The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 79

After seeing Xun Yu, Liu Hao didn\'t dare to neglect him. He pushed aside the crowd and hurried towards Xun Yu.

"Zixuan is late and asks brother Wen Ruo to suffer!"

Unknowingly, Liu Hao\'s speech style has become somewhat ancient. He walked up to Xun Yu, looked sad and untied the rope tied to him.

"Yu, I\'m a shallow scholar. How can I afford such a generous gift as a prefect?"

Xun Yu hurriedly came up to hold Liu Hao and found that Liu Hao walked into the mud, his shoes were dirty, his eyes were even more sad, and he was not moved.

Even the mountain bandits around were shocked by such affection and thought to themselves: is this weak scribe a relative of the Lord?

"Zixuan, don\'t worry. General Zhou and general Pei just take Yu as a meat ticket. There\'s not much food these days."

Xun Yu smiled and boarded the carriage with Liu Hao.

Liu Hao saw that Xun Yu was very close to him. He had already thought about it in his heart. After considering it for a moment, he pointed out his intention of soliciting directly: "when I met Wen Ruo today, I have another word to say..."

"Brother Wen Ruo is the talent of Wang Zuo. Why don\'t you go out of the mountain and help me?"

It\'s absolutely useless for you to play tricks with a highly intelligent counselor like Xun Yu.

Only by moving with emotion, knowing with righteousness, and making him obedient and convinced, is the king\'s way.

"Wang Zuo\'s talent, don\'t dare, don\'t dare!"

Xun Yu was slightly stunned. He faintly guessed from Liu Hao\'s attitude, but he didn\'t expect Liu Hao to say it so directly.

Liu Hao sighed: "the Han Dynasty is dark and weak, and relatives and eunuchs are ready to fire. In addition, there is Dong Zhuo in Xiliang, who leads a division of 200000 tigers and wolves. Don\'t brother Wen Ruo have any ideas?"

Xun Yu frowned and said nothing, quite moved.

Liu Hao decided to add another fire, stood up, bowed to the end in the carriage, and said earnestly, "if Wen Ruo is full of classics and ethics, has a hundred tricks, and plans strategies, the camp is definitely better than thousands of miles away. If I can get the help of Wen Ruo, I will be able to sweep away the world and revive the Han Dynasty again!"

"How can a great man be empty under the old mountains and forests with a worldly genius in his arms? May you take the common people in the world as your mind!"

One after another, the shells wrapped with dreams and the chicken soup poured down, that is, Xun Yu, who has always been known for seeking kindness, is also boiling with blood. I wish I could follow Liu Hao and make a career right away.

He had a good feeling for Liu haocun, and today he was saved by Liu Hao.

Look at Liu Hao\'s men, Dianwei, Lin Chong and others. All of them are brave and good at fighting.

With the help of these people, why don\'t you worry about big things!

Liu Hao stared at Xun Yu from beginning to end. Seeing that his short beard trembled slightly under his chin, he knew that the fire was almost over. He continued: "I would like to worship Wen if he is a military teacher and help the Han Dynasty together in the future!"

Thinking of Liu Hao\'s identity, he was a pure Han clan. Xun Yu, the emperor\'s uncle of the emperor, finally got up and saluted solemnly, saying: "Liu Taishou is the emperor\'s uncle and the hero of the world. You won\'t give up. I\'m willing to serve as a dog and horse!"

"Lord, please be worshipped by Xun Yu!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the loyalty of Xun Yu, the talent of the peerless adviser Wang Zuo. The current loyalty is 95."

Finally, it\'s done!

Liu Hao held Xun Yu\'s arm and couldn\'t help laughing: "I got Xun Wenruo. If King Wen got Taigong and Gaozu got Zhang Liang, I will achieve something great in the future."

"Ding, Xun Yu\'s loyalty has increased. His current loyalty is 96 and the additional reward worship value is 100 points."

Liu Hao can\'t wait to know the talents with another insight. The two special skills make Liu Hao happy!

Xun Yu, current force 61, intelligence 95, politics 96, command 78.

Stunt 1, Wang zuozhicai: when Xun Yu recognizes the Lord and his loyalty reaches full value, Xun Yu and his Lord\'s political attributes are increased by 2 points respectively.

Stunt 2, saving life:??

Intelligence and politics are super first-class. It can be regarded as recruiting a peerless counselor as a military division!

After a half ring, Xun Yu\'s mood gradually calmed down.

A top-level counselor will not maintain an excited state that is not conducive to thinking for a long time at any time.

"Lord, what are your plans in the future?"

"Not surprisingly, the world will be in chaos in March and may, and all I can do is first train the young men and women into soldiers who can fight, then wipe out the wandering thieves in Yingchuan, then recruit the young men and women into the army, expand the army, and always be ready for the king of Luoyang."

Liu Hao moved in his heart and said, "if Wen has any ideas, tell me quickly?"

Liu Hao can see this and prove that he did not pick the wrong Lord!

Xun Yu smiled and said, "Lord, you have an excellent strategic vision. You think that there will be a confluence between Shichang Shi and the general in March. Dong Zhuo will occupy Chang\'an. At that time, he will send troops to Luoyang. Lord, you can also take advantage of the situation."

Xun Yu took out a map and spread it on the table. He said solemnly, "there are thirteen states in the world, and all regions are divided and dominate. The Lord can go directly to Si Zhou Gongwei Luoyang with Yingchuan\'s strong and fierce soldiers. If you can draw chestnuts from the fire, the Lord can serve the son of heaven, and order the princes, you can win the hearts of the people."

Liu Hao felt a chill in his heart. Xun Yu thought of going with him!

You know, Liu Hao has a god perspective, while Xun Yu is out and out of wisdom.

"There are more than 10000 soldiers in Yingjun county. No matter how tough and good at fighting, he can\'t stop the 200000 tigers and wolves in Xiliang, and can\'t compete with the heavy soldiers in those towns. However, at that time, he has three strategies for the Lord to choose."

Liu Hao was delighted and asked, "since Wen Ruo has a plan, don\'t hang my appetite."

Xun Yu said with a smile, "the best policy is to follow the emperor and order the princes to take the land of secluded Hebei, swallow the Central Plains by dragons and look at the world by tigers."

Liu Hao listened to his blood, but his mind was very clear. He asked, "Liu Yu, the governor of Youzhou, is also a Han clan. There are tens of thousands of soldiers supported by Gongsun Zan, general white horse. In Hebei, Jizhou, Yuan\'s reputation is at the peak of the sun. Now I am the prefect of Yingchuan. I want to attack thousands of miles to gain the dominance of Youzhou and Hebei?"

"It\'s hard to go to heaven!".,,.