The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2532

"That\'s good. Please tell me."

In the six halls, some people also asked one after another.

Tian Guang raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness and said in a slow voice: "do you know that the state of Han conquered Xinzheng in World War I, thus destroying the state of Xinluo, and then destroyed the state of Xi in a short month. At that time, seven countries dominated the world, and now two countries have been destroyed one after another..."

Situ Wanli, the leader of the four mountains hall, squinted and said, "what does Xia Kui mean?"

Tian Guang said, "the emperor of the Han Dynasty is a hero in troubled times. If his mind is not right, he will bring disaster to ordinary people in the future. I am entrusted by my old friend to meet him for a while."

Everyone was awed.

Xia Kui\'s meaning is obvious.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty rose like a comet and has been at the height of the sun. If he is cruel and violent, he should act on behalf of heaven and get rid of it as soon as possible.

With a mask on his face, the Zhu family of shennongtang asked, "the peasant family has never participated in the disputes between the dynasties and halls of various countries. Xia Kui\'s proposal..."

Tian Guang raised his hand and pressed it. He said, "this is the general trend of the world. It\'s not a child\'s play. It\'s more foolproof. So he issued the Shennong order and invited all brothers. The emperor of the Han Dynasty is escorted by vertical and horizontal swordsmen. He also has unpredictable means. When necessary, he can use dize to trap the enemy."

Tian Hu, a fierce peasant general, said with a smile: "if you dare to be the emperor in troubled times, you must have some skills in your hand. But why should Xia Kui make a big fuss? You can take him directly with a leader of Chiyou hall disciples!"

Tian Guangshen said in a deep voice, "it\'s hard to say whether it\'s a friend or an enemy at present. Now we have received reliable news from our disciples that the state of Sheung has been destroyed, and the Qi army has attacked cities and occupied land in the state of Sheung. The emperor of Han Dynasty is personally in charge of Daliang city. All cousins can stay here."

"Subordinates, yes!"


After the xiakui meeting dispersed, the people in the six halls dispersed separately.

Tian Meng returned to his residence with the people of his Kui hall and began to tidy up his clothes.

As soon as Shennong\'s order is issued, the six halls of the farmhouse are full of talents. The experts of Lieshan hall are also gearing up for a big fight.

Under the solitary lamp, the bright candle light danced.

Hall leader Tian Meng holds a heavy sword in his hand and rubs the blade with his broad palm, like a knife. Under his thick eyebrows, the tiger\'s eyes flash.

"In troubled times, when all the Heroes rise together, it is the time for the big husband to establish his achievements. How can the farmhouse not occupy a place in it?"

There is no doubt that Tian Meng, the leader of the farm\'s martyr mountain hall, is an owl unwilling to hibernate.


Just then, a pretty little girl came out of the back hall of the house.

The little girl is only a teenager. She is wearing a white skirt and a plain white fox fur on her shoulders. She is unspeakably beautiful and moving.

When Tian Meng saw the little girl, he nodded and said, "ah Yan, why are you here? How\'s ah Chi\'s sword practice?"

"I\'ve seen my father. I\'m gifted. My martial arts skills enter the country thousands of miles a day. I dare not delay one day. My father can rest assured."

Tian Yan bowed and said, "I seem to see Lord Xia Kui today?"

Tian Meng squeezed out a smile from the corner of his mouth and said, "Xia Kui issued the Shennong order. The farmer\'s disciples dare not obey it. My father will go away soon. You should strictly supervise at home and practice sword. Don\'t relax all day, otherwise when my father comes back, be careful of his skin!"

Tian Yan hung his head and said, "father, Lord Xia Kui spent a lot of effort to gather all the six rural halls from all over the country for this action. What kind of action is this?"

"This girl only saw the clue from this detail!?"

Tian Meng jumped in his heart and took a silent look at the daughter called a demon by the farmers. Tian Yan naturally has a strange insight into the conspiracy layout.

Therefore, chivalrous Kui Tian Guang once praised her for her extraordinary talent. She emerged as an outstanding figure at a young age and can be a peasant woman Guan Zhong in the future.

Tian Meng naturally knew that his daughter\'s demons were extraordinary. He hesitated and said, "Yan, have you ever heard of the Great Han Emperor?"

"It is said in the Jianghu that the emperor of the Han Dynasty was born by the luck of heaven and earth. Once he rose in Xueyi castle, he subdued the Marquis of the snow coat, deterred 100000 white armour troops, and then attracted 100000 troops to attack Xinluo king duxinzheng at night. The world was determined by the first World War. This war was praised by Wei xuanzi, a soldier and Legalist of the state of Qin as the extreme of military deception."

After a pause, Tian Yanmei\'s eyes filled with waves, and continued: "not long ago, the emperor of Han sent messengers to subdue the king of Qi Xiang. The two countries worked together to swallow all the land of the state of shea with the force of thunder... Only an unparalleled hero like the emperor of Han is qualified to let Lord Xia Kui summon six halls and deploy this action?"

Tian Meng was speechless after analyzing so many secrets only from the details.

Tian Yan said, "but did your father ever think about what the farmer would be in if this action failed?"

"Ah Yan, you really don\'t have enough experience in the Jianghu."

Tian Meng glared and said, "the emperor of Han Dynasty is the biggest variable in the world. This time, not only the Xia Kui, but also the giants of Mohist school are out of the mountain. The six halls of the farmhouse have all the experts and have the strength to overthrow a country. Although the Emperor of Han Dynasty is a great figure, how can he be an opponent?"

"Even the Mohists have come to wade in this muddy water?"

Tian Yan\'s heroic Xiumei took a pick and said, "my father, now in the troubled times and Warring States period, the state of Han is threatening to destroy the prosperity of the two countries. Just as in the middle of the day, farmers rashly participate in the deer competition game, which must offend the emperor of Han and may affect the overall situation in the future. Is this a matter for discussion?"

"The Mohist School and the peasant school agreed on this action. You are a little girl. What do you know about the general trend?"

Tian Meng sneered: "the emperor of Han Dynasty is just domineering for a while. If this action is successful, the future situation will be of great benefit to farmers."

Only when the world is chaotic enough, can we have the opportunity to dominate. Tian Meng has great ambition and wants the world to be chaotic immediately.

"The seven kingdoms in troubled times, known as the seven heroes, are actually nothing more than the Qin and Han Dynasties. If the emperor of the Han Dynasty wins the world in the future, the farmer\'s business today will lead to the fruits in the future..."

Tian Yan glanced at Tian Meng, who was determined to go his own way. After all, he didn\'t say anything. He just bowed and said, "in that case, take care of your father, and Tian Yan quit."