The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2660

Among the handsome accounts of the Han Army, the generals of Jiangdong Corps looked excited and rubbed their hands one after another:

"Pharmacist Li successfully intercepted the imperial secret service officer Bai Qi on the yangkui ancient road with the strategy of ambush from all sides. This is a great victory!"

"Bai Qi was transferred to help Hangu pass. Now he was defeated by yangkui ancient road in World War I. there is only Zhang Han without hair in Hangu pass. The time for Jiangdong corps to forge ahead in Hangu pass has finally come!"

"At the end of the day, as long as 30000 people, they will break Hangu pass tonight and offer the city to the secret service officers and soldiers!"

The generals of Jiangdong Legion have asked for war one after another, trying to storm Hangu pass and strive for towering feats.

Xiang Yan, dressed in armor, sat on the main seat with a golden sword, raised her hand and pressed it falsely, and asked, "what do you think of the military division of Yuanzhi?"

Xu Rong was the first counselor to assist the holy emperor. He was a strategic and talented man. He was among the seven greatest military divisions and was respected by the whole dynasty. Xiang Yan naturally attached great importance to his opinions.

The respectful eyes of the people fell on Xu Rong. Xu Rong\'s eyes flashed a clear and wise light and said, "at this time, it\'s not as good as silence. The annihilation army of Baiqi was completely destroyed, which is also a huge loss for the state of Qin. As long as the news spread, the people of the state of Qin were shocked, and then sent spies to spy into the city to build momentum with public opinion... Such a Hangu pass can be planned!"

The upper army attacked the plot and the lower army attacked the city. Attack the city to the bottom and attack the heart to the top.

This is the iron rule in the book of war. All the Great Han generals are people who know military strategy. Naturally, they understand this truth.

Xiang Yan pondered for a while and just nodded, He resolutely said: "the military division is deep in foresight, and Xiang admired it. He acted according to the military division\'s plan. The generals listened to the order, and all departments stood still. At night, they first made a public opinion offensive in the Hangu pass. As soon as the time came, they immediately sent troops to take the Hangu pass for his majesty, and made a decision to break Qin xurong. Before he finished, Xiang Yan waved her hand and laughed: "The military division is worried too much. There is no reason to die when marching and fighting. Now the government and the public in the state of Qin are shaken and the people are unstable under the influence of public opinion. What do you think when Jiangdong army is making progress?"

Yingbu, a fierce general in Jiangdong, said bluntly, "the last general is willing to be the pioneer and climb the city first!"

"Hit! Hit the fuck!"

"The Qin army was frightened, and the fight was over!"

"I want to pinch and explode the eggs of Zhanghan children!"

"Please give general Xiang 3000 troops to the end of the army and break the Hangu pass immediately!"


The generals of Jiangdong Legion roared with their chests and fought one after another.

After the killing of Baiqi in yangkui ancient road, the current situation has gradually become clear. The state of Qin has fallen into passive defense. Everyone wants to take advantage of the situation to break Hangu pass and establish immortal meritorious deeds!

"Good, good, good!"

Seeing that the morale of the army was so available, Xiang Yan raised her arm, pressed it in the air and said solemnly: "our Jiangdong Legion are all soldiers of the ancient Chu Dynasty. Since the fall to the Han Dynasty, we have received the grace of the holy emperor. We can only repay by killing ourselves. As long as we can conquer Hangu pass and open the gateway for her majesty, Xiang Yan will have no regrets even if he dies here!"

"Jiangdong children, why die!"

"Jiangdong children, why die!"

All the generals of the Chu army roared and roared one after another. The sound shook all the fields and spread all over the world.

Everyone was holding their breath and eager to prove their value in the battle of Hangu pass. Xu Rong could understand this thought and could only swallow the words that came to his mouth into his stomach with a faint sigh:

At this time, it is not the best time to attack


Three days later, Xiang Yan, the commander of Jiangdong corps, ordered the three armies to launch a fierce attack.

Looking down from the head of Hanguguan City, my heart trembled.

The dark cavalry appeared on the boundless horizon!

From a distance, it looks like a group of countless ants, coming in vast groups!

The horse\'s hooves roared, the ground began to shake, and the rolling smoke swept like a dragon!

Cavalry first, followed by siege equipment, like ancient wild beasts, slowly advancing towards Hangu pass.

Tens of thousands of fierce soldiers of Jiangdong regiment, dressed in iron armor and armed with solid shield and sword weapons, stepped on the pace of strict elimination and killing, lined up in formation and rushed forward.

Between heaven and earth, the clouds are thick, the wind is howling, and it is full of suffocating terrorist killing machines!

On the wall of Hanguguan City, the faces of the garrison generals of the Qin Dynasty all looked frightened.

The Han Army has made exploratory attacks several times, but today\'s momentum, the thunder of the three armed forces, has poured out, and has a crazy will to break through Hangu pass in World War I!


Zhang Han, the young tiger General of the Empire, took a deep breath. On his cold face, he also showed a rare dignified look and said in a deep voice: "today\'s war is not trivial."

In front of him stood a veteran with gray hair and a bright head, with a gold helmet and a gold sword hanging from his waist, with extraordinary bearing.

"This swallow will kill itself, luer."