The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 164 - Unstable

On the island.

Ramza noticed that Grandpa Jegun and Agran was nowhere in sight. "Where are they?" he asked his friend.

"Who-? Grandpa Jegun and Agran?" said Zemeth.

"Yes. I haven\'t seen them around. Well...I saw them swimming in the ocean earlier...but now...I can\'t find them anywhere," he said.

"They informed me that they will visit the mountain to check on the people there," Zemeth replied.

"Ah, I see...I\'m going there to visit Kate as well. Why don\'t you go with me?"

"Okay, I\'ll come with you," Zemeth said. "I\'ll talk with Aspen regarding the evacuation of the people in the nearby areas surrounding the castle," he added.

Thirty minutes later, the men were already on their way to the mountain entering the neon portal opening.

The portal opened in the mountain, a few meters away from the entrance. They saw Agran and Ella about to enter the house.

"Hey...Guys...!" Ramza called them.

Ella and Agran smiled at the newcomer.

"Where is Kate? Can I talk to your sister, please?" Ramza said.

"Sure! Let\'s get inside the house," Ella said with a smile.

They entered the house.

Kate was arranging flowers in the vase during that time in the living room. Her eyes sparkled after she laid her eyes on Ramza. She smiled brightly at the man who owned her heart.

Ramza went to Kate\'s side, while Zemeth went to join the others in a conversation.

"What are you doing, honey pie?" Ramza smiled at her while looking at her face.

Kate smiled with his choice of endearment. "Honeypie... can\'t you see I\'m arranging flowers in the flower vase," she said.

"I know...look...I miss my girl so much! Can we talk somewhere else private? Like in your room or outside the house without these people surrounding us?" he asked in a low voice.

Kate giggled. "What for? Why should we go somewhere private?" she asked, pretending that she doesn\'t know what he truly meant by his suggestion.

Ramza groaned. "Oh, common, I miss kissing my girl," he whispered.

Kate blushed and bit her lips in anticipation. "\'re so naughty!" she replied.

"Eh, what is naughty with my words? All I need is a simple kiss, nothing more and nothing less," he said while tugging playfully at some strand of her hair with his fingers.

"Okay, later...I will just finish arranging these flowers and then we will go to the fruit garden," she agreed.

"Good! Let me help you arrange the flowers so that you finish it quickly, \'coz my hands were itching to hold you..." he grinned and winked at her meaningfully. He began putting random flowers on the vase just to finish the boring chores quickly.

"Ah...stop that!" Kate said glaring at him. "You\'re messing up with my flower arrangement!" she exclaimed. She retrieves the flowers that he dumped in the vase. "Just let me finish my job, if you keep messing around with my chore, it will take me ages before I will finish this flower arrangement just the way I like it!" she pouted.

Ramza grinned. "Okay, fine. Take your time honey pie, I\'ll just watch you finish your flower arrangement. Just wake me up if I fall asleep," he joked, teasing her.

Kate smiled and pinched his side playfully. "Alright, go ahead and sleep..." she said.

Ramza put his arms on the table and rested his head upon them and closed his eyes, snoring lightly, pretending that he had fallen asleep while waiting for her to finish her flower arrangement.

Kate smiled in amusement. "Goodnight...sweet dreams," she whispered in his ear.

"Make it quick, please!" he replied.

"Okay...I\'ll be done in a few minutes," she responded, giggling.

Fifteen minutes later, Kate was done with her flower arrangement. "Wake up...honey pie...I\'m done...come and find me at the fruit garden," she whispered in his ear. She rose to her feet and left the house going to the fruit garden.

She didn\'t wait for long \'coz Ramza was already following her from behind.

"Honey pieeee! I miss you so much!" Ramza picked up Kate and carry her in his arms.

"Put me down!" Kate said, squealing.

"Shh...lower your voice...let\'s find a place to do smooching..." Ramza grinned and winked naughtily at his lady love.

Kate giggled in amusement.

Ramza carried Kate in his arms, they went behind the banana tree and continue their lovey-dovey activities.


Back in the house, Zemeth and Aspen were having a conversation in the living room.

"I\'m thinking that the castle will release more monsters in the coming days, and it will be too much for us to handle. If you can find a way to warn the villagers of the incoming disaster, then that would be good. This is to ensure that just in case we will fail to contain the monsters in a specific area, they won\'t be able to reach the people quickly. The farther the people can relocate, the better for them. This will give us enough time to hunt the monsters during day time, without worrying if they already reach the houses or not," Zemeth elaborated further.

Aspen nodded his head. "I understand what you are trying to tell me, bro. Rest assured, I will inform the villagers tomorrow. I will make a round in the houses near the vicinity of the castle," he said.

"Thank you, bro. This will help us focus more on slaying the monsters as many as we can rather than worrying about the people\'s safety," Zemeth said.

"Yeah, I see your point. I agree with your decision to warn the villagers, this way, we have less casualty," Aspen agreed.

"For them to head our warning just inform them that after the monsters will be eliminated they can finally return to their old homes. The relocation will be temporary just to make sure that no innocent people will die just in case the castle will release monsters in huge numbers," Zemeth added.

"I just hope they will listen to me. If they still won\'t pay attention to our warning, there\'s not much we can do for them if the monsters will reach their homes before us," Aspen said in a gloomy voice.

"Actually... if the castle will release the same numbers of monsters just like in the previous, it\'s still manageable. But if they will release twice the numbers... then we will have a serious problem to face since we will be outnumbered by them and the monsters can run faster in any direction," Zemeth said.

Aspen sighed. "Let\'s pray that the numbers will be the same just like before since we already know that the vampires won\'t stop releasing monsters now that they have started it."

Jegun approached the two men after noticing that they were in a serious conversation. "What are you talking about, guys?" he asked as he lowered himself in the wooden chair beside Aspen.

Zemeth looked at Jegun. "Ah, nothing much...I just suggested to Aspen right now to inform the villagers about the monsters. They must be aware that the monsters can come to their village anytime to slaughter anyone that crosses their suggested a speedy relocation of their families to a faraway place as soon as possible, for their safety," he explained.

Jegun gave Zemeth a thumb up. "Excellent idea! The less we have to worry about the people\'s safety the better so that we can focus our minds on killing the monsters efficiently and swiftly!"

"\'s Esmeralda?" asked Zemeth.

Jegun sighed. "Still heartbroken about Immortal Vearah\'s sudden passing..."

"She will be fine," Aspen assured them.

"Okay, I don\'t think we should get her involved in facing the monsters. She\'s still recovering emotionally and psychologically due to Vearah\'s passing," Zemeth said.

"I will tell her about your concern, guys," Aspen said.

"She can join us in facing the monsters after she has recovered from the heartbroken and sorrow of losing a dear friend. I\'m afraid that during the battle she might not be able to fight the enemy in full capacity and she might get hurt in the process, if that happens, we might be facing another catastrophe in the making..." Zemeth voiced out his fears. Actually... he was more afraid that if Esmeralda fights the monster and then unable to concentrate, she might get killed in the process, and not only she will die, Ivy will also perish inside the castle along with the rest of the inhabitants there.

They continue discussing Esmeralda\'s state of mind in the next hour.


Meanwhile, inside the ritual room... Maxwell was done with the ritual in erasing Ivy\'s memory. He exited the room to face his brothers. Xenon and Lothaire were already waiting outside the door.

"Brother, what are you doing inside the ritual room?" Xenon asked curiously.

"I\'m just erasing Ivy\'s memory of her family and her lover. I want her to completely think of me only and no other," Maxwell replied.

"So... how\'s the ritual going?" Lothaire inquired.

"It\'s going smoothly. A few hours from now, Ivy can already be taken back to her room to recuperate. That is why I exited the ritual room to inform you guys that I won\'t be releasing monsters tonight. I need a long rest and I also need to monitor Ivy\'s recovery. But rest assured that tomorrow night, we will resume our plan in releasing five hundred monsters and three hundred dark shadows," Maxwell said.

"But brother...! We should release the monsters now!" Lothaire grumbled.

Maxwell ignored his brother\'s whining. "Relax...we will do it tomorrow night. Why are you rushing, guys?" he asked them.

Xenon and Lothaire went silent.

"I\'ll go back inside the ritual room, don\'t disturb me unless it\'s very important!" Maxwell gave his instruction. He turned around and entered the ritual room.

Xenon and Lothaire looked at each other, annoyed.

"Hmph! Our brother was certainly obsessed with his feelings towards Ivy, he makes it his priority even if there are far more important things that needed his attention..." Xenon remarked angrily.

Lothaire shrugged. "Well...he can do what he wants with Ivy...I\'m sure he will be back on track once he was done erasing her memory," he said nonchalantly and took his leave.

Sighing in frustration, Xenon left the room and followed his brother outside.