The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 163 - I Miss You!

The men waited for the monsters to came out of the castle, yet they waited in vain the whole night.

Dawn was breaking on the horizon.

Jegun looked heavenward. "The sun is up! Nice to see another glorious morning!" he said with a grateful smile.

"Yeah, nice to see a new day!" Ramza said.

"Thankfully, there are no monsters last night, maybe tonight they will release the monsters," Jegun said.

"We are ready for them, Grandpa!" Ramza said.

Zemeth and Agran rubbed their eyes, they just recently woke up.

A portal opening materialized nearby. Bhork, Dredo, Simuz, and Ogeme came out of the portal to take over in patrolling the surrounding area of the castle.

"We\'re here now, guys, go home and rest. We already cooked some bananas and fish in the kitchen so that you can eat right away if you are hungry," Simuz said.

Jegun looked at Zemeth, Ramza, and Agran and addressed them. "Let\'s go home boys and have a good sleep in the house," he said.

"Alright, time to leave!" Zemeth replied.

Jegun activated the portal, they entered the neon opening going back to the island.

A few minutes later, the portal opened on the island, the four came out and walked towards the kitchen at the back of the house to eat the foods prepared by the boys.

Twenty minutes later, they have finished eating.

Zemeth and Ramza left the kitchen going to the house to have a proper rest and sleep.

Jegun helped Agran washed the dishes.

"Grandpa, let me wash the dishes, you don\'t have to help me. I can manage these chores easily. You go now upstairs to your room and have a good sleep," Agran said.

"\'Okay, as you say so. After you finished your chores here in the kitchen, go upstairs and take your rest as well," Jegun said going to the door.

"Ah, Grandpa...I would like to ask you a favor...." Agran said.

"What is it, son?" asked Jegun. "Just tell me...while I\'m still here..." he said.

"Grandpa, are you going to the mountain today?" asked Agran.

"Yes, later in the afternoon to check the people there...why?"

"C-can I go with you?" Agran asked.

"Why are you interested to visit the mountain?"

"B-because I miss Ella badly," Agran replied coyly.

Jegun smiled in amusement. "Alright, rest early, after we are done eating lunch, I\'ll take you to the mountain with me so that you can visit Ella today," he responded.

"Thank you, Grandpa," Agran said excitedly.

Jegun exited the kitchen door going to the house to rest in his room.

After washing the dirty dishes, Agran left the kitchen going to the house to rest.

Three hours later.

Agran and Jegun woke up.

"Grandpa, are we going to visit the mountain now?" Agran asked excitedly.

"Yes, in a while. So get ready..." Jegun replied.

"Okay, can I take a swim in the sea for a few minutes first?" Agran said.

"Sure! Go ahead!" replied Jegun.

"Wait for me, Grandpa! Don\'t leave without me!" he said merrily.

"Don\'t worry...I\'ll wait for you," Jegun assured him.

"I\'ll go swimming now, join me in the sea, Grandpa!" Agran said smiling.

"Okay, after you... son!" Jegun replied.

The men went downstairs and headed to the beach to enjoy the great weather and calm water of the ocean.

They frolicked in the sea for a few minutes... that lasted for one full hour.

They finally have enough of the water and left the seashore going back to the house to get ready in visiting the mountain.

A few minutes later.

The men stood outside the house and Jegun activated the portal, the neon opening appeared in front of them and they entered it, the portal disappeared and reappeared a few seconds later in the mountain. Jegun and Agran exited the portal and walked towards the house.

"Wow, it\'s my first time coming here. Immortal Vearah\'s dwelling is amazing!" Agran said as his gaze sweeps the entire surrounding.

"Wait \'till you see the flower garden and the fruit garden!" Jegun said. "Anyways, Ella will show you those places I mentioned earlier," he added.

Just in time, Ella exited the main entrance of the house holding a broom and dustpan, she\'s going to sweep the dried leaves loitering in the front yard.

Agran and Ella\'s eyes met.

Ella was surprised for a minute, then she smiled brightly. "You\'re here!"

Agran smiled and looked at her fondly. "It\'s nice to see you again!"

Jegun looked at them with amusement in his eyes. "Children, I\'ll leave the two of you here. I\'ll go inside and have a chit chat with Esmeralda and Aspen," he said and proceed to enter the house.

Ella addressed him. "You follow Grandpa inside, I\'ll talk to you later after I\'m done sweeping the front yard," she said.

"It\'s okay, let me sweep the dry leaves for you, you go there and just sit \'till I\'m done with the chore," he said.

Ella smiled and handed him the broom and dustpan. "Why are you here?"

"To see you of course... \'coz I miss you!" he said softly looking affectionately into his eyes.

Ella giggled. "Fine... start sweeping the ground! I\'ll take you to the fruit garden after you\'re done with your chore..." she said in amusement.

"Okay, Boss!" Agran spoke and began sweeping the ground, a ecstatic smile adorned his face.

Ella watched Agran sweeping the ground, to be honest, she missed his presence and now that he\'s finally here she can\'t stop herself from smiling. His presence brightened up her gloomy day. "It\'s nice to see you again!" she said sincerely.

Agran stopped what he\'s doing and looked at her. "I know... it shows in your eyes," he said and grinned, then he continues sweeping the ground.

Ella giggled happily... like a teenager seeing her idol for the first time.

A few minutes later, Agran finished the chore. He looked at Ella. "Grandpa told me that there are two spectacular gardens here, the flower garden and fruit garden. Can you please show me the fruit garden first?" he said and rubbed his tummy. "I kind of feeling hungry after sweeping the ground," he said, grinning.

"Sure, follow me!" Ella said and lead the way to the fruit garden.

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at the fruit garden.

Agran\'s eyes widened in absolute surprise after seeing the fruits ready to eat hanging in abundance on every branch of the tree. "Wow! I have never seen such an abundance of fruits in my entire life! This mountain is truly magical and special!" he commented.

"You are correct! Go ahead, pick any fruit you like, you can eat as many as you like!" Ella encourages him.

Agran smiled excitedly. He went to the apple tree and grabbed one red apple, then he sank his teeth and exclaimed. "Wow, this apple is so crispy and sweet! I love it!" he enthused. "Can I have more than one fruit?" he asked.

"Sure! You can pick any kinds of fruits as many as you like" Ella said happily.

"Great!" Agran beamed while munching on the red apple.

"I\'ll help you...which fruit you like to eat next?" Ella offered.

Agran pointed at the oranges and grapes. "The orange and the grapes!" he said.

Ella went to the trees and harvested oranges and grapes. When she thinks it\'s already enough, she looked at him. "Let\'s go to the flower garden, you can continue eating the fruits there," she suggested.

"Alright, let\'s go! Lead the way, my love!" he said, grinning, still munching on the apple.

Ella looked at him and raised her brow, then she rolled her eyes and moved forward going to the flower garden. Agran was following behind her.

They arrived at the flower garden.

Agran stood mesmerized by the colorful blooming flowers in front of him. "Wow! This place is perfect! The flowers are breathtaking to look at!" he commented.

They lowered themselves on the wooden bench and admired the flowers.

Agran asked, "How\'s life here?"

Ella sighed. "When Immortal Vearah was still alive, life here is great. But recently, after she passed away, it\'s kind of gloomy here. My sister and I can\'t shake the feeling of sadness and guilt that we are harboring in our hearts...\'coz you know...we are the reason why Granny Vearah met her untimely death," she said sadly.

Agran rubbed Ella\'s back to console her. "Please don\'t think of it that way. Things happened for a reason. In the first place, you and your sister didn\'t ask for an impostor to come here. Things just happen and they are not under your control. So girls, please stop blaming yourselves! I\'m sure Immortal Vearah didn\'t think that way..." he said trying to make Ella see that the tragic accident wasn\'t their undoing.

Ella released a deep sigh. "I know... but I can\'t help it. Immortal Vearah was so kind to us. I felt sad that she\'s no longer with us."

"I also feel sad after hearing the news of her sudden passing... but what can we do? We can no longer bring her back to life, we can only cherish and remember her good deeds. Please, don\'t be sad anymore," Agran said.

Ella smiled a bit. "Okay, let\'s stop talking about the tragic event," she finally said wanting to change the topic. "How about you? How\'s life on the island?"

"Everything is fine on the island. I was able to slaughter countless monsters and help our brothers save the people from those flesh-eating monsters," he said.

"Wow, you\'re awesome!" Ella roared.

"Not really... just a small contribution on my part," Agran said humbly.

"How did you do it? How did you kill the monsters?" Ella asked curiously.

"Secret!" he smiled mysteriously. "Honestly, I don\'t want to elaborate on my ways and means of killing the monster because it\'s men\'s stuff, I\'m sure the ladies don\'t like hearing about killing and gore. Let\'s just talk about other things..." he said. "By the way, is there any other place here in the mountain that you would like to show me?" he asked.

"If you\'re done eating...I will take you to the little fish pond located at the back of the house, and I will also show you the shade where the hens lay their eggs," Ella said.

"Nice...let\'s go!" Agran said excitedly.

They rose to their feet and walked towards the back of the house.