she replied.

Maxwell held her hand and they disappeared from the room.

They landed in the area where the blazing barrier was located. Maxwell looked around him. On the east side, the monsters were on standby, waiting for the opening. While the dark armies are hovering in the air.

"Hmm... Everything looks ready for tonight," Maxwell said in a pleased voice.

Xenon and Lothaire can be seen hovering in the air, they lowered down and landed on the ground a few meters away from Maxwell and Ivy.

"Everything is ready, brother!" Xenon said.

Lothaire asked, "Are you going to let us out now?"

Maxwell nodded his head. "Yes...but not here...let\'s go to the entrance of the castle...that is where you will not expose yourself directly because they must be patrolling around the castle. Just wait after I released the monsters and the dark armies, the enemy will be busy by then and they won\'t notice your presence."

"Alright, let\'s go!" Xenon said.

Maxwell grabbed Ivy\'s arm and they disappeared from the view together with Xenon and Lothaire.

The four landed in the vampire\'s den. They went to the room where the blazing barrier was located in the waiting room.

"My dearest Ivy, can you close your eyes for a few minutes?" Maxwell said.

Ivy nodded her head. "Okay..."

Maxwell waved his hand over Ivy\'s face. Ivy was frozen in time, she was turned into a statue. He opened his palm summoning the golden dagger, after a few seconds, it appeared in his hand. Using the dagger, he cut Ivy\'s arm...the dagger was now tainted with Ivy\'s blood. He raised it above his head and the dagger turned into a sword. He looked at his siblings. "Ready-?"

Lothaire and Xenon nodded their heads. "We\'re ready!" they answered in unison.

"Good!" Maxwell said, he raised the sword and made a square cut on the blazing barrier in front of them. The blazing barrier began to crack and made an opening.

"Go now!" Maxwell instructed his brothers.

Lothaire and Xenon wastes no time and passed through the opening. Maxwell watched his brothers walked away. A few minutes later, the barrier began repairing itself and completely shut off. He glanced at Ivy\'s arm. The cut was already healed.

He went to her side and waved his hand around her face, unfreezing her body. He intertwined his hand with hers. "Let\'s go back to the place where we landed earlier. I will start the grand event soon!" he said with a chuckle.

"Okay," Ivy responded with a sweet smile.

Maxwell and Ivy disappeared from the place and reappeared in the ground surrounded by the monsters, trees, and dark shadows. He smiled in amusement.

Five vampire women were standing nearby. They were wearing the same cloak that Ivy was wearing.

Maxwell looked around him. "Everyone, listen carefully! The show will start in thirty minutes!" he grinned.



Outside the castle.

Zemeth, Agran, Aspen, and Ramza were waiting near the previous opening. They hide behind the trees nearby.

"Do you think they will release the monsters tonight?" Zemeth asked the old man beside him.

Jegun shook his head. "I\'m not sure. But my wild guess is yes! I can almost feel it!" he replied.

The four kept staring at the previous opening in the next thirty minutes.

Half an hour later.

They heard the sound of cracking and saw the sword cutting the blazing dagger.

"This is it! Boys, get ready!" Zemeth exclaimed.

"I\'ll teleport now and informed the boys on the island," Jegun said and disappeared from their sight.

"Me too!" Aspen said. He was also gone in seconds, going to the mountain to get his partner.


Jegun appeared on the beach. He saw the men surrounding the bonfire near the beach. "Men, it\'s party time!" he informed them.

The men understood what Grandpa Jegun meant. They quickly put sand on the fire and teleport instantly to the castle.


On the mountain.

Aspen landed in front of the house and saw the girls sitting on the door watching the starry night above. "Girls, where is Esmeralda?" he asked hurriedly.

"I\'m here!" Esmeralda appeared behind the girls. She was wearing a black cloak and her eyes were hidden by the hood.

"Good! You seem to be ready today, eh?" he commented.

"Of course. Since you\'re here, I presumed the monsters are out?" she said.

Aspen nodded his head. "Yes!"

"Then let\'s go!" she said.

"Ah, not so fast!" Aspen said. He produced two plastic spray bottles. "Can you put the poisonous powder in these bottles?" he asked.

"Alright," Esmeralda replied and took the plastic bottle from Aspen\'s hand. She walked towards the prohibited room at the back of the house.

Kate glanced at Aspen worriedly. "Guys, will you be alright?" she asked in an alarmed voice.

Aspen nodded his head. "Don\'t worry, no one will die tonight!" he assured them.

Kate sighed deeply. "Be careful, okay? Take care of yourselves!" she said. Her heart was already beating fast in her rib cage. She was deeply worried about the men\'s safety. Immortal Vearah already passed away, she dreaded that someone will die tonight.

Aspen smiled and patted Kate\'s head gently. "Don\'t worry, we will be fine," he said confidently. "I\'ll go after Esmeralda..." he said and left the girl\'s side.

He was on his way to the backyard when he met Esmeralda halfway. She handed him one of the plastic spray bottle filled with the deadly powder.

"Did your mentor created an antidote for this deadly powder just in case one of us will inhale it?" Aspen asked cautiously.

Esmeralda nodded her head and produced two small bottles from the pocket of her pants. "I\'ll bring this with me, just in case there\'s an accident. Here\'s your bottle, don\'t lose it!" she said and gave one bottle to him.

"Okay, thanks!" Aspen said and put the bottle in the pocket of his pants.

Esmeralda waved her hand around Aspen\'s face creating a black veil that would prevent him from inhaling the poisonous powder. She did the same to his hands, Aspen was now wearing long black protective gloves in his hands.

"Damn, I look like a black widow," he said jokingly.

Esmeralda repeated the same process to her face and hands. She and Aspen were both covered with the protective veil protecting them from the poisonous powder.

"Are we done?" Aspen asked.

"Wait...I want to be invisible this time!" Esmeralda said and waved her hand around them for a few seconds, her mouth was busy reciting an incantation.

A few minutes later.

"Are you done?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered.

"Eh? Why I can still see you?" Aspen asked in bewilderment.

"You can see me... I can see you but the others won\'t see us!" she explained.

"Nice! Let\'s go and teleport to the castle!" Aspen said and hold Esmeralda\'s arm.

They vanished instantly from the mountain.

A few minutes later.

They appeared in the castle near the opening. They hovered in the air and watched the monsters rampaging out of the large opening, which is the size of Vearah\'s house in the mountain.

Agran was already busy fighting the monsters left and right using the flame coming out from his eyes and hands, while behind him was Zemeth, wielding his words against the monsters that managed to dodge Agran\'s deadly blow.

They saw several monsters scattered in all directions, they will be dealt with by Zemeth\'s men situated all over the place.

Esmeralda and Aspen looked at each other.

"Since we are a team and we can\'t be separated tonight, let\'s just take our position near the opening and spray the monsters with the deadly poisonous powder, and let the boys chase the monsters everywhere," Aspen said.

"Okay, after you!" Esmeralda agreed with their arrangement.

When they were about to position themselves in the opening it started to shut off, no more monsters coming out!

\'\'Well...we are late!" Aspen chuckled.

Then they heard the sound of cracking as the sword was cutting the blazing barrier again.

"Holy! They are opening the barrier again. I thought they were done for tonight!" Aspen said.

"You\'re wrong!" Esmeralda replied and took her position near the opening and so was Aspen.

The moment the monsters came out of the opening they were quickly sprayed by the poisonous powder from above.

The monsters inhaled the poisonous powder and the majority of them fell into the ground unable to make any further steps forward, but others manage to evade the powder and run as fast as they can away from the opening.

Inside the castle...

Maxwell was fuming mad after seeing lots of monsters fell into the ground, dead!

What is up there that make the monsters inhale something deadly? Damn! He can\'t even take a peek outside the opening or he might end up dead as well!

Furious, he watched as the monster\'s dead body piled up in the entrance almost blocking the opening!

This is madness!

He reached for Ivy\'s right arm and they hovered in the air going to the place a few meters away to make another opening... this time, he will unleash the three hundred dark armies to kill the ones responsible for killing the monsters at the opening.


Meanwhile, outside the castle.

Esmeralda and Aspen were grinning at each other. Their spray bottle filled with poisonous powder was effective!

A few minutes later, the opening can no longer release monsters because it was filled with dead bodies piling up high in the entrance.

But Esmeralda and Aspen\'s victory didn\'t last long.

Another opening was created...this time...the dark armies were coming out of the opening in droves!

Esmeralda and Aspen hurriedly flew towards the new opening to stop the terrifying creatures from coming out in the open in full force.