The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2546

In history, Baiqi can be called the first fierce general in the Warring States period.

He had insight into the fighters and didn\'t give Zhao Kuo, a famous young general of the LAN Kingdom, a chance at all. The senior administrator of the tiger and Wolf of the Qin army drove straight in and completely penetrated the Changping battlefield!

Baiqi also killed 400000 Zhao soldiers alive, which gave rise to the reputation of Yangjian human slaughter.

"The comprehensive national strength of LAN state is still inferior to that of Qin state. There are also treacherous officials in China. How can there be an invincible reason for the war of Changping?"

Han Fei and Zhang Liang have surprisingly consistent views on this matter, and both believe that Lan Guo cannot reverse the war.

"But fortunately, Bai Yifei\'s 100000 border troops did not suffer any loss. Hundreds of thousands of people in Shangdang County poured into the Han area to enrich the population, and won eight thousand war horses in LAN country in vain... No matter how calculated, I won\'t lose anything."

A slight radian appeared at the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth.

Han Fei raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Your Majesty smiles like an old fox."

"You came up with this idea. You are also a little fox."

The relationship between Liu Hao and Han Fei was very casual and joked with a smile.

Zhang Liang said, "Your Majesty, don\'t you personally press the central army? General Wu Qi has led Han Wu soldiers into Qi. This war is about your Majesty\'s March bet."

Liu Hao said calmly, "in this war to destroy Qi, YAN Dan\'s Yanguo rode to the west of Jishui to contain Qi army, which is tantamount to cutting the battlefield of Qi into two pieces."

"What\'s more, I have Wu Qi, a special service officer. When the soldiers of Han and Wu fight against the weak Qi army, they will be greatly surprised. I don\'t need to fight this war."

The sharpness of Han Wu soldiers, even Liu Hao, who has always been picky, can\'t find anything wrong.

In particular, Wu Qi\'s military strategist Yasheng\'s power, the Han soldiers under his command, attached several Legion auras, superimposed with each other, and their combat power is incomparably strong.

At this time, the scouts in the army rushed in from the outside, hugged their fists and shouted, "tell your majesty, the secret service army Wu Qi has fought with the Qi army, and general Wu Qi led the army to retreat ten miles."

Zhang Liang and Han Fei looked at each other, slapped and said with a smile: "Congratulations, your majesty, the great event has been completed!"

The Han Army scout who sent the order was a little confused and thought to himself, "what are the two prime ministers doing? Wu Qi\'s Secret Service officers and soldiers were not good at the first battle, but they also touched their hands and laughed?"

"If you take it in advance, you must give it in advance."

"General Wu Qi has insight into the hearts of the people and is cautious in his use of troops. Although the Qi army\'s chief General Tian Ji is a special service officer of the state of Qi, he is a violent man. After winning the first battle, he will be arrogant and must send troops to pursue. If he wants to take advantage of the situation to expand the results of the war, general Wu Qi has a back hand. When he comes to the dangerous pass, he will ambush the Qi army immediately and intercept the Qi army by the road, so that he can complete his skills in one battle ..”

Zhang Liang talked with a smile.

Liu Hao also nodded, not taking the defeat of the former army to heart.

Under the supreme aura, the morale of the Han army will never fluctuate too much.

Wu Qi is like the most experienced hunter. At this time, he set a trap and is gradually luring Tian Ji into the trap.


On the Bank of Jishui.

Tian Jizheng, the special service officer of the state of Qi, led the Qi army to march towards the West.

Tian Ji integrated more than 200000 Qi troops in the shortest time. At this time, the military array gathered in a mighty manner, the Qi flag fluttered in the wind, and the queue was like a long dragon.


A scout of the Qi army galloped from a distance, hugged his fist on the horse and said, "I inform you, general, the Han army retreated more than ten miles, and our army captured countless baggage."

"OK! Hit the fucking dog!"

"Daqi, who dares to provoke the secret service officers and soldiers to take charge, really doesn\'t know how to write the dead word!"

"The secret service officers and soldiers are brilliant and use their troops like gods!"


In the Qi army, it was like boiling water frying the pot, and suddenly boiling.

All the people are rubbing their hands and eager to give birth to wings immediately, pursue and kill them and win meritorious deeds.

"Explore again!"

Tian Ji raised his whip and sneered: "I want to know the exact location of Wu Qi, the main general of the Han army. I will kill him in the first war!"


The Scouts of the Qi army boldly took orders and left.

At this time, behind the Qi army, a cavalry rushed up and shouted, "general! The military division has a brocade bag, let the general open it!"

Tian Ji looked slightly moved. He still admired Sun Bin\'s wisdom. At that moment, he took the brocade bag handed over by the messenger and opened it, but he smiled.

The left and right departments asked, "why does the general laugh?"

Tian Ji said: "the military division has never been to the battlefield in person. I don\'t know what the specific situation is. I just want the general to be careful of the ambush of the Han army. Wu Qi is old and can\'t use his knife. What is there to be afraid of when he is defeated in Lien Chan?"

"General Wu Qi and other famous generals become famous as stepping stones. In the future, the names of soldiers will move eight tables."

The generals of the Qi army laughed at the speech.

In their view, Wu Qi, a special service officer of the Han Dynasty, will definitely become a strategist\'s joke when he sets out to fight in the state of Qi and is defeated in a row.

The cavalry said, "general, the military division once said that if the general refused to listen, half of the Qi army would stay in the south of Jishui and help each other in attack and defense. This is the king\'s order..."

"Since it\'s the king\'s order..."

Tian Ji waved his hand casually and said, "then you should obey, and then leave 100000 people to camp and build a stronghold in Jishui south."

After arranging the soldiers and horses left behind, Tian Jiqiang pulled out his knife and shouted, "all the generals listen to the order and follow our general to rush after the Han army. I\'ll bring Wu Qi\'s head to the king!"


"Take Wu Qi\'s head!"

"Take Wu Qi\'s head!"

Jishui was dark, and suddenly there was a crazy roar.

The Qi army won several games in a row. From top to bottom, it was a little floating. It didn\'t treat the Han Army as a person at all and began to chase and kill madly.

The Han Army did not resist at all, and left an unknown number of clothes, armor and baggage along the way, which made the Qi army more and more excited.

After chasing for more than ten miles, Qi army secret service official Tian Ji laughed wildly on Horseback: "old Wu Qi, dare you go crazy!?"

"The land of the state of Qi can\'t be rampant, you old man! Now the general of Dongzhou will take your head!"

The Qi army shouted wildly, with great momentum.
