The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2531


Changping Jun originally wanted to say something else, but when the words came to his mouth, he finally swallowed them.

Qin Liang, who stood beside the king of Qin, caught a glimpse of the face of Changping Jun from the corner of his eyes, and a smile of conspiracy succeeded hung from the corner of his mouth.



After the great Qin Cang Congress dispersed, the ministers dispersed one after another.

Changping Jun was alone, his hands folded in his wide sleeves and walked through the palace, but his feet were heavy, as if he had something else in mind.

Suddenly, a burst of strange laughter came to my ears: "please stop, Mr. Changping."

Mr. Changping looked sideways and saw the shadow of Qin Liang\'s Yin charm flash up. He frowned and said, "it\'s the commander of CRRC mansion. I don\'t know what\'s important to find Xiong Qi?"

Qin Liang said with a smile, "congratulations to Changping. Your offer has been adopted by the king."

Mr. Changping said calmly, "Your Majesty is wise. How dare Xiong Qi take credit for it? If there\'s nothing wrong, I\'ll leave first."

Mr. Changping made great progress, but he was always alone in the court of the state of Qin. He never formed a party for personal gain, which is also the reason why he trusted him.

Qin Liang said, "but the king has made difficulties in the selection of envoys to the country. What does Changping Jun think about it?"

Changping Jun stepped and looked at Qin Liang.

Qin Liang then said, "I\'d like to propose to the king that Changping king be sent to the state of Yu. What does Changping King think?"

Between the eyes of Changping Jun, the fine awn bloomed and said with a smile, "what does Lord Qin Liang mean?"

"Mr. Changping should know that some time ago, the snare failed in Xinzheng?"

"Yes, so what?"

"The snare is a heavy weapon of the Empire. It has never been missed. This action has become a disgrace. I will make the emperor of Han pay the price of bleeding!"

Qin Liang\'s cold eyes were full of killing opportunities. "It\'s better for us to cooperate. As long as the head of the emperor of the Han Dynasty and Mr. Changping has deep contacts in the state of Yu, he will be able to make great achievements and show his ambition with this mission."

After the capture of xuanjian, the Tianzi killer of the snare, he turned his back on the Empire and took refuge in the big man.

This is undoubtedly beating Qin Liang\'s face hard.

If anyone in the world hates Liu Hao, Qin Liang is definitely in the top three.

Changpingjun is also a personal genius. He vaguely understood Qin Liang\'s mind and was relieved. He thought Qin Liang saw his real intention.

"Hehe, there are so many masters of the snare. The Zhongche mansion ordered the Lord to assassinate. It\'s enough to send out the master of the snare. I have low martial arts and can\'t help."

Looking at the hesitation of Changping Jun, Qin Liang smiled and said, "I heard that Changping Jun and the peasant Xia Kui are close friends. If a peasant expert enters the game and Changping Jun goes to the state of Yu, it\'s up to me."

After a pause, Qin Liang looked into Changping Jun\'s eyes and said, "those who have achieved great things must not have the benevolence of women!"

"It\'s a deal!"

"Then... Qin Liang is waiting for your good news."



After a secret discussion with Qin Liang, Mr. Changping returned to the house.

He shut himself up in his study alone and couldn\'t go out.

"Qin Liang is like a poisonous snake. He is insidious and cunning. If the net is in this person\'s hand, there will be future trouble. If you have a chance, you should kill him."

"However, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, who carries on the great fortune of heaven and earth and even destroys the two countries, is as powerful as a dragon in the nine skies. My green dragon plan has been planned for a long time. I have calculated all six countries and must not fail because of him! To rise in the world and set foot in the Central Plains, I also need this man\'s blood to sacrifice the flag!"

In this summer\'s hall, he offered suggestions to unite the state of Yu to contain the state of Han. Naturally, Changping Jun had thoughts.

In the end, he is still the son of the state of Yu.

Now the king of Chu is in critical condition. As long as he can get out of the cage of the state of Qin and return to the state of Yi in the name of envoy, he will be the next king of Chu!

Therefore, it is also the force of the times to make such a deal with Qin Liang.

Mr. Changping stared at the bamboo slips before the case, raised his pen several times, put it down again, and his mind changed: "it\'s urgent to contact Tian Guang as soon as possible. As long as the farmers succeed, the army of Kuo Tenglong, shadow tiger and thunder leopard will attack Wancheng County immediately, and the big event can be settled!"



Liu Hao, who was busy dealing with military affairs in Daliang City, didn\'t know that he had become the center of the court of the state of Qin.

Xinlingjun Wei Wuji took the lead in serving the Han Dynasty and set up a benchmark for the old ministers of the state of Xi.

First clean up a group of the imperial court forces of the state of Sheung, and then win over a group of the old ministers of the state of Sheung. Everything is naturally on track.

Liu Hao ordered feicuihu to be responsible for the preparation of Han Wuzu, and great progress has also been made.

The jadeite tiger, regardless of his personality, has a considerable efficiency. In just a few days, I don\'t know where to raise a large number of well-made heavy armor and Long Ge.

Wu Qi, the special service officer and army, began to train Hanwu soldiers. Liu Hao came out to inspect Hanwu soldiers and was also very satisfied with the training results.

The strategist Yasheng has no way to be picky about his means of running the army.

Originally, it could only be regarded as an ordinary young soldier, who was scattered and reorganized from various legions, but after Wu Qi\'s iron blood training, the team has been strictly organized, advancing and retreating as one.

The most important thing is that the mental outlook of these Han soldiers has undergone a fundamental change.

When Liu Hao looked at Han Wu\'s death, it was like seeing a group of bloodthirsty wolves, ready to bite people at any time.

It is conceivable that this defense force, which is all composed of powerful men, will sweep the battlefield and shock the seven countries with an invincible posture of iron and blood in the near future.



The peasant family was the most powerful faction of the hundred schools of thought in the Warring States period.

There are hundreds of thousands of peasant disciples all over the world. Among the hundreds of schools, only Mohism can match it.

The farm forces are divided into six halls: Kui Kui hall, Lieshan hall, Shennong hall, Chiyou hall, Siyue hall and Gonggong hall. On top of these six halls, a chivalrous leader is elected as the top manager of the farm.

At this time, Xia Kui Tian Guang and the other six hall leaders had gathered in front of the six sages Tomb of Emperor Yan.

If such a battle is released, I\'m afraid it will shock the Jianghu.

Xia Kui Tian Guang is a tough and majestic middle-aged man. His face is full of righteousness and his eyes face the front, full of concern for the country and the people.

"Xia Kui, is it too exciting to go to the state of Han this time?"

Tian Meng, the leader of the martyr mountain hall, took the lead in saying: "yes, the six hall leaders gathered together. This has not happened for many years. What is the purpose of this action?"