The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2547

Qi Di, on a lonely mountain.

Wu Qi, a special service officer of the Han Dynasty, is standing on the top of the mountain with a sword at his waist. His eyes are like hawks and falcons. He sweeps the map in his hand and looks at the battlefield in the distance.

The deputy general said, "the secret service officers and soldiers, the Qi army is so arrogant that the end will not bear it. When will they fight back?"

Wu Qi sneered: "let Tian Ji be rampant for a while. As long as he takes half a step into Canglong Valley, they will come, and none of them can go back!"

The map in the palm is carefully drawn at night, and all the mountains and rivers of Qi are just above it.

This Canglong Valley is one of the dangerous places.

The mountains on both sides stretch and wind like a black dragon. There is only one ancient road, which is extremely steep.

Canglong Valley is the tomb excavated by Wu Qi for 200000 Qi troops!

The Qi army pursued frantically, but although the Han army was retreating continuously, the army array was not scattered at all.

The two armies chased back and forth and chased and killed all the way to Canglong valley.

Tian Ji was a secret service officer of the state of Qi after all. When he saw the strange terrain of Canglong Valley, such as the real dragon, he was shocked and raised his hand to stop the march of the Qi army.

"This is the Canglong valley. The mountain path is rugged and difficult to walk. Only this channel can pass through..."

"Not good! The situation seems not very good..."

Thinking of the terrible place, Tian Ji was shocked into a cold sweat.

Before he gave the order to withdraw the whole army, there was a sudden killing sound like thunder in Canglong valley.



On the mountain walls on both sides of the Canglong Valley, a group of Han Army guards suddenly turned out and began to throw rolling stones and logs into the valley.

It was like thousands of powerful thunder pouring back, which immediately cut off the terrain of the whole Canglong valley.

"No! There\'s an ambush!"

"Ah! Help! My leg was broken by a rolling stone!"

"It\'s over! It\'s all over!"


The guards of the Qi army, who were still arrogant and excited, began to cry for their parents.

The rolling stone and wood made them blocked both the front and back. The Qi army was in chaos. For a moment, they trampled on each other until there were many dead.

The people in Canglong Valley roared, and the wails of the guards of the Qi army were everywhere. Tian Ji\'s eyes turned red and said, "I\'ve been tricked by the old man of Wuqi today. It\'s difficult to vent my hatred if I don\'t kill the old man!"

Tian Ji was so angry that he was about to vomit blood!

Originally, the enemy was chased and killed with great morale. In an instant, he was blocked and beaten on his own side.

The formation of more than 100000 Qi troops is scattered and difficult to form an array.

"Who dares to mess again, there is no amnesty for killing!"

Tian Ji held high his long knife and killed several scattered soldiers who broke away from the formation of the Qi army, which stopped the decline slightly.

Coldly watching the Qi army shrink the formation and begin to gather towards the Chinese army, Wu Qi flashed a fine light in his hawk like eyes.

"Han Wuzu, shoot an arrow!"

"Shoot an arrow!"

At the command, the Han soldiers pulled out their bows and crossbows and fired at the valley.

Whew, whew, whew!

The arrow fell like a snowstorm in the middle of winter!

After the first round of arrow rain, the Han soldiers in the second round immediately filled the position and continued to shoot arrows.

Tian Ji, the commander of the Qi army, was so angry that he raised his sword and scolded: "old man Wu Qi, I will kill you today!"

"But you think you can still live?"

Wu Qi looked cold and sneered.

Lead you into the urn.

When Tian Ji stepped into the ambush and killing situation set by Canglong Valley, the result of this Qi Han war was actually doomed.

Wu Qi is a person who only looks at the results. In the face of Tian Ji\'s provocation, he is too lazy to answer.

After the third round of arrow rain, there are already sorrows everywhere in Canglong valley.

Wu Qi solemnly ordered: "Han Wuzu is ready to attack. Send Tian Ji on the road."

"Han Wu is invincible!"

"Han Wu is invincible!"

Thirty thousand Han soldiers who had long been ambushed by the roadside were like wild wolves and lions, howling wildly!

While shouting, he held up his sword, weapon, halberd and other weapons to the sky!

With the heavy and orderly footsteps, for a time, the cold light blinded the sun and the murderous spirit rushed into the sky!

Dianqing, who was like an iron tower, rushed to the front with two bronze halberds in his hands, waved like a wheel and said with a grim smile, "those who block me will die!"

Copper skin and iron bone, knives and weapons can\'t enter!

The long ge of the guard of the Qi army cut Dianqing\'s body, but he couldn\'t even leave a mark.

"Hiss! Is this man a monster!!?"

"I can\'t kill him at all!"

Qi Qi, the guard of Qi army, took a breath, and everyone was shocked. Where have they seen such a terrible person!?

Knives, weapons, arrows and sharp edges can hardly hurt Dianqing.

However, Dianqing rushed into the array like a fierce tiger down the mountain. The bronze halberd in his palm kept waving and chopping, and the vigorous Qi force ran away, cutting the guards of the Qi army in front of him in two.

The soldiers rushed out of the tower with their feet as strong as the army.


In the crazy roar, the chariot of Qi was cut in half by Dianqing halberd!

The broken wood, mud and dust flew in disorder. The Qi soldiers on the carriage cracked their liver and gall, rolled under the car and were trampled to death by the subsequent guards.

On the battlefield, human life will be like grass mustard, and ashes will disappear between the fingers!



Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Wu Qi successfully killed the secret service official of the state of Qi by luring the enemy. It is forbidden to stay in Canglong valley. This war is very important. The additional reward and worship value is 50000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, the Han Wu soldiers have broken the Qi army, and the battle of Canglong Valley has been a great victory!"

"Congratulations to the host. Dianqing attacked the Canglong valley. He was brave and unparalleled. He killed the Qi army leader Tian Ji. The additional reward worship value was 3000 points and the additional reward was Wulin stone * 1!"


"Dianqing is really a fierce general!"

Liu Hao couldn\'t help admiring.

In the sea of consciousness, there has emerged a magnificent scene in which the grand ceremony with a majestic body like a hill burst into the thousands of troops, and then the tiger jumped up and cut its head with a halberd.

Despite Dian\'s surname, Dian Qing is somewhat similar to Dian Jiang. If they know each other, they may become close friends.

The Qi army has won several battles in succession. From top to bottom, they forget themselves and are arrogant. The battle of Canglong Valley gave the Qi army a hard slap!