The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chatper 2789

"Sure enough, it is a realm, one side of the world, the ancient scriptures of good fortune are vast and boundless, only by truly stepping into the current realm can we get a glimpse of the wonder of the extreme realm of good fortune. , is the realm of real fairy..."

"Human immortals are extraordinary and refined, and extraordinary people can be compared, but when you reach the realm of true immortals, you will cultivate all the internal organs and the gods, and the yin, yang and gods will be one, and they will have thousands of years of life, which is even more terrifying. Injuries, even the flesh and blood of limbs can be derived, they are no longer mortal!"

Liu Hao quietly realized the description of the real immortal realm in the ancient scriptures of good fortune, and there was more enlightenment in his heart.

The soul is immortal, the real immortal is immortal!

The painstaking effort to replace the blank space is to merge the yin and yang gods into one at the perfect time, to achieve the blending of the yin and yang gods, and step into the realm of true immortals in one fell swoop.

Once he succeeds, that is the real detachment!

The powerhouse in the real immortal realm is by no means something that the human and immortal realm can compete with, and it is not something that human sea tactics can handle.

Unfortunately, his layout failed.

Liu Hao was born, swallowed the dragon energy of the Canglong Qisu, and replaced it with Qin.

The heydays that originally belonged to the Qin state were all merged into the great Han, and instead they became the supreme dynasty, making the heavenly realm stand tall!

"When you reach the realm of true immortals, you only need to walk forward one step at a time, and constantly strengthen your own heritage. When the time comes, you can build Xiantai and enter the supreme secret realm..."

Liu Hao gathered his mind, gradually calmed down, and consolidated the gains after the successful crossing.

Today, this world is not as full of spiritual energy as in the ancient times. Even the land gods are rare, let alone the powerhouses in the real fairy realm. If the powerhouses in the real fairy realm want to make a breakthrough, it is as difficult as going to the sky!

When his cultivation reached a realm like Liu Hao, it would not be a problem if he didn\'t eat or drink for more than a month. In the next few days, he was consolidating his current realm. The sky rises, like a flame of smoke and flames, shaking the sky.

Roar! !

In the palace, the sleeping real dragon seemed to be affected by some kind of induction, raised its hideous dragon head, and made a life-shattering sound of dragon roar.

"Finally out!"

Liu Hao stepped out from the void, his eyes were like torches, and at a glance he saw Xiao Guizi who was guarding outside the hall.

Xiao Guizi practiced Jiuyin Sutra to the realm of transformation, and also cultivated the sunflower secret scriptures. Now he is a master of martial arts, but when he found Liu Hao standing beside him, he was shocked, and cold sweat broke out behind him, and he immediately fell to the ground. Kneeling down, bowing and pausing, he said loudly, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for breaking through the barrier and making great progress!"

He had no idea what Liu Hao was out of!

Liu Hao\'s body is majestic and majestic, this suffocating power, it seems that the cultivation of His Majesty the Holy Emperor seems to have gone further than before! !

In addition to being shocked, Xiao Guizi was naturally happy. Liu Hao was his lord, so naturally the stronger the better.

"How many days have I been in retreat?"

"The minister remembers clearly that it has been twenty-seven days since Your Majesty has been in prison."

Xiao Guizi cupped her hands and said respectfully.

It felt like just a snap of a finger, but after nearly a month, Liu Hao felt quite emotional. The deeper his cultivation, the more time and energy he had to spend to consolidate his realm when he broke through, and he should not be neglected.

"Dongjun and others, the boss has already made arrangements, but it is Mr. Wang Meng from Shangshutai who entered the palace to ask for an interview. The ministers did not dare to disturb His Majesty. The memorials are all in the imperial study..."

Xiao Guizi bowed his head and made a brief statement about some important things that happened in the near future.

Liu Hao nodded, and while walking towards the imperial study room, his spiritual sense moved slightly, and he found that the progress of the Tianjie building had jumped to 56%, and he couldn\'t help but be speechless...

The celestial giants summoned by these systems are bluffing, but their efficiency is worrying. According to the current progress, it will take at least more than a month to complete the construction of the celestial rank.

"Xu Xiao voluntarily entered the Huben Huangzi Camp. Lu Falcon and Xie An have already left the Imperial Academy, and the two have broken through to the realm of Wen Dao masters..."

There were many memorials piled up on the table. Liu Hao swept his eyes and ten lines at a time, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly from time to time. Finally, his eyes were attracted by a memorial on the reform of the espionage system.

At the beginning of the founding of the Han Dynasty, Jinyiwei was set up to control the espionage of the dynasty, but at that time, wherever Liu Haoxing was, he created Dongchang in a bad way, and he could command Jinyiwei to exercise supervision instead of the king.

When it came to the Qin Dynasty, it was founded on Quicksand, and the powers of Nightfall overlapped with Jinyiwei, which made it seem a bit confusing.

The present memorial has pointed out the current problems of Jinyiwei and Quicksand Nights, but it is only half of the content, and the solution for the second half is still under discussion and has not been written.

"This memorial must come from the hands of famous officials."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows, and carefully read the memorial three times back and forth. After he understood it, his eyes fell on the last signature.

The military advisor of Shangshutai sacrificed wine to Chen Ping.

The military division sacrificial wine is an official position created by Liu Hao for the spiritual talent Guo Jia. It is similar to the role of secretary. This Chen Ping is equivalent to the secretary of the important minister of Shangshutai, but it is obviously extraordinary to have this insight.

Among the great Han founders, there also happened to be a person named Chen Ping, Liu Hao suddenly felt that he had caught another big fish by accident.

This is also because of the strong dynamism of the dynasty, more and more talents have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Naturally, the more talents, the better. Liu Hao made a Zhuzi annotation on Chen Ping\'s name, read the rest of the memorial, waved his hand, and issued an order.

"Summon the ministers and prepare for the court meeting."

Xiao Guizi was very efficient in his work. It didn\'t take long for the ministers of the Han Dynasty to clean up the court clothes, and they entered the Qiankun Hall. The civil and military officials were divided into left and right sides.

"If you have something to play early, if you have nothing to go back to the court."

"Sir, there is a book to play!"

The Shangshu ordered Xun Yu to stand out, flicking his sleeves on both sides, bowing his body, holding the wat board, and said, "Now that the dynasty is stable, the minister thinks that we can adjust and reorganize the Dongchang and the night above, so as to avoid confusion of powers and powers."

"I have already read the memorial of Shang Shutai, it is interesting."

Liu Hao sat high on the red gold coiled dragon chair, nodded slightly, and said, "Where is Chen Ping?"...