The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chatper 2790

"Wei Chen pays homage to the Holy Emperor!"

A young literati walked out slowly from the end of the line of literati, bowed down in front of the white jade steps, and said respectfully, "Long live the Holy Emperor, long live your majesty!"

Chen Ping\'s face is clear and handsome, with no beard under his chin. He wears the imperial uniform of a five-rank civil official. In front of Zhu Zi of the Manchu Dynasty, he is not worth mentioning, but he himself has a kind of celebrity style.

Hearing Liu Hao\'s name, the officials in the hall gathered their gazes on the young scholar. Chen Ping\'s expression was indifferent and seemed to be calm, but in his heart, waves were already rising.

"Shangshutai is sparse, and it is necessary to reorganize and restructure the top of the dynasty\'s espionage. What do you think, let me hear it?"

Liu Hao sat high on the dragon seat, and the majestic voice echoed in the hall.

Chen Ping took a deep breath, calmed down his state of mind, bowed his body, and said respectfully: "Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, there have been Jinyiwei first, and then the quicksand night, all of which are espionage. It\'s just that the responsibilities of the two institutions overlap now, and the government orders are difficult to implement. Why don\'t your Majesty break up the quicksand, absorb the masters among them, and then put them all into the Jinyiwei. ."

Chen Ping unhurriedly came up with the idea of ​​​​banning the quicksand night, and the ministers in the court suddenly opened the chat box.

Raiders the world of Qin Dynasty, the quicksand night annihilated the imperial net, made a great contribution, and now it is about to be banned, which is deeply involved.

There are those who support Chen Ping, and there are naturally those who are firmly opposed. Liu Hao raised his hand, pressed it out of thin air, and asked, "Han Qing, what do you think?"

Han Qing is Han Fei.

Chen Ping thought secretly.

Quicksand was created by Han Fei. He has absolute right to speak. If it is dissolved, it will directly damage Han Fei\'s interests.

Han Fei, who was standing among the civil servants, bowed his hands and said: "The existence of quicksand was originally to clear the obstacles in the way for His Majesty. Now that the world is peaceful, the existence of quicksand has no meaning. This minister agrees with Chen Ping\'s words. …”

Han Fei stood up to speak, the hall was silent, and no one said a word.

Liu Hao nodded slightly, and said lightly: "Han Qing knows the righteousness, and I am very relieved. I ordered the Shangshutai to discuss the specific regulations first, break up the quicksand and reorganize them into Jinyiwei, Chen Ping..."

"The minister is here!"

Chen Ping bowed his body, fell to his knees, and bowed his head.

Liu Hao said indifferently: "Since you proposed this plan, then you will preside over it. Do you have the confidence to complete it?"

"I do what I want, I don\'t dare to invite you! I will do my best to serve Your Majesty!"

Chen Ping\'s spirit was refreshed, he flicked his sleeves on both sides, and knelt down in front of the white jade steps.

By this time, the people in the hall who had a heart, glanced at it seemingly unintentionally, and had begun to notice this young scribe.

Liu Hao asked Chen Ping to take charge of this matter, that is, to give Chen Ping the opportunity to step on the stage of this side, to show his ambitions and to emerge.

"Mo Dao\'s Confucian crown is wrong, and reading is worthwhile. In the morning, he is Tian Shelang, and in the evening, he ascends to the Son of Heaven."

The old manager Li Lianying, who was standing beside Yujie, squinted and squinted, sighing in her heart: This son and Xu Xiao are probably not the things in the pool!

He seemed to see another new star, rising!

As long as Chen Ping has the ability, and he is reused by the Holy Emperor, how can it be worth it?

Then some government affairs were discussed. The court meeting finally ended. The officials in the hall left the hall in twos and threes. Liu Hao left Xu Guangqi, the servant of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry, to ask about the cultivation of Longya rice.

Longya rice is already the first-class strategic resource of the dynasty. As long as the cultivation of longya rice is successful, it can be officially implemented in the heavens. The benefits will be endless, and there is no need to mention it.

It is a pity that the growth environment of Taikoo Longya Rice is very strict.

After a few words of encouragement, Zhu Ting, who worked in the Ministry of Industry, and the Mohist Master Class, came together after sending off the Minister of Agriculture.

"Your Majesty, I will follow the plans, and finally the Yulong Saddle has been successfully manufactured. Please take a look at it."

With a simple and honest smile hanging on Zhu Ting\'s chubby face, he waved his hand, and everyone walked in with a pair of dragon saddles.

Horses have saddles, and dragons have dragons\' saddles.

After subduing the people of the Mo family, the scientific research strength of the Han Dynasty has been strengthened a lot. Liu Hao looked at the dragon saddle carried up by his servants, nodded with satisfaction, and asked sideways, "How many tools have the Ministry of Industry made?"

"Your Majesty, the material of the Yulong Saddle is strict. The minister fused the outer meteorite iron stored in the Ministry of Internal Affairs into a furnace, and barely made three of them. If you want to recreate it, you need more materials..."

Zhu Ting wiped his sweat.

When the Holy Emperor ordered, the Ministry of Industry naturally went all out, but it was difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and the meteorite iron needed to make the dragon saddle was similar to a fetish, and it was not common.

Only three?

Liu Hao tapped his finger on the table and made a decision: "After the establishment of Tianjie is completed, it will not be too late to recreate it. At present, the Ministry of Industry mainly concentrates its efforts on the production of white tigers and vermillion birds."

The Royal Dragon Saddle can provide additional Royal Dragon attribute bonuses, but it is a long-term plan. Currently, there is only Xiaobai, a dragon, which is far from the mighty dragon cavalry army envisioned by Liu Hao.

The four spirit beasts of the organs shined brightly in the battlefield of Qin Dynasty, and the more such weapons of war, the better.

"Subordinate, obey!"

Zhu Ting clenched his fists and led the order away.

"Since the Yulong Saddle is long ago, it cannot be idle. We have to find a way to catch a few dragons to use as mounts..."

Liu Hao\'s heart moved slightly, and suddenly he thought of a world key lying in his storage space.

Game of Thrones World Key: With this key, the host can descend into the hidden world.


Only seeing this hidden treasure, a strange light flashed between Liu Hao\'s eyes.

The current dynasty is developing steadily, and it is time to make a layout for the future. This hidden world belongs to the magical world, with the existence of alien spirits and dragons.

The highest level of power is the Western Dragon, which breathes dragon-breathed red flames, can burn everything, and has slightly weaker defense power, but its destructive power is roughly the same as that of a human being, and it is absolutely impossible for an extraordinary person to resist. ....