The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2659

in an uproar!

An uproar!

All the officials in the hall looked shocked, and even some people couldn\'t help shouting!

Tu Baiqi, a man in the sun, gave the head, and 100000 God killing troops were destroyed. This shocking and complete news is afraid to shake the imperial government and the public. It is definitely a great victory!

"Today\'s execution is like cutting off the arm of the king of Qin, which is very gratifying!"

"The opportunity to turn the war around has finally appeared. If the state of Qin does not rise in vain, who can guard Hangu pass!? the morale of the Qin army in Yandi must be unstable, and major events can be accomplished!"

"The end will ask 30000 people to take advantage of the situation and go north along the Yi River, and then take Wang Jian\'s head!"

The news of the death of Tu Baiqi made the hall of the Great Han Dynasty fluctuate. Many great Han soldiers were excited and eager to fight. They wanted to immediately put on their wings and kill the battlefield north of Yishui, break through the whole Yandi battlefield for Liu Hao and take off Wang Jian\'s head!

Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it with emptiness, which immediately restored calm in the hall.

"Filial piety, what do you think?"

Guo Jia brushed the broad sleeves on both sides, bowed down and said calmly, "Baiqi\'s giving the head is a great blow to the state of Qin. I think it\'s better to be quiet at this time. I don\'t have to rush to launch a fierce attack. Just pass Baiqi to the north and wait for the people of the state of Qin to float quietly. When the war plane comes, the great event can be accomplished!"

Zhuge Liang gently shook the goose feather fan, nodded and praised: "the so-called upper army will attack the plot, and the lower army will attack the city. Attacking the city is the lower, attacking the heart is the upper, and filial piety is the great good of this plot. The death of rising in vain is bound to have a great impact on the of the state of Qin. When public opinion is brewing for a period of time, the state of Qin will have a concussion in the morale of the army. Then launch a general attack, and break the war of Qin will get twice the result with half the effort!"

"The plan of the military division is deep in my heart."

Liu Hao nodded and agreed with Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang\'s proposal.

In ancient cold weapon warfare, it is also a very important link to protect the upper morale. As long as the public opinion of white rise and fall is in place, it is enough to make the hearts of the Qin Empire tremble!

Liu Hao showed a slight arc around his mouth. At this time, he suddenly wanted to see the expression of the king of Qin replacing the blank space. Before the war, break the tiger general first, and the expression of replacing the blank space must be quite wonderful.

Killing for nothing is better than killing a million troops!

After the meeting, Liu Hao was in a good mood. He left his ministers to dinner in the palace and watched the lake in the backyard of the palace.

"It\'s a pity that this time, the six virtuous elders of the farmhouse fought to carry the coffin. It\'s sad and lamentable that all the details of the farmhouse were exhausted. However, Huang Chong secretly reported that there was still a great opportunity in the six virtuous tombs of Emperor Yan. After the world was settled, they had to go..."

At this time, a spy in the middle of the night rushed in from outside the hospital, pushed Jinshan and fell down on the jade pillar, knelt down in front of Liu Hao, and said with a fist: "inform your majesty, the giant of Mohism!"

"Six finger black man? Bring him in."

Liu Hao closed his mind, waved his hand and said.

Mohism and Confucianism are known as the two outstanding schools in the world, and their influence in the whole world is extraordinary.

The giant of this generation in the Jianghu is known as the six finger black Xia. He holds the Mexican eyebrow sword and sweeps away all the grievances in the world. He is a close friend of life and death with the peasant Xia Kui Tianguang. Prince Dan of Yan country is also a member of the Mohist family.

Before long, a dark shadow swept into the back yard of the palace.

It\'s not the first time for the six finger black Xia to deal with Liu Hao, but seeing Liu Hao again at this time, he still has a heart of heartfelt admiration.

"The grass people pay homage to the emperor!"


Liu Hao spilled the bait in his hand into the lake, which attracted a magnificent lake. He said, "what\'s the Mohist family thinking about? Are you willing to work for the dynasty?"

From Tian Guang\'s funeral, Liu Hao invited the Mohists to Wuyang city and treated them with courtesy. Needless to say, the meaning of solicitation.

The six finger black man hugged his fist and said, "thank you for your kindness, but the world is white, and I am the only black. If you don\'t attack Mohist, you should love all your life. Mozi\'s legacy is still in your ears, and you can\'t forget it."

The core purpose of Mohist school is to oppose war and advocate defense.

Liu Hao speechless glanced at the corners of his mouth and said with a light smile: "under the pouring nest, there is no end of the egg!? hundreds of schools of thought bloom together, and the Mohist school can not be used by me. Although it is a great pity, it is just to postpone the time of the rule of the Han Dynasty and experience more wars..."

Now the six finger black man is silent

Love all your life.

This life refers to the common people in the world. The Mohist school is alone in the world and does not participate in the disputes in the world, but also loves and protects the people. In fact, it is a very contradictory and passive thought

There was a half silence, and Liu Hao didn\'t give advice.

The ideological inheritance of a sect is also the inheritance of Mozi\'s spirit, which is worthy of respect.

On the contrary, the six finger black Xia took the lead in opening his mouth and broke the calm, saying: "Your Majesty, the Mohist school is hidden from the world and does not ask about military disputes, but if you can help your majesty rule the world as soon as possible without violating the principle, you should do it with your own strength!"

The secluded mechanism city of Mohist school is called the magic land outside the sky. It is the most mysterious fortress of Mohist school. It was painstakingly built by the giants of Mohist School in past dynasties for more than 300 years. It is also known as the paradise of the world.

Liu Hao knew the general plot of animation and naturally understood the cards of Mohism. At present, he took a deep look at the six finger black man, made no secret of his intention, and directly said, "I heard that Mohism has a war machine called Qinglong. Can I see it?"

"Your Majesty... How... How do you know!?"

The six finger black man looked shocked. His eyes under the mask were full of surprise and shock.

If the most abundant heritage of the farmhouse is the dize 24 array inherited by Emperor Yan of Shennong, then the ultimate secret of Mohist school is Qinglong!

This peerless war machine hidden in the mountains has incredible and terrible power. Once opened, it will destroy mountains and cities and kill amazing people!

Liu Hao Huoran got up, brushed the Dragon sleeves and said in a deep voice, "I want the green dragon to appear and wipe out the world for me. What do you think?"



Hangu pass, Jinge iron horse, corpses everywhere.

The Qin and Han Dynasties went to war. Xiang Yan, the special service officer of the Han Dynasty, led 150000 Jiangdong legions to storm Guanzhong.

Xiang Yuyong, the overlord of the Han Dynasty, was unable to be the leader. He attacked and killed dozens of Qin army generals, all the way to Hangu pass, and even the leader of the first World War killed fan Yuqi, the commander of the Qin army!

Fortunately, Hangu pass has a powerful momentum. The defense line of the pass city is continuous and overlapped. It is heavily fortified. Zhang Han, a young imperial general, is stationed there. For a while, he can make every effort to support it.