The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2452

Maintaining this state of flowing divine consciousness and no leakage of Qi, I don\'t know how long later, Liu Hao suddenly felt a suffocation of his mind and felt a majestic and abundant breath.

In this strange space, even the bright starlight was swallowed and annihilated.

All that remains is cold and darkness.

Like a wild wild beast in ancient times, staring at itself in endless darkness.

Liu Hao felt the bitter cold with his immortal body. It seemed that this cold came from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, God knew the Dragon talisman in the sea and began to shake for no reason.

"That\'s... What!?"

Liu Hao held his breath and stared at the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor.

After the supreme nine robberies and promotion to immortality, the emperor of heaven Longtong has also undergone some miraculous changes. The purple and golden light flows between his eyes and understands everything.

Long eyes, through the endless darkness, finally stagnated, Liu Hao was thrilled!

I saw nine behemoths motionless, as if they had been there since ancient times, making people feel endless desolation and eternity.

So That\'s nine dragon corpses!

It is the same as the real dragon in ancient myths and legends.

Each dragon corpse is 100 meters long, like molten iron, full of shocking force.

The nine dragon corpses are all black dragons with five claws. In addition to the glittering and translucent dragon horns and purple light, the whole body of the dragon is black with black light, and the scales are flashing a little mysterious brilliance in the dark.

Liu Hao practiced the Internal Classic of the Yellow Emperor, absorbed the Qi of China, and condensed nine real dragons with dragon talisman.

But after all, it has just conquered Xiaoqian world. The lucky real dragon is only more than ten meters long. Compared with the nine dragon corpses up to 100 meters, it is a small Witch to see a big witch!

Forced to suppress the shock of his mind, Liu Hao saw that the nine dragon corpses seemed to be under some strange traction and were flying towards him along the mysterious track.

Suddenly, ignoring space and time, nine dragon corpses had arrived in front of him and floated in the air.

Liu Hao\'s pupil contracted suddenly.

This scene is too shocking.

The nine dragon corpses were tied with a thick black iron rope at the end of the bowl, and connected to the dark space behind the nine dragon corpses, where a 20 meter long bronze coffin was quietly hung.

The giant rope is made of strange material, thick, long and strong.

The bronze giant coffin is ancient and simple. There are some fuzzy ancient patterns on it, which is full of the vicissitudes of years. I don\'t know how many years it has existed.

This shocking scene made him sound the classic scene in a novel he had read in his previous life.

Kowloon pull coffin!

Jiulong pull coffin, which has existed since ancient times, exudes strange temptation in this bronze ancient coffin and leads Liu Hao forward.


Just before reaching the ancient bronze coffin, the ancient bronze coffin opened automatically, and Liu Hao was suddenly surprised.

He became an immortal and invincible, but he still felt unpredictable in the face of the ultimate existence in ancient myths.

After all, I couldn\'t resist my curiosity. I looked ahead and found that there was an inner coffin in the bronze ancient coffin.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounds:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Seeing the coffin pulled by Jiulong triggered the next task of the secret of the seven nights of the green dragon - Emperor Changsheng Road!"

Emperor Changsheng said: Land gods, break the void!

The immortal\'s body, which has lived for thousands of years, will eventually be extinct. The host has embarked on an Immortal Emperor\'s road under the guidance of the green dragon Qisu. Please climb the Jiulong coffin and the Zhongqian world!

"The Immortal Emperor said," is there really longevity in the world? "

Liu Hao calmly stepped into the huge bronze coffin and began to meditate.

Ordinary people can prolong their life by practicing martial arts. When they reach the great master of martial arts, Shouyuan can last for at least hundreds of years, but it doesn\'t mean they won\'t die.

In the hall of the God of war, the shining white bones, at least the accomplishments of the great master, may be the land gods.

The road to immortality is hard. If you stop, you will eventually be cut off by years.

Liu Hao\'s martial arts heritage is too strong. It is definitely much stronger than ordinary human immortals, but Liu Hao has a subtle feeling in his heart that the time limit for human immortals still exists.

This strange feeling can\'t be described in words. Only the strong who have really reached the realm of man and fairy will have it.

In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor and others were also the pride of the times, but Liu Hao didn\'t listen to who could really live forever.

The Immortal Emperor\'s way is eternal.

This is also a feat that no one can do.


Liu Hao resolutely walked into the bronze giant coffin, and the outer coffin was miraculously closed.

The environment inside is dark and can\'t see five fingers, but it\'s wide.

Liu Hao runs the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor. He can see everything in the dark, but he can\'t see through the emptiness and reality in the inner coffin. He just instinctively feels that the inner coffin contains great danger.

This feeling is the same as what I felt in the God of war hall.

Mysterious, vast and great.

If Liu Hao had not reached the realm of immortals, he might have been affected by the bronze ancient coffin and couldn\'t kneel up.



"High mountains turn into deep valleys, and the sea turns into mulberry fields. The withering and flourishing of summer and winter, the rise and fall of the country, and people\'s life and death are really mysterious..."

The old man with white hair and beard sat in front of the chessboard and sighed: "Han Fei, you just asked, what is the power that surpasses mortals to control destiny in the world?"

Han Fei, a young man in blue, bowed and said, "please give me your advice."

The old man smiled and sighed, "ten years can see the passing of spring and autumn, and a hundred years can prove birth, old age and death. A thousand years can sigh the change of dynasties, and ten thousand years can see the change of stars."

"Now the sages are gone. I only know a few words from the books left by the sages. In fact, I don\'t know what that power is..."

"But that power must exist!"

Han Fei looked up at the starry sky. The bright starlight fell on his handsome face. There was a gentle charm. He murmured: "the heaven and earth are dark and yellow, the universe is vast and infinite... If ordinary people use one day\'s vision to peep into the heaven and earth for millions of years, is it like a frog at the bottom of a well?"

After a pause, Han Fei suddenly asked, "teacher, do you know the seven nights of the green dragon?"